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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 491 The Players’ POV
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As the Cataclysm progressed, the players became more and more baffled. "What the hell!"

"Don't tell me Planet Darvis is really about to be destroyed!"

"All our progress, all our experience points, all our favorability with the Nightmare Army and the Army Commander, don't tell me it's for naught!"

"Let's stay optimistic, they're just trying to build the tension, I believe".

"I still think the Army Commander is the main character of Version 2, there's no way that the main character dies right?"

"Yeah, the Army Commander can't die, Afterall, there's plot armor".

The more the Cataclysm progressed, the more they became unsure of their assumptions, nobody dared to make any guesses anymore.

Tired of making guesses that never played out the way that they hoped, the players simply decided to enjoy the gore and thrill of the Cataclysm.

"Fight these Bugs like men, not b*tches brothers!"

"Let's show these wild beasts what men can do!"

"Let's show them the power of Gigachads!"

They gave their all, fighting valiantly in defense of Planet Darvis but despite all their contributions, reality was reality, they also could not escape it.

The gigantic eyes of the Bug Emperor glowed with fury.

"I shall lay waste to your lives and all your inhabitations!"

"YOU ALL SHALL DIE!!!" The Bug Emperor's voice was laced with hate and malice as his gigantic tail spread disaster.


Planet Darvis was already a river of blood.

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Corpses filled everywhere with blood completing the final piece of the gore painting left of the Planet. Screams of dying warriors reverberated everywhere, mixing with the cacophony as different abilities were unleashed.

The normal Bugs were overrunning the warriors and defenders of the Planet, the situation in the high-grade battle was no different.

The Army Commander no longer seemed invincible.

At this moment, the Army Commander alongside all his allies were being battered by the thoroughly incensed Bug Emperor as they came close to death.

At this point, the players had only one conclusion. "It's over!"

"I can't believe it; Planet Darvis is going to f*cking lose!"

"All my progress, all my Experience Points, f*ck Dominator!"

"Where's Steamed Bun Invasion?!" The roars of angry players reverberated as the player in question went into hiding.

"You brought us into this mess, we were chilling in Planet Austere!"

Despite their unwillingness, they could not stop it, they could only watch as the tail slammed down with force, ending the Army Commander's life.

'It's over'. They all thought the same thing.

And like they thought, it went exactly like that. Once the Army Commander died, there were no hopes of any comeback anymore. All the strongest warriors of Planet Darvis died one after the other to the rampaging Bug.

In just a few minutes, Planet Darvis was left defenseless.

The Bug underlings of the Bug Emperor did not rest, they were relentless as they lay waste to the planet, including the players.

A few hours later, no non-Bug life was left living in the Planet.

As the players logged out of the game, getting ready to go bash Dominator's website for the storyline and them losing all their progress, they received a priority notification that got to all players involved in the Cataclysm.


Version 2 Cataclysm Storyline Minor Update has been scheduled…

Retrieving Version 2 information…

Retrieval Complete

Countdown till Version 2 Update: 5 days

[Countdown: 05:23:59]


"Holy sh*t! A Cataclysm Storyline-exclusive minor update?"

"What's this about, is the Cataclysm not over?"

"Perhaps, the war is not lost".

"How? I saw the Army Commander die with my own 2 eyes!"

"Damn! Perhaps, they're planning to pull a crazy plot twist right before our eyes, at least I won't lose all my progress".

"I'm hyped to see what the game developers will come up with".

So, the 5 days wait started.

To some of these players whose daily schedule was eaten up by playing Dominator, staying idle for 5 days was torture but they endured through it all.

Finally, it was 5 days.


Countdown till Version 2.5 Update: 10…, 9…, 8…

Countdown Complete

Commencing Version 2.5 Update…, please wait…

Version 2.5 Update Complete!

Updating Version 2.5 Information…, please wait…

All Systems Successfully Updated!

[Version 2.5: Time Shift!]

[The Cataclysm was over, the war was lost, Planet Darvis was lost, all the Champions were dead... but not totally dead!]

[Legolas survived, albeit as a soul, he was trapped in the Underworld!]


All the players logging into the game saw themselves transported to a simulated version of the Underworld. Like a movie, they watched Legolas' journey through the Underworld from the beginning to the end.

[Regaining his memories, Legolas embarked on a journey to go back in time and fight the Bug Emperor again!]

[He could not do it alone, he sought allies in Bam Bam, the energy lifeform, Sonya the dead warlord of Warring Planet 019, and Nagana the Blood Monk.]

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[Together, they defeated and subdued all the Demon Asuras of the Underworld before making their way to the Demon Master's Sanctuary.]

[There, they tricked the Demon Master and were able to access his Time Ring, using the ring's energy to access the River of Time and go back in time.]

[Congratulations! The Army Commander's valiant journey in the Underworld has also affected you, you have been brought back in time!]

[All Experience Points gained during the Cataclysm are retained!]

[Priority Mission: Join the Army Commander in the fight again, this time, the battle of fate will be fought again but with a twist!]

[Welcome back to Planet Darvis!]


When the players materialized in the game, they were shocked. "Holy sh*t! The Army Commander did it!"

"We really came back in time; I can't believe it!"

"Damn, a Universal Treasure, River of Time, Time Ring, Dominator just became much more interesting…, let's fight and f*cking win this war!"

Of course, they were players, they needed no adjustment time. Once they saw themselves in the midst of battle again, they easily lost themselves in the excitement of the game as they attacked the Bugs with gusto.

"For the Army Commander!" They fought excitedly.

While they watched and recorded, the battle of fate restarted.

Like the game storyline indicated, it was with a twist. Watching Bam Bam the Energy Lifeform, Sonya, and Nagana fight, they were excited.

The climax came later though, when Legolas transformed.

Watching the Army Commander complete his final transformation, turning into the Rage Demon- Nightmare Hippopotamus, they all felt goosebumps!

"Holy Sh*t! I can't breathe, this is god-tier!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Watching as the Army Commander led his allies to batter the Bug Emperor who eliminated them all during the previous timeline, their excitement hit a ridiculous peak extremely close to orgasm!

When the Army Commander finally dealt the killing blow that brought the life of this Cosmic Beast to an end, they were at the peak of euphoria.

The war was won.

[Congratulations! You have completed Main Storyline Mission…]

[You have been rewarded with 15,000,000 Experience Points!]


As the players received their rewards, they were ecstatic as they rejoiced with the warriors of Planet Darvis who survived this grave encounter.

It was victory at last.