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One Wild Night

Chapter 634 Sexual Satisfaction
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Once Candace and Matt arrived at the estate where Matt's house was located, he took off his baseball hat and sunglasses.

The environment was quiet, the security men stationed at the gate did not look at her twice as they drove in after they saw Matt in the car with her. Candace understood now what Matt had said about it being a discreet and safe location.

Matt had to draw the attention of the security guards back to her, "Please prepare a card for her so that she can easily get in whenever she comes over. She would be visiting often," Matt explained, making Candace turn to look at him with a raised brow but he merely shrugged.

"Please come with us, ma'am," one of the men said to Candace and she pulled the car to the side before getting out with Matt.

They walked into the security house which looked like a large office itself, and Candace was surprised to see more people inside and cctv monitors which were being observed by a couple of people.

It both amused and intrigued her that the place was run like a high security company.

"Lots of celebrities and influential people live here, so they can't be too careful," Matt explained as he walked beside her.

Soon they were led into a room and the guard who escorted them in, returned to his position at the gate, while the people in the room attended to them by recording Candace's information on their database, such as her name, age, fingerprint and a picture of her, and then recorded Matt's detail since he was the person she would be coming over to visit.

Once they were done activating it, they handed a black card to her which had a little chip at the back, "You won't have to answer any questions if you present this at the gate and it's checked," the lady who attended to her informed her with a polite smile, and Candace thanked her before letting Matt lead her out.

"All this for a little visit?" Candace muttered when they got back into the car.

"It's not little. You can use this place as your getaway home if you need to be alone whether I'm around or not," Matt said, and before Candace could remind him they were just friends he smiled.

"You're my friend, are you not?" He asked, shutting her up.

Candace busied herself with looking around the place as she slowly drove down following Matt's direction. Every building around had its own private gate so it was like everyone was minding their business.

She highly doubted that members of the press or paparazzi would gain entrance into such a place easily.

"I see you like it," Matt observed when he noticed she looked impressed.

"It looks like a secret nest," she said, and he nodded.

"That's what it is. An expensive secret nest where I can safe from public eye. There," Matt said, pointing to his gate, "In my hurry to get to you, I forgot to take the remote," he said as he got out of the car and walked to the gate.

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Candace watched his back and let herself smile as she admired the shape of his butt.

Matt turned to look at her after the gate had automatically opened and noticed she wasn't driving in because she was smiling at something, and almost immediately she realized he had turned and was staring at her, the smile slid off her face and she drove in without meeting his gaze.

Although, Matt had no idea what she had been looking at or what she had been thinking, he was glad to see she had been smiling. He didn't care what was amusing to her.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look in that outfit?" Matt asked as she got out of the car, and she rolled her eyes even though her cheeks flushed with pleasure at his compliment.

"I didn't dress up for you. I told you I had to go somewhere with Jade…. What?" She asked when Matt started grinning.

"You still don't seem to know how to accept a honest compliment, Candace," Matt said, and she scowled making him chuckle.

"Thanks," she muttered under her breath.

"Too late. I've taken it back. Let's go in," Matt said as he led her to the door and opened it to let her in.

Candace's heart beat doubled as she walked into the living room. The house looked exactly like what it was. Expensive. It was all so masculinely tastefully furnished.

Unfortunately she wasn't much interested in the decor right now or in colors. Anticipation caused her blood to drum in her ears.

She was partially expecting Matt to pounce on her and take her right there in the living room. She was hoping he would. After their make out session in the car yesterday and the way he had told her he missed her, she expected nothing less.

Matt threw down his baseball hat and glasses on the couch and faced her.

"Welcome to my house. You haven't had something to eat yet, have you?" He asked, making her look at him with a slight frown.

"I've had breakfast," she said, and he nodded.

"Breakfast not lunch. You can take off your blazers and shoes. Relax you feet and find something to watch on TV while I prepare something for us to eat," Matt said, but before he could turn to leave Candace stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Candace asked, not hiding her disappointment.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked looking at her with an innocent expression.

"You want to cook? I should relax? Do we have the time for any of that?" Candace asked, and Matt grinned when he realized what she meant.

"I like that you can't wait to have my hands on you," Matt said as he moved closer to her, and she forced herself to glare at him but it didn't work.

"Says who? I'm only saying this because…" she stopped talking when Matt stopped in front of her and one hand went around her waist as he pulled her to himself and gave her a long and hard kiss.

"I guess it's a good thing you don't want me enough yet. I will be in the kitchen. Try to relax," Matt said as he kissed her ear which he knew was one of her erogenous zones before walking away, leaving her horny and annoyed.

Did he really think she was here to be wooed by him? All she wanted was to have a nice time with him in bed. Not to relax or be cooked for.

Well, she was going to just have to teach him that Candace gets what she wants and what she wanted right now was to have him on top of her. Or perhaps under her. She was going to show him that no one, not even the lady he had been with the other day was better than her.

Without thinking about anything else, Candace stripped off her clothes and laid them neatly across the couch.

She left her undies on, and didn't bother to take off the stiletto she was wearing. Because she knew she was meeting with Matt she had worn the sexiest pair of lingerie, she brought with her to Ludus, under her clothes.

It was a red lace fish net teddy. She wanted to see how he would be able to keep his mind on cooking if she chose to assist him dressed this way.

Her mind made up, Candace slowly made her way in the direction she had seen him go, and Matt who was busy frying the vegetables he had chopped down before her call, looked up when he heard the click of her heels.

He grinned when he she sexy pose at the door. Her right elbow leaned on one end of the door with her fingers in her hair, and the other hand was on her waist with legs apart.

"You look like you just stepped out of the covers of a playboy magazine," Matt said, and to her surprise he returned his attention to stirring the contents in the pan.

Perhaps she needed to move closer, Candace decided as she took slow steps into the kitchen and towards the kitchen island, "Can I help?" She asked, and Matt hid a smile as he turned to look at her.

"No, thanks. I've got it all covered," he said, and almost swallowed his tongue when she sat on the granite Island and spread her legs.

"Are you sure whatever you're playing with can't wait?" Candace asked as she looked at him with a sultry smile.

"You're not playing a fair game, Candy," Matt protested weakly.

"I'm not playing at all, Matt. Come here," she ordered, and Matt spared one glance at the vegetables simmering in the pan and decided it could wait a couple of minutes.

As he walked towards her, Candace kicked off her shoes slowly, one after the other while maintaining eye contact with him.

Matt was certain he had never met anyone half as beautiful or hot as she was, and he desperately wanted to bury himself deep inside her moist warmth.

As he stopped in front of her, she wrapped both legs around him, and as though they were both possessed, the attacked each other.

Matt peeled off the teddy from her body as he hungrily kissed her, while Candace reached out to unfasten the buckle of his belt.

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In less than a minute, Matt was pants down and was buried cock deep inside her as he thrust in and out of while she moaned uncontrollably as he feasted on every part of her body his lips could touch while teasing her nipples.

Candace felt like her whole body was on fire. She felt like a volcano that was about to erupt and she cried out his name loudly as she felt the first waves of orgasm hit her.

As she clamped around him, Matt let himself give in to his climax too, and he quickly pulled out of her and used his hands to cup his cock as he released.

"Fuck! The vegetables are burning," he said when he suddenly perceived the smell, but Candace flashed him a triumphant smile as she slid off the Island.

She looked too pleased with herself, Matt thought, amused as he went to wash his hands, and pointed her down to the hallway where she could use the bathroom.

Once he returned to the kitchen, he put on his pants and tried to salvage what he could of Lunch.

He had not planned to have sex with her. At least not yet. Not today. He had wanted to woo her and treat her right. Cook for her and watch tv with her. That had been his plan. He had not thought of the possibility of her seducing him this way.

How could he possibly have resisted her when both his heart and body wanted her and craved her desperately? He mused as he set the table.

He hoped he had not ruined his plans by falling for her seduction, Matt thought, and looked up when he heard her soft footsteps.

Candace was a lot of things, but shy was not among them. All she was wearing was a smug smile. She seemed very comfortable in her body as she joined him at the dining still naked.

"Let's eat," Matt suggested weakly.

"I'm leaving after lunch. I have to get home in time. Harry asked me to go with him to a dinner party, and I need to try out my clothes and get ready," Candace informed him.

Although Matt had received the invitation from Harry with no intention of honoring it, hearing that Candace would be there made him glad he had gotten the invitation. He made up his mind to be there.

There was no reason to tell her that he would be there. He would love to surprise her, and see how she would react to his presence in public.

"Alright. Dress up and let's eat," Matt said, and Candace raised a brow, wondering if that was all the sex they were getting today.

That was only a quickie not really sex, right?

"I'd hate to dress up and have to take it all off again," Candace said, and Matt met her gaze.

"Don't worry, you won't face to take it all off again," he said, and watched as her brows furrowed.

"That's all for today?" She asked unabashedly and Matt chuckled.

"For someone I had to practically seduced into agreeing to this arrangement, you seem to be more into it than I am," he said with a teasing smile and she eyed him irritably.

"Sex has never been an issue between us," she reminded him, "And if we are doing this, I expect to be sexually satisfied at the very least," Candace said, and Matt smiled.

"I see. My efforts in the kitchen can't go to waste. Let's eat, and then we will see how it goes from there," Matt suggested, and much to his amusement, Candace joined him on the table stark naked.

He knew without a doubt that he was really going to enjoy this arrangement. But more than that he was going to enjoy making her want more than sex from him.