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Re: Legendary Berserker's Advent

Chapter 148 Search for the Culprit
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From the moment Kieran received the quest, Mayor Lowe awaited his return while putting certain motions in order. Although Kieran was to man a dummy cargo, a few items were inside of minimal value.

It’d be suspicious if the caravan moved faster than its average speed, so Mayor Lowe had to think of solutions to add sufficient weight.

Unlike before, however, Mayor Lowe personally escorted Kieran alongside a young merchant named Nina.

Aside from this young girl with a violet bob-cut hairstyle, one Obsidian Criollo pulled the single caravan.

While escorting Kieran to the city gates, Mayor Lowe ensured their conversation was loud enough for the other guards to hear.

“Head Merchant Penni specifically requested this caravan, so I ask that you get to him expeditiously. The city’s lifeline relies upon forming this stable deal. Do you understand?”

Kieran feigned a solemn look to produce a false air of gravity that should surround the entire situation. “I understand. He’ll receive this batch of goods with haste. Will we be following that route?”

“Yes, it is our fastest route to date. There is a risk of the deal falling through if any other route is taken,” Mayor Lowe answered.

However, the two smiled amongst themselves when the guards could no longer see their expression.

After reaching the gate, Mayor Lowe exited the caravan and shook Kieran’s hand with apparent gratitude.

‘This man is quite the actor. He deserves an Emmy Award for this performance, but I can’t knock myself either.’ Kieran didn’t forget to pat himself on the back because a one-person act wouldn’t get the job done..

Without Kieran’s perceptive responses, Mayor Lowe’s ploy would have fallen through before it started.

Nevertheless, all of the guards captured their genuinely distraught tones, some of them looking at each other with awkward expressions.

Finally, the two towards the rear of the caravan whispered to each other.

“Is there something going on that we don’t know about? Why did the Mayor’s statements sound like we’re in an unstable economic state? Does this mean there’s a risk we won’t be paid?! I rely upon my salary to survive and remain healthy.”

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“I have no idea, but I think we can assume a few things from his tone. He is worried, and only a few matters can worry a City’s Mayor.”

“Then… what should we do?”

The second guard looked at the first one in silence but said nothing. What could they do? It wasn’t like they could summons heaps of gold to appease the economic upset.

Meanwhile, another guard caught a glimpse of their conversation and displayed a conniving smirk. The smirk lasted briefly as the caravan departed from the city’s gates.

As that happened, this particular guard regained a neutral expression and looked around while copying everyone else’s demeanor.

Mayor Lowe viewed the departing caravan with a troubled expression. ‘It’s up to you now, Aatrox.’

The people at the city’s gates dispersed after a few minutes, with several guards escorting Mayor Lowe back to his office out of respect.

However, while on their way back, the same two worried guards raised their concerns with Mayor Lowe.

“Mayor Lowe, is there a fear we won’t get paid this month? The city funds seem to be in a bad state from your heightened worries.”

“Yeah, if it comes down to it. I suggest a pay cut for all guards to lessen the burden while keeping us fed,” the second guard added.

Mayor Lowe looked at them, observing their behavior before coming to an assured conclusion. ‘They aren’t the ones. They’re some of the most dutiful guards on the payroll. They’re even willing to suffer losses for the city.’

Instinctively, Mayor Lowe turned back and observed the city’s gate for any suspicious activity, but there was none. If not for fear of alerting the culprit, Mayor Lowe would have conducted the search himself.

However, a mayor conducting a search in the city would immediately divulge to the culprit that their actions were discovered.

After moving tens of kilometers outside Aeredale City’s visual range, Kieran pulled on the Obsidian Criollo’s reins until it slowed to a moderate pace. But, this action confused Nina.

She looked at Kieran with her big, clear eyes and tilted her head. “Hey, why are we slowing down? I thought we were instructed to reach our destination in the fastest time possible.”

“If that were our actual mission, yes. But we have been tasked with something else.”

〈System: Man a dummy cargo to lure out the bandits. 1/1〉

Nina drew a mental blank, evident by her clueless expression. She tapped on her lips, trying to understand why they would leave the city in the first place.

After all, she was a reasonably new merchant, so she wasn’t privy to the matters take place inside Aeredale City and the losses the merchants before her suffered.

Rather than provide a clear answer, Kieran searched for a decent area to hide this caravan while the Obsidian Criollo trotted in place.

“H-hey, mister. Are you going to tell me what we’re up to?” Nina asked after disliking the continued silence between them.

Kieran finally looked at her and spoke in a decisive tone. “What we’re up to is protecting Aeredale City and most likely the entire kingdom from collapse.”

Nina gasped and covered her mouth in disbelief. “What do you mean by collapse? The city’s walls and buildings seem pretty stable to me. I went sightseeing just the other day, mister.”

Kieran speechlessly blinked while wondering if this little girl was truly an airhead or if it was all an act. How could someone be so oblivious when presented with an answer?!

“Don’t take it in the most literal sense. The odds of the buildings collapsing are unlikely. I mean the market.”

“No, no, I was just there. It was in a decent state as well. In fact, it was filled with people!” Nina exclaimed while repeatedly shaking her head so that her hair swayed in the wind.

Kieran was again rendered speechless as he thought about leaving this airhead alone and venturing to the kingdom alone.

“Are you being serious… or were you dropped on your head as a child?”

Nina frowned at Kieran’s comment and glared daggers. “That’s not very nice, mister.”

All of a sudden, a small gust began circling Nina. This wasn’t any ordinary gust; it was winds created through Mana. In other words, Nina could be a Mage rather than a merchant.

Out of curiosity, Kieran checked her status.

「Lv. 41 Nina Ventura (Rare NPC)

Class: Junior Merchant (?)」

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Kieran was admittedly surprised by Nina’s level and rating. A Rare NPC was pretty strong, at least two times stronger than those given a Normal Rating.

Most guards were estimated to be Normal NPCs, while some were listed as Elite NPCs. Elite NPCs are stronger than Normal NPCs but weaker than Rare NPCs, comfortably placing them somewhere in the middle.

“This wind… it is all your doing?” Kieran questioned despite already knowing the answer.

“That’s right! I’m almighty, hehehe~,” Nina giggled. But her giggle weakened her Mana Control, causing the winds to disperse a few seconds later.

‘Hmm, Mana Invocation spurred by her emotions,’ Kieran noted.

Aside from when her emotions were riled, it appeared Nina had zero knowledge of how to control Mana or even invoke her affinity.

“Why are you a merchant if you can utilize Mana?”

This question made Nina’s grin deflate as she averted her gaze from Kieran’s inquisitive eyes. “I tried to become a Mage… but I was deemed unteachable. But I think it’s their nice way of saying I’m an idiot.”

Kieran almost sputtered after hearing Nina’s explanation but kept his act together.

“Did you at least get your Mana Affinity tested?”

“Of course! I had A-Rank Potential to be a Wind Mage, but I can never get it to work,” Nina complained.

“You must be focusing on the wrong thing,” Kieran commented. He pondered a helpful answer before voicing it. “Grasp your affinity by focusing on the aspects of wind. It can be calm, but it possesses the most violent rage. But, most of all, it is untamed and free-spirited, existing everywhere but confined by nothing,” Kieran said.

Nina blinked wordlessly before her lips curved into a radiant smile. “You’re smart, mister. I’ll try that.”

After giving Nina some advice, he asked that she remain here for quite some time and contemplate his words.

While she was distracted, Kieran then took the opportunity to leave the caravan and move toward the city gates slowly.

Less than 30 minutes had passed, so the chances the culprit was in the process of contacting the Desertborn Brigands were high. But, Kieran couldn’t complete his task if he had to protect or look over a clueless girl like Nina.

Even if she didn’t know the path back to the city’s gates, Obsidian Criollos were intelligent creatures and could return home without fail.

Although Kieran was careful, he quickly returned to the city’s gates an hour later before moving toward the guards’ chambers. The door was left unattended because the guards were usually stationed around the city and would only return here once a shift concluded.

The guard chamber was the only area Kieran could think the culprit would go to conduct shifty behavior. It was empty, had a designated schedule, and it was the place guards were most intimate with.