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One Wild Night

Chapter 647 Love And Change
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Tom dialed Kimberly's line after contemplating for a while whether or not to confront her for approaching Lucy when the result was not out yet.

He wanted to make sure he put her in her place and let her know that baby mama or not he wasn't going to condone any unnecessary dramas or let her mess with Lucy in any way.

"Hey, Hi! Why are you calling already? Is the result out yet?" Kimberly asked in surprise after she received the call on the fifth ring.

"No, it's not. Lucy told me you chatted with her. Why did you do that?" Tom asked, and Kimberly turned to her hair stylists and signaled to them to excuse her.

"I didn't mean any harm, okay? I just figured you told her about it already so I wanted to get acquainted with her," Kimberly explained.

"You had no right doing that. If I wanted you to get acquainted with her I would have made the introductions at the right time. I don't want you speaking to her or anything! Don't try to mess with her, I won't take it," Tom warned harshly and Kimberly's brows furrowed in annoyance.

"Back off, will you? I don't understand why you're speaking to me so harshly, but I'm not your enemy and neither am I here to cause any conflicts. I was only trying to get along with the lady that would be involved in Dawn's life. What is so wrong about that? Listen, if you think it's going to be too burdensome to be involved in Dawn's life, say so and we will cut off all communication with you," Kimberly hissed in annoyance and hung up without letting Tom say another word.

Tom scowled as he stared at his phone, and before he could decide whether to call her back or not a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in," he said gruffly and Bryan walked in.

"Is everything alright?" Bryan asked when he noticed the annoyance on Tom's face.

"Sure. What's up?" Tom asked, and Bryan shrugged.

"I noticed you were home and I figured since we are home alone, we could play a game or two or just sit out to drink and chill," Bryan suggested.

"I could use both," Tom said as looked around the room for a moment as though he was searching for something before walking out with Bryan.

"So, I was going to tell you something last night before Harry and Candace showed up. I'm proposing to Sonia tomorrow," Bryan said as they descended the stairs, and Tom stopped walking and turned to him in surprise.

"Tomorrow?" Tom asked, and Bryan nodded.

"Yeah. I don't want our baby to be born outside wedlock. So, I'd love to get married to Sonia before the baby bump becomes obvious. That way she can wear whatever dress she has dreamt of wearing her whole life without the bump getting in the way. I haven't told her. I hope you won't tell Lucy either. But I want you to be there and make sure Lucy is there," Bryan rambled on while Tom watched him with a blank expression.

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He couldn't believe that he had spent his entire life believing Bryan was the irresponsible brother when he was the one. Despite Bryan's lifestyle he didn't have a baby outside wedlock, yet here he was still trying to come to terms with the fact that he might be the father of a three years old kid.

"Tom? Are you alright?" Bryan asked when Tom did not say anything after some time.

"Yeah! I'm just surprised and happy for you. I guess we should grab the drink to celebrate first. I will pour you a glass from my most expensive wine," Tom said as he continued down the stairs and they headed for the bar.

Bryan chuckled, "Isn't it funny that I'm getting married before you? Don't you dare propose to Lucy and try to beat me to going to the altar," Bryan warned and Tom chuckled.

"You don't have to worry. I have no plans of getting married any time soon. And let me know any way I can be of help," Tom assured him, as he put all his worries behind him and focused on celebrating with Bryan instead.

Away from there, after Lucy's conversation with Sonia, she busied herself by cleaning up her kitchen while Sonia took a nap on her bed.

As she cleaned the kitchen, she replayed her conversation with Sonia in her head as she tried to figure out what to do now that she knew the problem was falling in love and not marriage.

Thinking about it she knew she wouldn't feel any less devastated or shattered as Mrs Perkins had been if anything were to happen to Tom now, so marriage really wasn't the issue.

Tom was too supportive to make her want to give up her job to become a stay at home wife like her teacher's husband had done. And she couldn't even imagine him packing up and running away with her money like the other lady's husband had done.

She giggled softly at the thought. Between her and Tom if there was anyone who would run away with the other's money it was her since she had nothing compared to all Tom owned.

So, once again it wasn't about marriage but about the kind of person one got married to. And she knew Tom wasn't a bad person.

The thought of marrying Tom made her heart begin to race and she paused as she cleaned out the kitchen cabinets.

It was obvious that even though in her head she now knew that marriage wasn't the issue, she was still scared of the idea. Perhaps she could discuss it with her therapist on her next appointment. She believed that Doctor Julia would be able to help her there.

"Are you expecting someone? Why did you leave that space on your dresser? And I noticed a drawer is empty," Sonia said as she watched Lucy from the doorway.

"You were snooping, huh?" Lucy asked, not the least bit offended.

"Yeah. You know it's second nature to me," Sonia said with a grin and Lucy giggled.

"I'll just have to teach our baby not to turn out nosy like you or Bryan's family," Lucy said as she watched Sonia yawn.

"You can't out do majority. You either beat us or join us," Sonia said and then raised a brow.

"So, who is the space for?"

"Tom. I created the space for Tom. We will be shuttling between his place and mine now. He's coming over later tonight and I plan to give him a spare key," Lucy said, and Sonia grinned.

"Wow! That's a new level," Sonia said, and Lucy nodded.

"Yep. It is. And I must confess that I'm sort of excited about it. Having him here is going to be just like the begining when we just met. Things might be different if or when his daughter shows up, but I might have to spend more of time at his place then," Lucy said with a shrug before returning her attention to cleaning out the kitchen cabinet while Sonia remained where she stood staring at Lucy.

Sonia was feeling a lot more optimistic now about Lucy now than she had felt in a long time. She had noticed earlier that Lucy seemed more open to the idea of marriage now. Some thing told her that Lucy was finally going to be changing her mind regarding getting married to Tom soon.

"What?" Lucy asked when she raised her head a moment later and noticed that Sonia was still standing on the same spot.

Sonia shook her head, "Nothing. Just thinking about stuff."

There was no need to ask her about it yet or point it to her. She would leave her to take her time to make up her mind. She knew Lucy would tell her about it when she was sure and ready.

"What stuff?" Lucy asked curiously.

"You didn't give me a response yesterday when I talked about you going to the clinic with me during my antenatal appointments," Sonia said, changing the subject, and Lucy raised a brow.

"I didn't realize you needed a response. You should know my feelings would be hurt if you went with someone else who is not me, apart from Bryan. Of course, it would be an honor and a great privilege to stand in for Bryan," Lucy said, and Sonia grinned.

"And you won't mind babysitting either, right?" Sonia asked, and Lucy shrugged.

"The baby is ours. As long as you tell me what to do and make sure a nanny is not more than ten feet away from me, it shouldn't be a problem," Lucy assured her, and Sonia beamed a smile at her.

"I knew I could count on you," Sonia said, and Lucy looked at Sonia with interest.

"How do you feel though? Any morning sickness? Can you feel the baby moving yet?" Lucy asked and Sonia shrugged.

"I feel okay. I'm not feeling sick or anything yet. The only thing I've observed for now is that I easily get tired lately. And I can't feel the baby's movement yet until the next couple of weeks. Although, I can't wait to begin to feel it and to know if I'm having a boy or a girl," Sonia said, her eyes gleaming excitedly as Lucy had noticed it gleamed now each time she talked about the baby.

Lucy smiled, "I hope it's a girl. I can't picture you with a baby bump though, and even though I know you'd make a wonderful mom, I can't quite picture it yet," Lucy said with a small smile.

"Well, I can picture you with it a baby bump and I can see you as a mom. I think you'd be an even more wonderful mom," Sonia said, and Lucy shook her head.

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"I'm not so sure about that," Lucy said, and Sonia raised a brow.

"You don't think you would make a good mom?" Sonia asked curiously.

"Do we ever know if we would? Can you ever tell how a kid is going to turn out?" Lucy asked, and Sonia chuckled.

"So how do you know I'd make a wonderful mom then?" Sonia asked as Lucy dropped her cleaning napkin.

Lucy didn't say a word for a moment and shrugged, "I don't think you would let your kids run amok," Lucy said matter of factly.

"And you think you would let yours run amok?" Sonia asked dryly and Lucy frowned.

"Not everything can be controlled, Sony. You're nosy and don't mind getting on people's nerves. I like to let people have their privacy. Can you imagine the sort of parent I'd be…"

"Not everything needs to be controlled. Besides, it's not your place to determine how your kids turn out. Your duty is to raise them to the best of your ability and then let them make their own decisions as adults when it's time. Your mom is like you most of the time and see how well you and Lucas turned out," Sonia said, and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Indeed. We turned out so well that I ended up being kidnapped by a stalker and Lucas ended up with that crazy bitch," Lucy said dryly.

Although Sonia wanted to argue further, she decided not to, and changed the subject instead.

"Speaking about Rachel, did you read about what's happening to her father?" Sonia asked, and Lucy raised a brow.

"What's that?"

"I forgot to mention it earlier. I saw the news on our way here. He lost the primaries in his party last night, and after his shocked reaction when his opponent mentioned his questionable past, he has been trending online since last night. Everyone is talking about his brother's suspicious death and the missing child," Sonia said, and Lucy smiled.

"I wonder how she is doing," Lucy said, and Sonia grinned.

"Want to find out? We could call her," Sonia said with a mischievous smile and Lucy giggled.

"I don't think that's a good idea. There's no need to let them know we were involved in any of this," Lucy said and Sonia sighed.

"You're right. I hope things go downhill for them now," Sonia muttered.

"It will. This is only the first of many evils to befall them," Lucy said confidently.

"Let's not talk about them anymore. I'd rather talk about the house you bought with Bryan. When are you fixing the place and moving?" Lucy asked, and she watched with amusement as Sonia's eyes lit up once again and she began to chatter excitedly about her plans for the place and for their baby.

Somehow Sonia had changed so much in such a short time. Perhaps it was the pregnancy? Or maybe it was because she was happy in love. She wondered if Sonia even knew how much she had changed.

Had she not changed herself? Things she would never have considered doing months ago were things she now thought about doing. Tom had disrupted her life, but she wasn't even complaining because like Sonia, she was happy in love. 

Perhaps the changes were a side effect of being with the Hank brothers. She wondered if Harry was experiencing any major changes in himself by virtue of dating the Hank princess.