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Prime Originator

Chapter 240 - Carnage And Chaos
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Chapter 240 - Carnage And Chaos

[Hegemon of Primal Chaos].

The denizens of the Divine Realm did not know if anyone can truly become a hegemon of Primal Chaos by cultivating according to its instruction, for none had ever succeeded before Leon.

However, they all believed that anything unearthed from the ancient ruins, the last vestige of gods would be anything but ordinary. They were not wrong.

For that reason, it was widely circulated throughout the Divine Realm and never buried in the heartless annals of time.

Perhaps, everyone was hoping that one day, someone would succeed and become a great existence that could enlighten them in the Great Way.

The desire to be eternal, to be everlasting was the pursuit of every divine practitioner.

Divine Origin practitioners could live up to 10 thousand years, while Divine Kings could live up 100 thousand years, and this was just the natural lifespan granted by their cultivation base and not including the wondrous elixirs of the world that could extend their longevity further.

Leon had once thought that he was a great genius of his time for being able to succeed in practicing the [Hegemon of Primal Chaos] technique, but looking back on it now, it was indeed a naive thought.

His success had nothing to do with his own talents, but the world itself.

Perhaps it was not possible in the Divine Realm due to the maturity of the universe, making it neigh impossible to comprehend the Grandmist Law, but it was possible here.

Why was that so? Because this world was still in its infancy, where Grandmist still exist and it was easier to comprehend laws?

Leon recalled the star map in his mind and the big cluster of light at its center. What if all that light was True Grandmist energy?

The outer section of the light cluster was filled with various energy of different colors, but the inner section was a similar grey to his pseudo-Grandmist energy, so he could be correct.

However, Leon still felt it should not be that simple like he was missing something, or he could be entirely incorrect. He would only know for sure when he is strong enough to cross the stars and see it with his own two eyes.

Nevertheless, he was beginning to truly understand why people only Awaken to the five elements at the start of their cultivation.

The five elements were easier to comprehend because they were perceptible to the eye.

Elements like wind, lightning, space, and time were much harder because they were either rarely seen or cannot be perceived by the eye at all.

Myriads of thoughts flickered across his mind like a flash of enlightenment as he completes his Body Forging session.

It had been a painful process, but after completion, all he felt was pleasure and a sense of achievement. He could get addicted to this…

With an ecstatic mood, he wanted to celebrate his achievement with Aria and Lynne.

Lilith was remarkably close to Leon. She was quite curious about how he cultivates.

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What she did not expect was for Leon to suddenly reach out his hands and pulling her into his embrace just as he was opening her eyes.

She was so shocked by the sudden situation that she did not resist. As their eyes met up close, her heart thumped like crazy.

Leon's half-smiling expression also stiffened up when he realized the presence, he felt was not Aria nor Lynne, but someone else entirely.

The two locked gazes and Leon also felt his own heartstrings being pulled. Those deep black eyes and soft cherry lips seem to draw him in as his head inched closer…

Lilith was frozen like a statue, but her mind was in full panic mode as she shut her eyes. Tumultuous thoughts raged in mind with faint anticipation and worry.

However, at the last moment, Leon seemed to have recovered and steered his head away. He almost got bewitched by her natural charms. That was too scary. It seems his mind was not firm enough.

"Ahem, what are you doing here? Where did Aria and Lynne go?" Leon awkwardly coughed and released Lilith from his arms.

Lilith reopened her eyes with faint disappointment…

Huh? Why was she disappointed? That person also took advantage of her. Lilith shook her head furiously and recovered her normal state.

"They already left. Something came up and it's not looking good for your kingdom…"

Lilith's mind did not linger as she began retelling the news seriously.

"I see."

There was faint disappointment in his tone, but otherwise, he was still calm and unbothered by the news, causing Lilith to be confused.

"Aren't you worried about them? Are you not planning to follow after them?" Lilith asked. For some reason, she did not seem to understand him at all.

"No. My mother is there to hold the fort. I am confident that even if she cannot handle the situation, she would be able to retreat with them safely. Whether I go or not would not make much of a difference if it is something even my mother cannot handle." Leon said calmly.

If the situation was as bad as Lilith had described, then he suspected that the Azure Verdant Plains region had already fallen along with Eastfell Region.

In case that, they would retreat to defend Grassland Region. Elder Evergreen and his people were there. Even if they do not understand the language, they could still understand what was happening and offer their hands.

Lilith rolled her eyes, not comprehending his thought process at all. Not much difference is still some difference, no? Why does she seem like she cares more about the kingdom than he does?

"Is going back to the Capital more important than saving your kingdom?"

"No, of course not, but having to go to the frontlines does not equate to saving the kingdom while going to the Capital does," Leon said, but he did understand Lilith's urgency. He needed to visit the Capital, but he cannot spend too much time there.

Leon turned to the palace guards and said, "All of you don't need to accompany back to the Capital anymore. Go back and assist the east where ever you can."

The palace guards were ready to object but they remembered the prince was more powerful than them and did not need their protection.

Their mouths opened awkwardly before they saluted in compliance.

"Yes, Your Highness."

"You should return too. I'm going to pay the Capital a quick visit, but I'll be back soon." Leon said to Lilith as she grudgingly nodded for his lack of explanation.

With no one to slow him down, Leon headed to the Capital at his quickest speed. He began to put his new powerful body to the test.

His legs coiled like springs before he catapulted himself off into the distance with alarming speed.


The ground in the prince's original spot cracked into a sizable crater in the wake of his actions and the person was already gone by the time the dust settled.

"What powerful leg strength!"

The palace guards gasped in shock.

Going back almost 18 hours previously when the night had just arrived and the defense at Azure Verdant Plains was lost for some time.

Elizabeth had flown with great speed and arrived at the border region of Azure Verdant Plains ahead of her 2000 soldiers.

The soldiers of Crawford Kingdom could still be seen fleeing for their lives in the night while the enemy soldiers were hot in pursuit.

The fastest ones survived, but the slow ones all died. Some tripped and fell, plead for their life but still got mercilessly beheaded by the enemy soldiers. The scene was filled with carnage and chaos.

Elizabeth was on the verge of exploding at the loss of so many good soldiers.

In the far back of the enemy line, a ghastly figure surrounded in a diabolic aura could be seen walking at a leisure pace.

Elizabeth's body trembled with anger at what she saw above that figure. It was Blood Pool large enough to dye the field in red. Thousands of lives must have been lost to gather such a large quantity of blood.

The figure seemed to have expected her eventual arrival and gave her an insidious and provocative grin. The Blood Pool was prepared for their inevitable battle.


Fury filled the Queen's being as a sharp anguish roar swept the lands before her like a plague and affected every soldier on the battlefield without discrimination.

Their steel armors and weapons all rattled in response as the enemy soldiers paled and froze in fear at the anger of a monarch.

"You may come from different kingdoms, but we are all humans! So, what the fuck at you all doing?! Take a good look at that Fiend behind you and tell me whose side are you on! Are you on the side of humanity or are you on the side of that Fiend?!"

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Elizabeth swept her cold gaze across the enemy's faces from the sky as her biting cold voice rippled across the land.

The enemy soldiers all wore guilty expressions. This is not what they wanted but they were powerless and at the mercy of the strong. If they do not obey orders, then the one to die would be them!

"I give you all one chance. Drop your weapons and get lost!"

Elizabeth gave them her warning. That was her greatest mercy. If they remain unrepentant and continue to attack, she would show no mercy.

The enemy soldiers were stuck at a crossroads where both choices spelled death. An enemy general sighed and laid down his weapon. If he was going to die, he wanted to die with a conscience, to die as a human being.

Soon after the enemy general laid down his weapon and started walking away, 5000 loyal soldiers followed suit and dropped their weapons with red eyes. They were humans too!

Some of the enemy commanders had the urge to stop these deserters by cutting them down. Even if their general deserted, the one with real power and to whom they had to obey was the Grand Elder.

The Grand Elder of the Bloodfiend Sect did not stop such a situation and even looked forward to it. He was not confident that he had collected enough blood to fight the Queen of Crawford Kingdom.

In any case, these soldiers were just cannon fodders to him. He did not care for their lives.

"What are you all waiting for? Kill these deserters!" The Grand Elder sniggered.

The enemy soldier who had yet to lay down their weapons had an internal conflict between choices before they steeled their resolve and chased all the weaponless fleeing soldiers.

Elizabeth was not going to watch all these surrendered soldiers die indifferently. At least they still have some conscience left in them and knew when to correct their ways rather than continuing to obey evil despite knowing it was wrong.

"Since you are unrepentant, die for me!"

Elizabeth sneered and reached out to the air with a grasping gesture as it started to shake. She had never controlled so many metals from such distances before and was facing great resistance for it.

The pursuing enemy soldiers had changes of expressions as they felt their helmets tightening with the premonition of death. They finally panicked and threw away their weapons.

"Your Majesty have mercy!"

"I surrender! Please spare me!"

However, the Queen's following words ruthlessly sliced away any wishful thoughts they had of surviving. Their death sentence will not be waived for her words were absolute!

"You all had your chances!"

The Queen finally clenched her hand in a fist.

"Arghhh! Nooo!"

The enemy soldiers all clasped their helmets and screamed painfully as the helmet began to deform and crush their heads.

Like watermelons being splattered, several hundreds of heads finally popped with blood and brain matter scattering from the gaps in their concaved helmets.