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Chapter 194 +Memory Fragment Part II+
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Chapter 194 +Memory Fragment Part II+

When Chen Li arrived at the mansion, Yu Hua was already waiting for him in the living room, but her expression was sad. "Bao'er, you can go back to your room; I want to talk to your Big Brother first."

"Yes, Mom Hua!" Xing Bao'er immediately took Sun Xing'er with him to the third floor.

Chen Li then asked her. "Does your expression like this have anything to do with Yu Xuan and Bei Lian'er?"


Chen Li nodded and asked her again. "So what's their decision? I plan to expedite all my plans."

"Eh?" Yu Hua looked at Chen Li in surprise. "Which family will you take down first?"

Chen Li explained it to her. "Shen Qing, Yang Li, and Qing Mo are already on my side, so I think it's time to get rid of Shen Hu."

Yu Hua let out a sigh of relief. "In that case, I still have time to persuade Xuan'er and Lian'er, for they are still in a dilemma to side with you, especially because of their children."

"Oh? So they don't think about their husband anymore?" Chen Li asked in surprise.

Yu Hua nodded and explained it to him directly. "Lian'er didn't care about Yang Lang after she found out about his affair, but she still thinks of Yang Chen. Xuan'er is not much different from her either; she is worried that you will do bad things to her children."

"Yudie, huh?" Chen Li muttered under his breath. "I don't know why, but I can't think anything bad about her. However, Bei Qiang tried to kill me before, so I won't spare him."

Yu Hua could understand Chen Li's anger towards her nephew, but she looked at him in confusion, especially about his attitude towards her niece. "Hey, what's the relationship between you and Yudie? Why do you seem to favor her?"

Chen Li shook his head at her. "When I met Yudie at your apartment, I felt close to her, but I have no memories of her at all."

Yu Hua raised her eyebrows upon hearing that. "Could Yudie be included in your lost memories?"

"Perhaps." Chen Li then sighed softly before he continued. "I've gotten some of the herbs Sister Huoli needs to concoct a pill, and it might help me get all my old memories back."

"In that case, you can go see Sister Huoli now, and I hope that the pill can really help you remember everything again." Yu Hua impatiently urged him.

"All right."

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Chen Li immediately went to see Xiao Huoli, who was talking with Xiao Hei, and he handed over all the herbs to her. "Shu Yan only has this much."

"These herbs are more than enough to make the pill." Xiao Huoli took out her alchemy furnace and prepared the herbs one by one, and Chen Li sat beside Xiao Hei as his eyes focused on observing her seriously.

Minutes later, Xiao Huoli had started concocting the pill, and Chen Li used his Divine God Eyes to look into the furnace, for he wanted to pay attention to the process of concocting the pill.

Meanwhile, Xiao Hei was observing Chen Li as she muttered in her heart. 'If I pay close attention, he is completely different from Emperor Long, and he is more curious about many things.'

Since the pill was only Rank 3, Xiao Huoli was able to complete it in no time. Even so, she could only concoct a single pill, and she immediately handed it over to Chen Li. "You can swallow the memory-enhancing pill now, but I'm not sure if you'll be able to remember everything right away."

Impatiently, Chen Li closed his eyes and swallowed the pill, and he used his Qi to quickly dissolve it. However, his expression suddenly turned a little strange, confusing Xiao Hei and Xiao Huoli.

"What happened to him?" Xiao Hei asked as she raised her eyebrows.

Xiao Huoli shook her head. "I don't know, and we can only wait for him to open his eyes."

However, Chen Li suddenly fell down, startling the two of them.

"Chen Li!" Xiao Huoli shouted as she tried to wake him up, but he didn't show any reaction, and she immediately checked his condition. However, she was immediately stunned, for he fell asleep. "This guy! I was worried about him, but he's asleep!"

"Huh?" Xiao Hei was stunned for a moment, checked on Chen Li to make sure, and then shook her head. "Something is calling him, especially since I can't feel his consciousness."

Xiao Huoli raised her eyebrows. "Sigh, he must have entered his Memory Fragment again."

"En." Xiao Hei nodded to her.

However, what happened next shocked them; both women felt an ominous aura from Chen Li.

Sensing that, Xiao Huoli immediately disappeared from Xiao Hei's sight and picked up all the women who were inside, and she sent them all out of Tianyi Realm before returning to Chen Li's side. "Sister Hei, this-"

"Yes." Xiao Hei nodded to her. "There is no doubt that Hermit Long is the owner of this aura, but I sincerely hope that he won't submit to his control, or else they will all be in danger.

Xiao Huoli took a deep breath after she heard that and muttered in her heart. 'Chen Li! You must not fall under that evil dragon's temptations!




Time Realm

Sensing something had happened to Chen Li, Xiao Shijian instantly opened her eyes, and her expression became extremely ugly. "Old friend! You can't lose to your other self, and you must resist him!"

After she said that, Xiao Shijian instantly disappeared from her room.




"Keh... Keh... Keh..."

Chen Li frowned upon hearing a man laugh strangely, and he immediately opened his eyes, but he felt confused about the situation because there was only endless darkness in front of him. "Who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

"Keh... Keh... You really are awesome! You haven't even regained Emperor Long's memories yet, but you can come to this place."

Chen Li's eyes shrank as soon as an old man appeared before him, especially since the man was an older version of him. It's just that he has black hair and wears all black clothes, but his bloodshot eyes are really terrifying. "Who are you?"

"People used to call me Hermit Long."

"Hermit Long?" Chen Li asked in surprise.

"Yes." Hermit Long then stretched out his hand to Chen Li and asked him. "Do you want power?"

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When Chen Li heard that, it appeared as though Hermit Long's words had hypnotized him, and he responded by asking with an expectant expression. "Are you really able to give me power?"

"Of course! If you take my hand, I will give you great power." Hermit Long replied with an evil grin.

Without thinking twice, Chen Li stepped forward, and he wanted to grab his hand. However, someone suddenly kicked Hermit Long, sending him flying backward.

"Xiao Shijian?" Chen Li asked in surprise after her sudden appearance, but she immediately raised her small fist and smacked his head. "Ouch! Why did you hit my head so hard?"

"Because you are too stupid! If you grab his hand, then you will be controlled by him, and you will turn into a cold-blooded killer." Xiao Shijian scolded Chen Li fiercely, and she then turned to Hermit Long and shouted at him. "Hey, Evil Long! Come here quickly! No need to pretend in front of me!"

"Keh, Keh, Xiao Shijian, you have thwarted my plans." Hermit Long spoke with a bitter smile as he landed in front of them. "Why did you come here?"

"Do you think I don't know your character?" Xiao Shijian asked in a scornful tone. "If you dare to do anything strange to him, I will immediately destroy your soul."

Hermit Long shrugged nonchalantly. "If you destroy my soul, then his soul will become incomplete."

"Are you sure?" As a transparent white aura encircled her body, Xiao Shijian narrowed her eyes.

"Okay! I give up!" Hermit Long raised his hand in resignation. 'Damn it! If this old loli hadn't appeared here, I would have succeeded in taking over his body.' "What do you want now?"

"Give him your techniques! He will definitely need them later." Xiao Shijian ordered him sternly.

Hermit Long sighed upon hearing that, touched Chen Li's forehead, and passed some of his techniques to him. "Done!"

"Good!" Xiao Shijian turned to the confused Chen Li. "It's not time for you to come here yet, so I'll send you out now."

Without waiting for Chen Li's response, Xiao Shijian directly touched his chest and sent him out of the Memory Fragment.

"The current Long Wang seems to be an anomaly; he hasn't even gotten Emperor Long's memories yet, but he has been able to enter my place." Hermit Long said as he shook his head.

Xiao Shijian nodded at him. "Chen Li is not like you, Emperor Long, or all the reincarnations before you. He has the same body as the original Long Wang."

"What did you say?" Hermit Long asked in shock.

"Heh! Chen Li has the Chaos Body, and he can return to being the original Long Wang in the future." Xiao Shijian replied with a mocking smile. "If he comes to this place again, you shouldn't do anything weird to him, especially since a lot of people are waiting for him to return, and he also has a lot of grudges to settle."

After she said that, Xiao Shijian instantly disappeared from the scene, leaving Hermit Long dumbfounded.

- To Be Continued -