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Prime Originator

Chapter 341 - Arm-Wrestling Match
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Chapter 341 - Arm-Wrestling Match


Leon immediately shot up like a frightened rabbit. Various emotions could be seen in his eyes, but the most apparent ones were disgust and anger.

"What happened? Is there a problem, Big Brother Leonhardt?" The male warrior asked with a dumbfounded expression.

"Is there a problem, you say?!" Leon glared at the male warrior and roared, "Of course there is a fucking problem!"

His gaze shot downwards at the male warrior's 'little brother' and he felt even angrier. The thing was not even awakened. Why the heck was it so big?

He was repulsed beyond imagination. Dammit, he would rather swim in a pile of dung than get touched by another man's tool.

"You are the problem! Goddammit, how dare you rub my back with your rod?!"


The male warrior was shortly stunned before he put on an embarrassed look.

"This is a misunderstanding, Big Brother Leonhardt. I swear it was unintentional!" The male warrior said.

Despite that, there was a hint of pride on his face at the mention of his rod. Even among men, there were not many that had a rod as big as his.

"Hahaha, I knew that big ding dong of yours was going to land you in trouble one day, but I did not expect it to happen like this!" A male warrior laughed, finding the situation quite comical as he made snide remarks at the male warrior.

"I can totally understand how Big Brother Leonhardt is feeling! Even I feel disgusted if any of you touch me with your tools! Hahaha!"

Other male warriors also began to laugh. In any case, it did not happen to them. Thus, they were able to laugh it off.

"Hehe, Brother Leonhardt should have just accepted my offer instead. That way, you would not have been grossed out by him." The female warrior laughed.

She tried to be coquettish, but her voice and appearance lacked the appeal to charm Leon. Her voice was deep, rough, and full of masculine vibes superior to many men in the Crawford Kingdom. That was definitely not his preference.

"Brother Goldenrod, how about I go ask the Venerable Shamans if they have a way to shrink your 'goldenrod' for you? Hahaha!" Another male warrior jeered.

"Oh, piss off! You guys are all just jealous of me." Goldenrod smirked.

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Indeed, Goldenrod was his name, not by birth, but given by others. The Darkmoon Tribe warriors rarely use their birth names once they are formally recognized as warriors and only use their nicknames and titles.

"Big Brother Leonhardt, I'll be more careful next time. Allow me to continue wiping your back."

"Piss off! I have my own two hands and feet. I can clean myself just fine. I do not need your help!" Leon said sternly with a deep frown. Regarding this matter, he should have been firm from the start.

Goldenrod began to frown. No matter what, he was still a proud warrior. How could he accept this sort of treatment even if he were in the wrong?

"I call you Big Brother Leonhardt because I respect your 'strength' and what you have done for us, but that does not mean you can disrespect me like this. And to be honest, I am not convinced that you are as strong as others claimed you to be. How strong can you be with a small body like that?"

"Oi, oi, oi, Goldenrod, you can't talk to our benefactor like that." A female warrior said with a frown.

"Why not? Has anyone actually seen him fight?" Goldenrod asked as he swept everyone in the mixed bath a look.


No one was able to answer that question.

They had all fought on the western side of Darkmoon City. Thus, they have only heard the news of Leonhardt's strength and have not seen it for themselves.

The feeling of doubt had been lingering in them the moment their eyes landed on Leonhardt, but no one wanted to be rude to their guest by asking the person in question to validate his strength.

This person was supposedly a Great Warrior, and no one wanted to offend a Great Warrior. Especially when most of them were only peak-level Warriors, still a step short from the Great Warrior Realm.

Goldenrod had indeed popped the question they all wanted to ask. How can Leon's small body contain so much power?

"Well, what do you have to say about it, huh?" Goldenrod pressed.

"So what if you are not convinced? I do not need to prove anything to you. That is your problem, not mine."

"If you do not even dare to prove yourself, it just means that you aren't as strong as what others say you are. Perhaps, you are just riding on the borrowed fame from the Banshee." Goldenrod spoke in a goading manner and shrugged.

It was known that Lumi had played a pivotal role in ending the battle as quickly as it did and saving the lives of many while she was at it. On the other hand, Leon's individual contribution was not as grand.

The Darkmoon Tribe had many Great Warriors. Leonhardt was just another Great Warrior, but Lumi was not just another banshee.

Leon's brows were slowly furrowed.

This person was seriously trying to pick a fight with him. He was the guest they had invited into their city. He did not need to prove anything.

If not for the sake of trying to maintain a good relationship with the Darkmoon Tribe, he would have already beaten up this rude person to a pulp.

"How do you want me to prove my strength?" Leon asked impassively as he restrained his anger.

Goldenrod smiled and shouted at the other warriors, "Quick, bring the table over! We will settle this with an arm-wrestling match!"

Very soon, a table made of blackwood was brought in front of them. It had been lying in one corner of the mixed bathing area with soaps and scrubbers placed on top of it, but now it was used for arm-wrestling.

Leon could tell that this seemingly ordinary blackwood table was reinforced with runes and had extraordinary resilience. It seemed to have been built specifically for arm-wrestling.

Suddenly, the mood became festive as a middle-aged male warrior spoke with enthusiasm, "Hahaha! I wasn't planning to bring it up since everyone is worn out. But now that Brother Goldenrod brought it up, I want to ask, who dares to challenge me to a match after?!"

"I will challenge you!" A younger male warrior immediately spoke excitedly, "I'm warning you right now, brother. I have made great progress in the earlier battle. Your number one spot below Great Warrior Realm will be taken over by me today!"

"Then, we shall see whether you can walk the walk and not just talk the talk!" The middle-aged male warrior grinned before striding over to Leon's side and patting him on the shoulder.

"I apologize for Goldenrod's rudeness earlier, Big Brother Leonhardt. He is actually not a bad guy. As you can see, we normally engage in arm-wrestling matches here to compete with each other for entertainment."

"I understand."

Leon nodded.

Although the middle-aged warrior did not say it directly, he understood the warrior's hidden meaning.

The Darkmoon Tribe was not trying to be ungrateful, but their tribe placed heavy emphasis on strength.

They would still show him the basic level of respect as required of them for what he had done. But if he wanted to earn their genuine respect, he had to prove that his strength was worthy of respect.

'This must be what Ironhead meant by the excitement in the mixed bath.' Leon mused wryly. He could not help feeling like he got baited. The 'excitement' was different from what he had imagined.

"A normal arm-wrestling match is too dull. How about we spice things up a bit with some bets?" Goldenrod suggested provocatively.

"How do you want to bet?" Leon asked calmly.

Seeing the look in Goldenrod's eyes, the middle-aged warrior frowned. Nothing good could come out from that kind of look.

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"Don't take it too far, Goldenrod. Just simple bets will do." He warned sternly.

Goldenrod simply ignored the warning as he eyed Leon's bone spear and said, "If I win, you give me your Tier 4 Soul Weapon. If I lose, you can decide what to do with me."


"What did I just say, Goldenrod?! You're taking things too far!" The middle-aged warrior slammed the table in anger.

The stakes were too high.

It had been a tacit agreement to never go after a warrior's Soul Weapon, but today, Goldenrod has broken that agreement.

The middle-aged warrior turned to Leon and said, "There's no need for you to take this bet. This is not how we usually do things."

Leon shook his head and looked directly at Goldeneye.

"If I win, you have to be my subordinate! Do you dare accept it?!"

Goldenrod narrowed his eyes as he studied Leon's expression cautiously. He became uncertain of whether to accept the bet or not.

Suddenly, he smirked. Trying to scare me?

"I accept!"

The middle-aged warrior sighed at both party's decision and said, "Fine. Since both sides have made their decisions, I will facilitate this match. On the count of 3."

"1… 2… 3!"


The match ended in an instance, following Goldenrod's cries as he hugged his dangling right arm and broke into cold sweats.

Everyone was immediately startled with wide eyes and drew in sharp breaths. As expected of a Great Warrior's strength! Leonhardt was not to be trifled with!

At the same time, Leon looked at Goldenrod calmly.

Just because he could not beat up the person, it did not mean he would not teach the person a small person. He was no saint. If someone repeatedly tries to offend him, he would not let the person off easily.

"This match, I have won. Do you accept?"