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One Wild Night

Chapter 781 Just Us Girls
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Chapter 781  Just Us Girls

The moment Tom, Harry, and Jade arrived at Bryan's place, Jade got out of the car and headed for the house ahead of Tom and Harry.

"Lucy, I think you should go back home to Tom. I don't want him interrupting every moment I have with Harry simply because you're not there to keep him occupied," Jade said with a scowl.

"He is at Harry's place?" Lucy asked curiously, since she was somewhat surprised that he had not called her yet.

"No, he is outside. We came to pick Andy, but I'm sure he is here more because he wants to see you than because of Andy," Jade said, and Tom who had just walked into the place with Harry scowled.

"I still don't get why our parents adopted a brat like you out of all the kids in the world," Tom said, and Jade rolled her eyes.

"If anyone was adopted, it must be you. It's almost always the first kid who is adopted," she said and the rest of them laughed.

"Mom said she needed a girl. They got two boys already and she didn't want to get pregnant again, so she settled for an adoption. You should ask them when they get here tomorrow. You need to go find your real parents," Tom said with an apologetic look, and Jade glared at him.

"You are a bastard!" She said, while Andy turned to Candace.

"Are they always like this?" She asked the same question on Mia's mind and Candace giggled and waved it off.

"Don't take them seriously," Candace assured Andy and Mia who seemed to be taking the exchange to heart.

"Tom, stop being mean to Jade. Are you here to see me or Andy?" Lucy asked and Tom shook his head.

"I'm here to see how my soon to be sister-in-law is doing, and to see the newest Jonas sister. Hey, Sony, how are you feeling?" Tom asked as he went to meet Sonia and kissed her cheek.

"I feel like shit. Thanks for releasing Lucy," Sonia said and Tom nodded.

"Sure. Anything for you and the little one. You can keep her here with you for as long as you want, I don't mind," Tom said and Lucy raised a brow.

"Really?" Lucy asked and Tom nodded.

"Don't listen to him, Sony. He doesn't mean it," Jade said and Sonia smiled at Tom.

"Thanks. Before you got here I was telling Lucy that I wish she would stay with me until the baby comes…." Sonia and the others burst into laughter when Tom's expression changed into a frown.

"I told her I wasn't going to do that, but since you are kind enough to offer me to her for as long as she wants, I'm going to move in here," Lucy said and Tom tried not to scowl.

As if choosing not to comment on that, he turned to Andy with a pleasant smile, "Hello, Andy," Tom said as he looked at Andy, and she grinned at him.

"I finally get to see you. I've heard so so much about you," she said and he cocked a brow.

"I hope you liked everything you heard," he asked and she shrugged.

"Unless they are all scared of you, no one had anything bad to say about you.," Andy said and Tom smiled.

"I like you. Welcome to the family, Andy," he said with arms opened and Andy grinned as she went to embrace him.

"Why are you so quiet? That's unlike you," Candace said, focusing on Harry who was yet to say a word since he walked in with Tom.

"We're you missing my voice so badly?" Harry asked and Candace giggled.

"Can I have a word with you in private, Mia?" Harry asked, since his gaze had been on Mia the whole time.

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"Sure," Mia said as she rose to go talk to him while Jade frowned and raised a brow.

"Can I come?" She asked, but Harry shook his head.

"I said in private. If I wanted you to hear I would say it in front of everyone," Harry said and Jade scowled at his back as he walked outside with Mia.

"Why is he always so interested in Mia anyway?" Jade asked irritably as she went to sit beside Candace.

"Are you scared he might dump you for her?" Candace asked and Jade rolled her eyes.

"No. Tom, why is Harry so interested in Mia?" Jade asked and Tom raised a brow.

"Back to talking to me? I thought I was a bastard?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Being a bastard doesn't stop me from talking to you. You started it first by saying I was adopted," Jade reminded him.

"I don't have time for this," Tom said as he turned to Lucy.

"Can I have a word with you?" He asked and she raised a brow.

"I thought you were here to see your sister-in-law and the Jonas sister, not me?" She asked and he grinned.

"There is no harm in saying hello to my girlfriend when I meet her at my sister-in-law's place, is there? I didn't want to come to see you because I didn't want to distract you from attending to Sony," Tom said and Lucy giggled.

"Like I buy that nonsense," Lucy said as she rose to go talk with him at the bar.

"Tom is just as clingy as you after all," Candace said in amusement.

"You are just realizing? You should see how pathetic he looked when he came over to Harry's. 'I don't want to go home when she is not there'" Jade said, mimicking Tom's tone and expression, and all four of them laughed.

"That's so sweet," Andy said and both Candace and Sonia agreed with her.

Some feet away from there, Harry and Mia stood outside, "How are you doing?" Harry asked Mia with concern and she shrugged.

"I'm fine. You?" She asked, no longer feeling uncomfortable now that Harry knew the truth about her.

"I'm okay. I have been thinking about our last discussion for some time now," Harry said and Mia raised a brow.


"And I don't like that you are living in hiding when you did nothing wrong," Harry said and Mia shook her head.

"I don't mind. I prefer…."

"Can you trust me to protect you?" Harry asked and she shook her head.

"No. I don't know what this is about, but no. I don't want you getting involved or…."

"Do you think you will be able to live in hiding forever? It is only a matter of time before your family finds out that you are alive. Why don't you come out of hiding before they find you? I'm not asking you to go back to them. I'm asking you to cut ties with them the right way if you must. That way you can retain your identity and be free to live a normal life without having to shy away from cameras," Harry said but Mia shook her head.

"I don't want to. I can't face them…."

"Why don't you think about it and get back to me?" Harry asked and Mia looked at him with a confused frown.

"Why? Why would you want to get involved in my business or do that for me?" She asked and Harry sighed.

"Because I have two sisters who have gone through their fair share of emotional abuse and have also lived in hiding and I wish someone could have helped them. I wasn't there for them, but I can be here for you if you let me. I'm not asking for anything in return. All I want is a chance to help you so that you never have to live in fear or hiding again," Harry said and Mia drew in a shaky breath.

"I don't know. I will think about it," she said, and Harry nodded.

"That's good enough. Can I have your number? That way I can talk to you over the phone instead of excusing you from everyone else and making them curious," Harry explained and Mia nodded.

"Sure," she said as she took Harry's phone and typed in her number.

Harry dialed her number and when it rang, he saved it, "That's my number. You can call me if you need my help," Harry said before they both returned inside to join the others.

The moment Mia returned inside, she ordered for a cab and bid the others goodbye as she left, leaving them to wonder what she and Harry had discussed.

Away from there, at the bar, the moment Tom and Lucy were alone, Tom pulled Lucy to himself and embraced her tightly.

"I've been missing you like crazy since you left the office," Tom confessed, and Lucy sighed deeply as she hugged him back.

"Yet you offered me to Sonia on a platter," she said and he pulled back.

"It's the least I can do for my sister-in-law even if I don't like it," he said and she smiled.

"How was therapy?" He asked as he sat on one of the barstools and pulled her close to himself.

"It was nice as usual. I'm glad you came around," Lucy said and Tom raised a brow.

"Really? I thought you didn't want me to because I would distract you from focusing on Sonia?" He asked and she shrugged.

"That doesn't mean I won't be happy to see my man. Besides, I was missing you too," Lucy said and Tom grinned.

"Then I should have just come straight here instead of going to Harry's and looking for an excuse to come see you," Tom said and Lucy smiled.

"The only excuse you need to come see me, is missing me. And we can talk over the phone at night before going to bed," Lucy said and Tom nodded.

"Alright. It's just going to be tonight and tomorrow. I will survive, and if I don't, know I love you," Tom said dramatically and Lucy giggled.

"Please do. You know I can't live without you," Lucy said and Tom grinned.

"I guess I have to do all I can to survive. Your parents will be at my place, right?" He asked since both their parents were coming in together the next day.

"Right," Lucy said and Tom smiled, pleased that she wasn't insisting on them going to stay at her place as she had done the last time.

"Alright then. I should get going, since I'm leaving alone," Tom said with a pitiful face.

"Don't look so sad, my love," Lucy said as she kissed him.

As Tom rose to leave, he looked at her again, "Sonia was joking about you staying with her until the baby comes, right?" Tom asked and Lucy giggled.

"She wasn't. But don't worry, I have no plans of being away from you for that long. I can visit her often but I definitely won't move in with her unless we are doing so together or she is moving in with us," Lucy said and Tom nodded in approval.

"That's good enough for me then," Tom said as they both returned to the living room to join the others. The most update n0vels are published on novelenglish.net . Fire(.)nᴇt

They got there in time to hear Jade say, "I have changed my mind about going back with you. I'm just going to stay here with Sonia and the others."

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"Are you serious?" Harry asked and Jade nodded.

"Yes. It's not like we are going to have the house to ourselves anyway. Andy will be there, and I know Tom will be a nuisance for as long as Lucy remains here. I'd rather have fun with the girls here, so you both should have fun," Jade said with a shrug.

"Alright. Enjoy yourself. What about you, Andy?" Harry asked and she flashed him an awkward smile.

"If Jade and Candace are staying then I should stay here too. I don't want to miss out on all the fun. I can come over to know your place before we go back to Sogal," Andy said and Harry nodded.

"Alright then. Since you're all here, I will leave the car. Tom, do you mind dropping me off?" Harry asked and Tom grinned.

"You know I don't. Let's go have some fun too," Tom said and kissed Lucy goodnight  before heading for the door.

"Are you sure you won't regret that later?" Candace asked Jade as they watched Harry and Tom leave.

"No. They should go have fun," Jade said dismissively and then grinned.

"Now it's just us girls! Speaking of which, did I tell you girls that Philip proposed to Aurora?" Jade asked, surprising Lucy, Sonia, and Candace and leaving Andy lost.


"Are you serious?" Candace and Sonia asked, and Jade bobbed her head.

"I was equally shocked when she called to inform me earlier. In her own words, they both tick each other's boxes and see no reason to waste any more time apart, when they have been searching for each other their whole life," Jade said and they all awwed.

"That is so beautiful," Lucy said and Jade nodded.

"She wants me to be her maid of honor since I played a role in their getting together," Jade said with a giggle, and Andy raised a brow.

"I suppose Aurora is the lady she tried to make Harry date?" She asked Candace when she finally figured it out since she had heard how Jade had tried to make Harry date someone else before she fell for him.

"Yeah," Candace said with a nod.

"I wonder how they went from not defining their relationship to being engaged in such a short time," Lucy said with an amused smile.

"It's the same way Candace went from tiptoeing around us and not wanting to date Matt to moving into my house just to spend time with Matt," Sonia said and Candace scowled at her while the others giggled.

"Why didn't you use Lucy as an example?" Candace asked and Jade raised a brow.

"Because using you is more fun," Sonia said with a shrug.

"What about Lucy could she have used?" Jade asked at a loss.

 Candace smiled, "She told me…."

"Candace," Lucy called with disapproval and Sonia frowned at Candace.

"Lucy told me she never wanted to date anyone until she met Tom, and now see her living with him. If that isn't change, what is?" Candace asked, and grinned at Lucy, knowing that Lucy had thought she was about to expose her secret to Jade and glad that she had been able to mess with her.

"That's common knowledge," Jade said easily.

"Aurora is coming to my bachelorette party tomorrow, right?" Sonia asked, returning the subject to Aurora and Jade nodded.

"Definitely! You know she won't miss any opportunity to spend time with us," Jade said and Sonia clapped happily.

"I'm so happy you're all going to be here with me. I'm beginning to feel excited about my wedding," Sonia said happily, and they all smiled.

They couldn't wait for her to go to bed so they could meet and make more plans for the bachelorette party.