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One Wild Night

Chapter 760 Stockholm Syndrome
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Chapter 760 Stockholm Syndrome

Cassidy was feeling pretty exhausted as he headed to his daughter's bedroom to kiss her goodnight after a long day.

After he returned from his trip to Heden to meet with Harry, he had deliberately stayed away from the house because he didn't want to face Andy.

She was leaving the next day, and seeing her was only going to make him reluctant about letting her go, and he didn't want that, especially now that she had forgiven him.

So he had waited until nighttime when he was certain she would be asleep to sneak back into the house. That way, the next morning she would leave and that would be it for them.

Cassidy smiled as he watched his little Angel sleeping peacefully, and after staring at her for some time, he kissed her forehead before walking out of her bedroom.

He had hoped that Andy would take care of his daughter and be the mother she never had, but none of that was going to happen. And he couldn't blame her for not wanting to stay by his side.

Cassidy stopped by the bar to pick up a bottle of whiskey and a glass before he headed straight to his room so he could freshen up and sleep. He was feeling very exhausted and he needed the drink to knock him out and keep his demons away.

As he walked into his room, his gaze darted to the interconnecting door between his room and Andy's, and his gaze lingered there for a moment as he wondered if she was asleep yet or not.

His legs guided them to the door and he stood there with his hands on the knob for a minute thinking whether or not he should go in and just watch her sleep since this was the last time he would be having her in such close proximity.

After contemplating it for a minute he shook his head. If Andy woke up and caught him staring he would have a hard time explaining what he was doing in her bedroom, he mused as he let go of the doorknob and headed for his bathroom instead.

Cassidy stepped out of his bathroom some minutes later with his white towel wrapped around his waist and was shocked to see Andy lying on his bed.

He must be feeling so terrible about her departure to be hallucinating about her, Cassidy decided as he shut his eyes to clear his vision, but when he opened his eyes again, Andy was still there.

Was he going crazy with longing for her?Cassidy mused with a frown since he knew that there was no way Andy would be in his room at this time of the night, talk more of being on his bed, dressed in such flimsy nightwear.

"Why do you look like you are seeing a ghost?" Andy said, proving to Cassidy that he wasn't hallucinating and she was really there on his bed.

Since the night she told him she had forgive him, and he told her he was traveling out of the island, she had not set eyes on him even though Maribel and Susan had said he was back.

She wanted to see him to find out if and why he was avoiding her. She couldn't understand why he seemed to be avoiding her despite the fact that she had told him he was forgiven.

Or was he doing it because he had changed his mind about letting her go and was stalling?

She had decided to stay in her bedroom to wait up for him because something told her he would show up in the middle of the night and probably leave very early in the morning before she came out. Like he has always done.

She had almost dozed off when she heard him open the door, and had decided to go into his room to speak with him. She had stepped into the room just as he went into his bathroom and turned the shower on, so she had been waiting for him on his bed.

Seeing the disbelief and now confusion on his face, her lips twitched in amusement, "I have been waiting up for you. Is there a particular reason you have been avoiding me?" She asked as she remained on his bed while watching him and waiting for a response.

Cassidy observed Andy as he tried to figure out why she was so comfortably spread on his bed in such an outfit at that time of the night.

He didn't need to ask her how she had gotten into his bedroom since the interconnecting door between their rooms was standing open.

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"Why are you on my bed, Andy?" Cassidy asked, not comfortable with the fact that he was standing naked, merely covered by his towel, and she was dressed in such a revealing nightwear on his bed. It evoked images he didn't want to dwell on.

"I told you I was waiting up for you," Andy said, and Cassidy nodded.

"Why?" He asked as he casually poured whiskey into his glass and tried to act like he was not bothered by her presence.

"Three reasons. First, I want to know why you are still avoiding me even after I told you I have forgiven you."

"I am not avoiding you. I have been busy with work," Cassidy said as he went to stand by his window with the glass of whiskey in hand, backing Andy as he drank from it.

She had anticipated that response. She knew that was what he would say even before she even asked the question.

"Why are you here, Andy? I thought we both agreed not to use the interconnecting door this way? Especially not in the middle of the night like this or with you dressed this way on my bed," Cassidy said as he turned to look at her with a penetrating gaze.

"This was the only way and time I could see you…."

"You could have knocked on the door and asked to see me. I would have come out to talk to you," Cassidy pointed out.

"Would you, really?"

"And you definitely could have covered up properly," he added as his gaze skimmed over her body.

"You say it as though this is your first time seeing me dressed this way or even naked," Andy said with a smirk, and Cassidy sighed.


"The second reason I'm here. It's a week already. Am I still leaving? Or have you changed your mind? Is that the reason you are avoiding me?" Andy asked, and Cassidy shook his head.

"I gave you my word, Andy. I have made the necessary arrangements and put everything in place for you to leave tomorrow," Cassidy said, and Andy narrowed her eyes.

"Are you serious? I can really leave tomorrow?" She asked, wanting to see if he was being serious or messing with her.


"When were you going to tell me?" Andy asked and he shrugged.

"You would have been told in the morning," Cassidy said as he took another gulp from his glass, and she raised a brow.

"I would have been told in the morning? Not by you, I suppose?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Yes. Not by me. Does it make any difference whether I'm the one to tell you or not? The most important thing is that you are leaving as you wanted…."

"You can't even tell me to my face that I'm leaving tomorrow yet you say you weren't avoiding me?" Andy cut in with a snort.

"Shouldn't you be happy that you are finally leaving? Isn't that good enough?" He asked and she looked at him with an expression that said he was being ridiculous.

"You brought me here against my will, Cassidy. And you were planning to send me off without even talking to me?" She asked in displeasure and Cassidy groaned.

"What more do you want from me, Andy? What do you really want?" He asked in a weary voice as he set down his glass of whiskey by the table in his bedroom.

"Good thing you asked. Now that we have gotten the first two reasons I'm here out of the way, I want to have sex with you," Andy said and she laughed softly when Cassidy's eyes grew saucer wide.

It was the first time she was seeing him look that shocked and she had to admit that it was satisfying. He wasn't an easy man to shock after all.

While Cassidy was still staring at her speechlessly, Andy slowly slid out of her nightdress to show him how serious she was, and Cassidy took a step back, since he couldn't understand what she was up to.

There was no way Andy who hated him so much for forcefully having sex with her would so willingly offer herself to him this way.

This had to be some sort of prank or test. Or maybe he was dreaming.

"Come to bed, Alex," Andy said as she patted the space next to her.

Cassidy shook his head. "What are you doing?" Cassidy asked and she raised a brow.

"What does it look like I'm doing?"

"You can't be joking about things like..."

"And who said I was joking? I want to have sex with you, Alex." Andy cut in.

"No, Andy. I can't do that…."

"Why not? Don't tell me you have a problem with having sex with me now because I want it? You prefer to forcefully have me? Is that your kink?" Andy asked dryly.

"Why are you doing this to me? I have apologized for what happened in the past…."

"And I accepted your apology, didn't I? Would I be wanting to have sex with you if I haven't forgiven you?" Andy asked and Cassidy took a deep breath.

"I can't have sex with you…"

"Why not?" Andy asked, cutting him off.

"Why do you want to have sex with me?" Cassidy asked in return.

"Do I need to have any reason other than being horny for wanting to have sex with you? What was your reason for having sex with me? Wasn't it because you were horny?" She asked and Cassidy frowned.

"I don't want to do anything that would make you hate me any more than you already do. You are leaving this place tomorrow so I'm sure you'd find more suitable men to your taste…."

"It is you I want to pleasure me," Andy cut him off once more.

"You are feeling this way right now because I'm the closest male around and you've been in close proximity with me for some time and has probably grown attached to me. It is called Stockholm syndrome…."

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"I know what Stockholm syndrome is, and this is not it. In the past you used me whenever you wanted and however you wanted. I want to do the same to you. At least tonight. I'm leaving tomorrow anyway, and we wouldn't have to see each other again. This could be a goodbye sex," She suggested with a shrug.

"Andy, please stop. This does not make sense. I can't do...."

"Yes, you can. All you have to do is get naked, get on the bed and do whatever I ask you to do like you did to me. You can do that much for me, can't you?" Andy asked, and Cassidy shook his head.

"If we do this, you are going to hate me come morning," Cassidy said and Andy shook her head.

"I won't. I'm the one asking you to do this. For the pain you caused me, I want you to pleasure me. Is that too much to ask?"

"I don't want to give you one more thing to hold against me, Andy. Things are awkward enough between us already," Cassidy pleaded.

"I won't hold this against you. I'm not drunk, Alex. I'm sober, and I'm the one asking for this. We are most likely never going to cross paths again so you don't have to worry about things becoming awkward between us," Andy said as she rose to face him, not caring that she was completely nude.

"And what if we cross paths?" He asked and she shrugged.

"Then we will meet as friends next time. There will be no ill feelings between us then," she said as she approached him.

"Tell me you don't want me, and I will leave. Look at me and tell me you don't desire me," Andy said as she stopped in front of him and placed a hand on his chest to feel his racing heartbeat.

Cassidy swallowed as he looked into her eyes, not sure of whether or not to give in to her, even though he was yearning to do so.

"Tell me," Andy said as she let her nipples brush his chest.

"There has never been a time that I didn't want you. Wanting you is not the problem…."

"Then there is no problem," Andy said as she leaned closer to him and brushed her lips against his.

"I want to have sex with Alex, not Cassidy," she said as she bit on his lower lip sensually.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked in a husky voice, and she nodded.

"Yes, Alex. I am very sure," she assured him.

"And you promise not to hold my desire for you against me or hate me for doing this afterward?" He asked and she smiled.

"I will hate you more if you turn me down," she assured him.

"You are free to do with me as you please," Cassidy said, and Andy tugged on his towel, letting it fall to the ground.

"Pleasure me, Alex. I want you to worship every inch of my body. I want to experience pleasure like I've never felt before," Andy said as she turned away from him to go lay on the bed.

"Your wish is my command," Cassidy said as he gulped down what was left in his glass of whiskey and joined her in bed.

He was probably going to regret this come morning, or maybe not. He was not going to dwell on it.

All he wanted for now was to have her one last time. To pleasure her as much as she would let him.

Come morning, he would say goodbye to her and console himself with the memories of tonight.