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Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 288: The Risha sister’s changes
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It's not that the queen didn't pay Daimon's group attention earlier, she did inspect Horals and was surprised to notice she couldn't see past through his armor, but then he didn't hide his strength as a middle stage Arch rank, though she calculated he was far stronger than what his realm suggested.

What really weirded her out, was that woman hiding in the silver haired kid's shadow, she a Half Stellar expert wouldn't have noticed her existence, if not for the fact that her head peeked out just to teach Ralph a lesson.

Mellie doubted for a second before saying.

"Ah, right, there was this strange pillar of white flames, that suddenly raised when he came out of that ice dome… mom's pendant reacted for a split of a second".

A strange glow flashed through Annete's eyes; she dragged her little sister along with her towards the other side of the mansion.

"Oh, really, come with older sister, we'll have a nice sisterly conversation~".

Mellie bitterly smiled seeing her sister being clingy with her, but she didn't resist knowing Annete was still afraid from the little brush she had with death… or an even worse fate.

While Mellie and Annete went to the main rooms to discuss some things, the head maid Martha brought Daimon and the girls to the guest area of the mansion.

"We have arrived, would you please tell how many rooms do you need?", asked Martha with a polite voice.

Daimon turned to see the Risha sisters before saying.

"Do you three want a room for each or are you sharing one?".

"One is fine, we feel more comfortable staying together", said Leslie, the three sisters even share a dorm back at the academy, so they are used to see the other around.

"We need two rooms".

The maid nodded, she took out a couple of blue keys from her pocket and handed one each to Daimon and Leslie.

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"When you are ready just ring the service bell, if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask", the head maid bowed as she excused herself.

Daimon who was still wearing the hollow suit, noticed the Risha sisters stealing some gazes at him and he chuckled.

"Come in you three, I have some things I need to discuss with you".

The Risha sisters smiled and then quickly entered Daimon's room as if they were afraid others would see them, earning some laughs from Aisha.

Daimon closed the door behind of him, and then turned around just to see four girls intensely staring at him.

"Ahem, have a seat you three", said Daimon as he pointed at a couch which was positioned in front of the bed.

In the meantime, Daimon took out the mask from the hollow suit and timed it with the effect of the bracelet of the god of mischief, to change his hair back to its usual black inked color.

Earlier when he came out of the trial from the lineage temple, the ink was washed away just like when he uses core synchrony, but he didn't mind since he was using the hollow suit anyway, and the mission asked him to complete it in a way that others wouldn't know he is the owner of the system, to not let Adam or Marcus realize they weren't the only system users.

The Risha sisters saw Daimon returning to "normal" after he took out that mask and they had "curiosity" written all over their faces.

"It's a bit hard to explain, but the simplified version is that with this disguise I don't need to worry about consequences for some of the things I need to do in this magic ruin, originally I didn't need it… because there weren't going to be witnesses left once, I finished, but things have changed".

"I can't explain too much about it, but if you feel uncomfortable feel free to tell me and I won't hold it against you if you want to go separate ways".

The Risha sisters exchanged some gazes before they smiled.

"You won't get rid of us so easily~", Leslie stuck her tongue at Daimon, as she answered.

"Our determinations aren't so fragile, when you feel you can tell us, we'll be here for you, just like you helped us when we needed it", Yvonne nodded agreeing with Leslie.

"Mm", Liliana limited to make a soft sound of confirmation, but the stubbornness in her eyes, made it clear that she won't leave no matter what.

Aisha couldn't help but smile.

'Give it up darling, these three won't go anywhere… I'm not saying you need to open up right now, but give them a chance, I think they have proved to be worthy of that~', she said through the mental connection.

Daimon chuckled.

'We'll see how things go, I will talk with their mothers once we leave this place, I don't want to get their hopes high, just for them to feel devastated once they know about my large "family", also I don't know if the notice will affect them negatively, as they seem to be positively affected when I'm around now'.

Originally Daimon didn't expect for the Risha sisters to become so close to him, in a matter of days, he didn't want to take advantage of the changes their lineages brought to them, so he has kept things pretty chill between them, but it's obvious they have grown comfortable with him, to the point that they didn't even hesitate to enter his room without even asking why.

Not like he would do anything to them, but it was still a reminder that they were a bit overwhelmed by the sudden changes in their bodies.

Daimon was suddenly hit by a realization.

"Now that I think about it, Lili, when I finished my meditation, I noticed the ice was reinforced one more time, are you okay?".

He shared his mana with her prior to his training, but she used them one more time after that, it hasn't been that long since she was in a critical state, so he was worried that she might be putting too much stress in her mana circuits or overexerting her magic core, a crack in any of those was no joke after all.

Liliana blushed, she was happy that she was worried about her, but she had to bite the bullet and tell him about their little discovery.

"I… we discovered we can store the mana you lent to us, as an extra besides our reserves for later usage".

In a rare occasion this time Daimon was the one to get surprised by them, exceeding one's reserves is something unheard off, even he was no exception, he had to refill his reserves from what was stored in his magic core, when they were empty if he wanted to keep using spells, but in their case, it was as if they had two reserves instead of one.

"Can you show me?", said Daimon as he extended his hand towards Liliana, this was something worth studying, specially as it could be a lifesaver in a dire situation, since with his mana they could use their wings without getting tired, something that didn't happen when they drank mana replenishing potions.

"Ahem, didn't we agree it was my turn?", before Liliana could answer, Yvonne stood up and grabbed Daimon's hand.

Liliana pouted but she didn't say anything, the only one that has yet to experience using Daimon's mana to use her wings is Yvonne after all.

Yvonne felt a warm comfortable sensation in her heart as Daimons mana flowed towards the mana circuits in her back.

Daimon used his infinity eyes to watch through the whole process, and was surprised to see they had an extra set of mana circuits compared to their mothers, they were also double the size of the normal ones, and had different colors to the regular ones, black, light blue and orange/red respectively.

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"Mmm… Daimon, I'm already at my limit", Yvonne's shy voice woke Daimon out of her daze.

"Sorry, Yvi", Daimon let go of Yvonne's hand and she immediately used her legacy spell, a beautiful pair of black feathered wings appeared on her back, reaching a wingspan of about four meters in total, taking Daimon by surprise.

"Is it me, or they are bigger now?", he asked.

Yvonne looked at her wings and she was surprised, they were indeed larger than before, but she didn't use more mana than normal.

"It probably has something to be with the fact that Yvi is using your mana instead of hers, back when I was attacking the ships of the skelefiends with you help, I thought mine grew more because I was putting my all-in-one attack, but when I realized I still had a bit left I managed to cast my wings and they had the same larger size", added Leslie.

"I guess there is only one way to find out", said Daimon as he offered his hands to Leslie and Liliana, which both happily accepted and so a couple of seconds later, he was enjoying the view of the three sisters side by side with their pretty wings spread.

"Woah, I feel even stronger than that time~", Leslie looked at her wings and was fascinated by the increase in the volume of the flames.

"It could be that they have adapted to your mana", mumbled Aisha.

Daimon nodded, that's what he was thinking as well, but since there was no harm to it, then everything was fine.

Once the girls dispelled their wings, Daimon gave them more mana to replenish what they used.

Then the Risha sisters left to their own room.

Aisha saw them being all smiles and she laughed before saying.

"Those three have started to get curious about us, since they realized we bath together darling".

Daimon bitterly smiled, he was trapped between the rock and the sword, although he already considered Yvonne and the others his friends, it was still too soon to tell them about his relationship not only with Aisha but Erin and Aura, on the other hand, those three have indirectly expressed they have special feelings for him.

And their mothers were more straightforward practically wanting to set a marriage arrangement for them with him.

But for anything like that to happen, he needed to be quite clear about his current relationships, so that they would decide whether they are still in for the ride, or not, the only problem is that he didn't know if that would affect them, considering how his sole presence has a positive effect on them.

"I guess, I will have to have serious conversation with their mothers once we are out", mumbled Daimon.

"Mm, that would be for the better darling~", although Aisha could have given her son some advice, she wanted him to experience love from zero with girls in his same range of age.

All of them took a bath and changed their clothes, before they rang the service bell and the head maid Martha came to escort them to the dining room, where the queen and Mellie where already waiting for them.