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Prime Originator

Chapter 382 - Witty Escape
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Chapter 382 - Witty Escape

On another side of the city, another group of cloaked figures hiding in a dark alley turned their heads up towards the signal flare in the distance.

"That area is where the others went. Something must have happened there. I should quickly head over and check it out. They could be in trouble and need our help." One of them whispered with a womanly voice.

"Are you a damn fool or what? So what if they are in trouble? That is their fault! We are trying not to avoid attention, so we carry out the task assigned to us, not attract it! You hear me?!" Another one chided in a repressed voice.

"Right… that was my mistake. I'm sorry." The person was quick to acknowledge her wrong.

"I know your lover is over there, but do not forget why we are here and think of the bigger picture. If we fail the task and return to the tribe, the chief will not spare us."

Hearing mention of their chief, the group shivered.

Their fear of the chief was a deeply rooted one.

The tribal chief of the Great Ironhawk Tribe was a ruthless and cold-blooded leader who would not think twice before executing anyone that provokes his ire.

The number of humans killed by the chief was enough to form a river of blood and a mountain of bones. Many men and women died for the smallest and stupidest of reasons, for example, being too ugly.

"Let us continue with the mission…"


The group quietly disappeared towards the city's center.

Leon's manipulation of higher-order laws was something the people of the Infertile Plains were unfamiliar with.

Forget about the Peak-rank Great Warrior's incomprehensiveness; even the scouts did not understand how he could evade the attacks of someone clearly out of his league.

The prevalence of body cultivation was dominant on the plains, but awakening cultivation was something still in its infancy.

"I don't believe it! If I cannot catch you, then I can only kill you! You should have just obediently followed us back to our tribe! Why do you have to make things harder on all of us?!"

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The Peak-rank Great Warrior drew his dagger and lunged at Leon with increasingly faster and more ferocious attacks.

With the swooshing sounds of the fluttering wind as the dagger's blade ripped through the air at incredible speed and sharpness, each thrust and swing aimed for Leon's life!

Nevertheless, Leon continued to retreat, sidestep, and move in irregular ways to evade each and every strike with the assistance of his Spacetime Laws.

Even so, it was not as easy as he made it look!

His comprehension of the Spatial Law and Temporal Laws were still at a rudimentary level. His application was limited, and the Peak-rank Great Warrior was too strong!

While he could dodge, he could not escape! It was impossible to get the person off his tail!

The dense killing intent made him feel incredibly pressured as the slightest mistake will cost him his life! Even so, if he cannot escape, he will retaliate!

"If I don't want to leave, no one can make me! Don't think that I will continue evading your attacks forever; I can also attack!"

Leon spat coldly.

A bone spear suddenly appeared in Leon's grip before burning hot flames ignited on the tip of the spear, adding a layer of lethality to it.

Shortly after, Leon made a downward vertical swing at the Peak-rank Great Warrior with his flaming spear.

"Bahaha! Asking for death! Do you think an attack of this level will work on me?!" The Peak-rank Great Warrior sneered. He was surprised by the person's ability to conjure flames, but that was not important.

The boy's attack was fast, but not fast enough!

The Peak-rank Great Warrior struck out with his dagger, but he did not aim to receive Leon's blow! He was aiming to slip past it and deal Leon a fatal blow!

The Peak-rank Great Warrior predicted the scene in his mind, but the reality was different!


The spear and dagger strangely connected after space was distorted!

"WHAT! It's that strange power again! Wait! This feeling—!?"

The Peak-rank Great Warrior quickly noticed the feeling of the clash during the moment of impact was off. It did not produce an explosive effect of two clashing forces!

Leon did not commit to a full-powered clash with the other party. Rather, he used the other person's strength as a springboard to propel himself away and escape!

"Later, sucker!"

Leon purposely taunted the Peak-rank Great Warrior and made a provocative gesture with his free hand as his body flew back at incredible speed from the repelling force.

He had quickly concocted the retreated plan after the two scouts were blown away. With the disadvantage in both numbers and strength, it would have become dangerous if another cloaked figure went after him.

"ARGH! How dare you trick me! I'm going to kill you!"

The Peak-rank Great Warrior was livid with rage after being treated like a fool. The humiliation drove him furious!

"Enough! How you fooled around enough?! We need to retreat before reinforcements arrive! It is clear that our movements have been compromised from the start! We have underestimated the Darkmoon Tribe's intelligence severely!" A cloaked figure barked angrily.

"You guys retreat first! I will leave after I kill this f*cking brat! A warrior can be killed, not humiliated!" The Peak-rank Great Warrior stated madly.

"Hmph! Suit yourself! Everyone, retreat!" The cloaked figure did not waste time and immediately spoke to the other two cloaked figures.

The cloaked figure did not waste his breath on persuading the person. It was clear that the Peak-ranked Great Warrior had lost his rationality due to rage.

The other two scouts were unable to hold back the three cloaked figures from escaping. It was clear that they were no match for the cloaked figures.

The other three cloaked figures were all High-rank Great Warriors, while the scouts were only Mid-rank Great Warriors.

"You are truly a stupid muscle brain. Is killing me more important than your own life?" Leon continued to taunt as he retreated from the Peak-rank Great Warrior's pursuit.

The person was truly a madman with no regard for his own life. Did the person think he can just blatantly chase and hunt him down in the heart of the Darkmoon Tribe?!

"Hmph! You don't know your own worth! If our Great Ironhawk Tribe cannot have someone like you, no one else can! This is what you have forced me to do! If you cannot be used by us, then you will only be detrimental to our tribe alive! You are better off dead!" The Peak-rank Great Warrior roared.

Leon created some distance between them with his wits, but with the Peak-rank Great Warrior's speed, it was only a matter of time before the person catches up.

As they darted through the streets, a tyrannical bone saber suddenly flew over and impaled itself in front of the Peak-rank Great Warrior!

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The Peak-rank Great Warrior was forced to give up his pursuit as his expression turned ugly in the next moment.

"Who did you say is better off dead? I think you are tired of living! How dare you behave rampantly in my tribe! Who the hell do you think you are?" Chief Valencia spoke as she arrived promptly.

"It's good that Chief Valencia came. I was beginning to think that no one was." Leon sighed as he was finally given a breather.

The chase took quite the toll on him after all the extensive treatment he gave to the wounded warriors back at the med bay.

"Sorry for the delay, Little Brother Leonhardt. I had somethings to take care of—Where do you think you are going?!" Chief Valencia suddenly snorted and gave chase after retrieving her Soul Weapon.

The Peak-rank Great Warrior tried to escape at the first opportunity given to him. No matter how brave and tough he thought he was, he knew that he was no match for a Battle Master.

It was only now that he began to regret his rashness.

Nevertheless, it was impossible for a Peak-rank Great Warrior to escape from a Mid-rank Battle Master.

In a short instance, Chief Valencia caught up to the Peak-rank Great Warrior and showed him who's boss.

The battle did not even last a few breaths before the Peak-rank Great Warrior was floored to the ground with all his limbs broken and crippled.

More reinforcement along with the scouts arrived shortly after, but everything was already over.

"Chief Valencia."

The people greeted.

"Take this person to the cell to be locked away and go request for Master Woodrow to swing by and interrogate the person." Chief Valencia ordered the scouts.

"Yes, chief!"

The scout obliged.

A High-rank Great Warrior approached and asked, "Is something like this necessary to trouble the Venerable Shaman? Why not let me interrogate the person?"

"No doubt that a Peak-rank Great Warrior will have tight lips. I do not doubt your interrogative skills, but we are short on time. Don't forget that we still have a few rats on the loose. No doubt that the capture of one will alarm the rest. This issue needs to be solved quickly. The commotion has alarmed everyone, and we need to keep the streets safe for the people."

"I understand."

The High-rank Great Warrior bowed and acknowledged Chief Valencia's wise decisions.