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Remarriage His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 213
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Chapter 213 

Lucas felt as if he had a headache. “Please don‘t get me wrong. That‘s not what I mean. I just feel that you have

been trapped in this house for so many years. Now that you are in your later years, you don‘t have to stay here for


This was the first time Rebecca had heard Lucas say such sweet things to her. Rebecca‘s eyes turned red. “You

don‘t have to worry about me. I‘m doing well.” 

Rebecca was numb to many things now. She wished nothing but the best for her children. 

Lucas knew Rebecca was stubborn and didn‘t want to say anything more. “Take care of yourself. I‘ll mind my own


“Okay, then come back to eat more often when you have time.” 

“I see.” 

Lucas responded and turned to leave. 

Despite what he said, Lucas actually didn‘t want to come back even if he had time. 

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Rebecca was not the reason. It was just the Thomas family was like a cage to Lucas. 

Too depressing. Too suffocating. 

Rebecca saw Lucas off. She gazed at his back for quite some time before she wiped her tears off. 

Rebecca walked out and Dwayne came over. “Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Justin Thomas wants to talk to you.” 

Rebecca paused. “I got it.” 

Rebecca knew what Justin wanted to say. But she was too timid to fight back against Justin. Even if Justin wanted to

take Louis‘ mistress and that woman‘s son into the family, she would have to agree. 

“I know, Dad.” 

No matter what Justin said, that was Rebecca‘s only reply. 

Justin felt disgusted. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples. “Forget it. You may leave now.” 

Justin wondered why everyone around him seemed dissatisfactory. 

Rebecca nodded and turned to leave the study. 

However, Justin‘s words continued to linger in her mind. “Rebecca, you have been married to our family for forty

years. I have always treated you.well. Those words just now were just words of anger. The Thomas family, in the

end, will still be handed over to Lucas. You are his mother, and you should try talking reason into him more often.” 

Rebecca couldn‘t tell whether Justin was telling the truth. 

Lucas didn‘t know much about Louis‘ mistress and that bastard boy. But Rebecca did. 

She didn‘t look into that herself. Olivia told her. 

The other boy was a few years younger than Lucas. Louis kept that boy from sight. Nobody knew how he looked. 

Louis did that because he was afraid of Rebecca‘s parents. But now that Rebecca‘s family was getting worse and

worse, Louis became bolder and bolder. 

Rebecca heard from Olivia that five or six years ago, Louis had sent the child abroad for further studies. Rebecca

did not know if the boy was back. 

Rebecca thought it was not an accident that Justin knew about the child. 

When Max was still alive, there would be no surprise about the inheritance of the Thomas family, but with Max‘s

death, things had changed: Lucas was not obedient to Justin, after all. 

Louis might be planning something, too. Rebecca felt a little uneasy at the thought, but she couldn‘t tell why. 

Usually, she would go to Olivia when she encountered such a situation, but now, Olivia became very downhearted

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because she had to leave LA. 

Rebecca had to return to her room. 

The next day, Jessica woke up in the morning and found that there were more rumors about her online. 

A certain netizen vowed that Jessica and Lucas had definitely gotten back together because last week, she had

seen Justin at the airport in New York. 

Justin had such a great age. He even got into the hospital in the middle of the night a few days ago. With such a

poor health condition, Justin still went to New York by himself. So he must have been there for something


Coincidentally, that netizen happened to live in an apartment near the Hall‘s villa. When she went home, her car

followed behind Justin‘s car. She saw with her own eyes that Justin‘s car went directly into the Hall‘s villa after

coming out of the airport. 

The netizen provided the photos taken all along the way. But the photos failed to show what happened inside the


After all, the high–end villa that the Hall family lived in was not something ordinary people like her could enter. She

also did not know the people living inside, so she could only stop at the gate. 

But Justin visited the Hall family. It must be for Lucas and Jessica. What else could his trip be for?