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Reboot: Mechanic

Chapter 369 Cooperate
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Shi Tian had thought his action was bold enough already, but never once did he think Phoebe was scarier than him.

She was able to remain calm and even offered such a lascivious offer. It was as if she was daring him to take advantage of her.

If it were normal people by now, then they might have been bewitched already and committed such an act without thinking properly.

Raising his hands up in a form of surrender, Shi Tian sighed softly and shook his head. "You win, Commander Phoebe. Can you stop teasingalready?" The test just kept getting harder, and this test was like a mountain pressing on his back, forcing him to grovel.

And if he resisted, then even if he won, his back would be injured tremendously. Of course, that was just an idiom meaning that he had thoroughly lost this gof wits.

"What teasing are you talking about, Nathan?" Phoebe raised an eyebrow and asked innocently.

"I'm not teasing you at all. If you really want to try it on, then my lips are here for you to try." She said, going as far as leaning closer to him.

"I was wrong, Commander Phoebe." Shi Tian pleaded. "I shouldn't have used the sonic boom and ruined your meticulous plan."

Seeing how Shi Tian admitted defeat and had no will to continue further, Phoebe curled her mouth upward.

Phoebe was grinning at the outcthat she had anticipated, albeit somewhat unexpected in sthings.

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She left her lipstick mark on the glass cup on purpose to create an opportunity, but she didn't expect Shi Tian to go ahead and taste it, saving her quite the trouble of baiting him into wanting a try on her lip.

Although his action was somewhat bold and unexpected, Phoebe played along and didn't mind being taken advantage of.

It was just a residual mark she left and not her real lip. To put it simply, an indirect kiss was nothing, and she wouldn't lose much compared to what she could gain from it.

Looking innocently and naively, she proceeded to ask in a cute tone to continue her motive. "If you admit that you're wrong, then shouldn't I get a bit of compensation?"

Shi Tian smiled bitterly and finally understood that women are indeed the most venomous and dangerous creatures alive.

How was he supposed to win this gof wits from the start when a woman played such a rogue-like character?

The compensation Phoebe was asking for was definitely not related to money.ɴᴇᴡ ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs ᴀʀᴇ ᴘᴜʙʟɪsʜᴇᴅ ᴏɴ NoᴠᴇFɪre.nᴇt

Given how extravagant she was, there was no way she lacked any kind of money.

Thus, the only compensation she could possibly be seeking was having him do stasks that her soldiers weren't suited for.

"If you wantto do something, then I expect to get paid." Shi Tian responded honestly.

"Also, the task should be something within my ability, which I'm sure you are positive about. But I'm just pointing it out there."

Phoebe nodded her head. "Naturally, Nathan, I wouldn't be looking for you if it weren't something you could accomplish."

"So what is it that you wantto do?"

"It's quite simple actually. You're a mechanic, so I want you to build the exact EMP that you have used earlier and disrupt Theobold's equipment."

Although Shi Tian's expression remained unchanged, he was secretly shocked. The EMP she was referring to was the Spymon that Shi Tian had activated earlier to prevent Olivia Harrett and an opportunity for Vanessa.

He was positive that no one was looking at him when he did that and was discreet with his move too.

Yet it seemed like he was still caught by Phoebe.

"What EMP are you talking about?" Shi Tian raised an eyebrow, looking confused as he feigned innocence.

As if he would admit it on the spot like sretards might do.

Who knows if she was merely bluffing and just wanted him to admit it?

Sorry, but he was not that ignorant to simply admit something right away when questioned.

"You can feign innocence all you want, Nathan. But I'm not stupid either." Phoebe mused, seemingly not surprised by Shi Tian's denial.

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She proceeded to explain her investigation, and while doing that, she made sure to keep her eyes on Shi Tian.

"The timing of Vanessa's arrival and the sudden change of Olivia Harrett's behavior, especially her subtle action of touching her ear. It's quite easy to deduce that her earpiece was disrupted and I have checked earlier. Sof the electronic devices nearby were also disabled temporarily, meaning an EMP was active."

Shi Tian was truly speechless at how perspective and meticulous Phoebe was.

No wonder she was able to beca commander.

If anyone really underestimated Phoebe just because she was a woman, then they really would have suffered tremendously. In fact, they might even die without knowing why and how.

As Shi Tian remained silent, Phoebe decided to continue to show sproof.

"In this tablet, I managed to salvage one particular footage. Do you needto show it to you?" She asked sweetly. But this kind of sweetness was laced with poison, one that you only need to taste once and die.

Shi Tian quickly raised his hand and stopped her from showing the evidence.

"No need, Commander Phoebe." He swiftly said. He was positive that she was not bluffing this time.


The integrated chip in his brain was like the biggest jackpot he had ever gotten.

Without even needing to ask, the integrated chip seemed to have infiltrated and hacked the tablet anonymously and confirmed that the footage contained the very evidence of him committing such a deed.

Therefore, why should he humiliate himself by agreeing to see the footage?

"We can cooperate, but the material must be provided by you. At the stime, I wished to be paid for my effort in it. I'm not rich, so money is really important to me." Shi Tian gave in and listed his demands.