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One Wild Night

Chapter 600 I Forgive You
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600  I Forgive You

"Are you alright?" Jade asked after they had driven in silence for a while.

She had planned on spending the time talking about her love for Harry, but this was hardly the time to rub her love life in Candace's face.

"Sure. Why not?" Candace asked in a chirpy tone.

"It must have been awkward for you earlier, right?" Jade asked, and Candace shrugged.

"Sure. But it wasn't so bad. Matt isn't my enemy you know? We patted on good terms, so it wasn't so bad," Candace said still sounding cheerful as she bit into her donut.

"I don't think she is his girlfriend. They've shot ads together in the past, you know?" Jade said, and Candace shrugged dismissively.

"They don't look bad together. She could be his girlfriend or not. It really doesn't make any difference to me, Jade. So please stop trying to cheer me up like I just caught my boyfriend with another lady," Candace said, giving her a pointed look and Jade sighed.

Seeing that Candace was bent on acting like she was fine and everything was okay, Jade decided not to push it even though she had seen the flash of jealousy in Candsce's eyes when they saw the kiss the model shared with Matt.

"Alright. I'm glad you're fine. By the way, Bryan and Sonia are expecting a baby," Jade told Candace and smiled when Candace screeched happily.

"Oh, my God! That is so wonderful! Was that the reason he asked to speak with you privately?" Candace asked excitedly, and Jade shook her head.

"No. He wants to propose to her. He asked me to discreetly find out from Sonia if she is ready to settle down, and the kind of proposal she might prefer. I was thinking you will do it with me. She might become suspicious if I bring up such a conversation, but if we both happen to be talking about it while she is within earshot I'm sure she would just join in the conversation and not give much thought to it," Jade explained, and Candace grinned.

"You know, I expected such a news from Tom and Lucy. It's sort of unexpected and cute in a funny way to see Bryan and Sonia get married," Candace said, feeling happy that she was going to be a part of something so beautiful.

"Tom and Lucy, right? Those two look more coordinated and seem more like the marriage and family type. Bryan and Sonia are more the forever boyfriend and girlfriend type," Jade said and they both giggled.

"I agree with you on that."

"Are you passing the night at Harry's?" Jade asked, and Candace nodded.

"Yeah. Since Harry will be out on his date with you, Jamal and I will stay home with Aaron. So feel free to release him tomorrow," Candace said with a wink, and Jade laughed.

"I will Keep that in mind. Thanks," Jade said, and they both lapsed into silence.

The silence was broken by the sound of Jade's ringtone and she tapped on her earpod to receive the call when she saw it was her mom.

"Hello, soon-to-be Grandma!" Jade greeted with a grin and Evelyn laughed gaily.

"Hello, you! Where are you? I haven't set my eyes on you all day. Are you not supposed to be getting ready for your date?" Evelyn asked excitedly.

She was very happy with her life and everything right now. Her children were all doing well. Even though she had been worried about Tom and Lucy's lack of marriage plans, she couldn't be bothered about it right now. Now when Bryan and Sonia had given her what she wanted.

She was expecting her first grandchild, and Jade was finally in a relationship. Tom had Lucy, Bryan and Sonia, and now Jade had Harry. They had all found wonderful partners for themselves and she felt really happy and fulfilled.

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"I will be home soon. I had to take care of something first," Jade explained as she glanced at her wristwatch.

It seemed like the time was running now. This whole time the day had been going slowly and all of a sudden it was almost 5 p.m. already. Wasn't it just past 3 when they left the crime scene? Jade mused.

"I can take a cab. You don't need to take me home," Candace offered, knowing that Jade was going to be late.

"Are you sure you don't mind?" Jade asked, not bothering to pretend.

"I'm not a kid, Jade. I can find my way home myself. And I don't want you to keep my brother waiting. It's your first date and you've been waiting a long time for this. So let me take a cab, and go get ready," Candace said, and Jade looked at her apologetically.

"I'm really sorry. You know I planned to drop you off and say hello to Aaron."

"You don't have to be sorry. I'm sure he won't mind when I tell him you were in a hurry to meet up with your date. Pull over so I can get a cab," Candace said, and Jade did as she requested.

Jade got out of the car and assisted her in taking out the other bags while she hailed a cab.

Once Candace got into the cab, she waves at Jade as the cab drove off, and she sighed, grateful that she was alone now.

She needed some time to herself before facing her father and Jamal. She knew that after now the only time she would have time to herself was at night after everyone else had gone to bed, and she couldn't wait until then to analyze her conversation with Matt and her feelings.

From the little time she had spent in that cafe she had deduced three things. The first was that she still liked Matt very much and was still very drawn to him now as she had been in the past. The second was that she didn't like seeing him kissing someone else. And the third was that she still didn't intend to do anything about the state of their relationship or friendship.

As sweet as the whole love thing was, she wasn't ready for it yet. She wanted to put her life in order. Get a degree, get a good job, be someone she can be proud of, for herself, and for her family. Only after that could she let herself get involved.

She was still too ashamed of herself to want to be with someone like Matt. Unlike many women, she didn't believe she needed a man to complete her or to fix her life. She had made that mistake once, with Jero. Thinking a man was what she needed to make her feel complete. She wasn't going to repeat it. She would fix her life and then find love. It could be with Matt or with anyone else.

Away from there, the Miller sisters were all gathered together in Lisa's hospital room with Bernice's boys running around the place, to Ron's displeasure.

"Do you think maybe I should talk to her?" Anita asked her sisters, referring to Jade.

They were all still deliberating on the wisdom of letting Jade handle the case, especially considering the fact that they were all pointing to their mother as the suspect.

"I already did. What more could you possibly want to say to her? She made it clear that she would hand off it if I asked her to. She sounded more like she was doing us a favor," Tiffany said with a sigh as she watched Lisa breastfeed her baby.

"It does look like she is doing you a favor. I'm still wondering why she is doing this when every other lawyer is too scared of Adam's family to take up the case," Anita said thoughtfully.

"Maybe they are trying to show they hold nothing against you after that apology video you released," Bernice said to Anita.

"Keep the noise down, boys!" Bernice called out to her kids.

Lisa studied her sisters quietly, glad to see that they were all on the same team and could now see their mother for all she was.

"What do you think, Lisa?" Anita asked, since she trusted Lisa's judgement more than that of the others.

"We have been through this three times already. I think she must have a personal interest in the case to have taken it up not considering Adam's family background. But I doubt she would take it up just to sabotage it. If the Hanks want to come after you, I believe they have better and more effective ways to do it than to resort to such means. So, you should all relax and let the lady do what she wants to do. Neither of you is implicated in the case after all," Lisa said matter of factly.

"You have a point. It doesn't make sense that she will take up the case because she wants to punish me," Anita said with a nod, and then looked at the delightsome bundle on Lisa's arm.

"Lisa, can I hold her now? I will scrub my hands and even sanitize them if you want me to," Anita pleaded.

"We should all be allowed to hold her. I can't believe you're keeping our niece away from us," Tiffany said, scowling at Lisa.

"I will let you hold her soon as I get my fill," Lisa assured them as she smiled down at her baby.

"And when are you going to get your fill?" Bernice asked dryly.

"Maybe a year from now," Lisa said with a grin, that earned her a glare from all her sisters.

They all turned to the door when it opened and Benny's boys ran to greet Rebekah who stepped inside.

Immediately, Ron who was seated at the other end of the room, giving the sisters room to talk, rose and approached her, "I don't think you should be here, Rebekah," he said politely.

"I have to see my grandchild," Rebekah said looking at Lisa and the bundle in her arms.

"You are not welcome here," Lisa said hotly.

"Calm down, Lisa. We will deal with it," Anita said as she rose to face their mother.

"We don't want to create a scene. We have told you all we had to say to you last night. Leave," Anita said, and Rebekah took a deep breath.

"Aren't you all being too harsh on me? All these years I've done my best…."

"Your best? Did you just say your best?" Tiffany asked heatedly as she also faced their mother.

"None of us would be in this mess had you not done your so-called best!" Tiffany hissed angrily.

Seeing that Rebekah wasn't going to leave so easily, Ron took Benny's boys outside to get them snacks.

"Alright. I did make some mistake. But I'm sorry. I never meant for any of you to get hurt," Rebekah said calmly.

"Well, we don't care about whatever your intentions were. We just want you out of our lives," Bernice said without bothering to move.

"You have no right to judge me, Benny. You of all people should understand. You are exactly like me," Rebekah said, annoyed that Bernice was still acting up when she was guilty of the same offense.

"I thought I was, hence, I tried to end my life. But since I regained consciousness I've realized that I'm nothing like you."

Rebekah took a deep breath, and reminded herself that she was here to make peace not start an argument, "What do you girls want me to do? Tell me anything you want and I will do it so we can all get past this," Rebekah pleaded.

"Start by telling us the truth. Did you kill dad?" Lisa asked first.

"I didn't! Why would I do such a thing? I loved him!" Rebekah denied vehemently.

"You loved him yet you cheated on him and abandoned him when he lost everything," Lisa said in disbelief.

"I'm human. I make mistakes," Rebekah said as tears gathered in her eyes.

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"Did you murder Adam and try to put the blame on Jack?" Tiffany asked, and Rebekah looked at her like she had lost her mind.

"Why would I do that to my sons in-law and subject my daughters to such? When I heard the news all I could think about was the two of you and how to keep you safe from it," Rebekah promised, looking more contrite and sincere in that moment than she had her entire life.

Lisa sighed, "Alright. I guess last night emotions were running high. I forgive you," Lisa said, and her sisters turned to look at her like she had lost her mind.

"Are you crazy?" Anita asked in disbelief.

"Have you lost your mind?" Bernice asked angrily.

"Did having a baby make you go soft?" Tiffany hissed.

"I mean, she is still our mother, right?" Lisa asked, and then looked at Rebekah.

"Please excuse us for a moment, I need to talk to them," Lisa said with a small smile, and Rebekah nodded, and smiled at Lisa before stepping out of the room.

"What is wrong with you, Lisa?" Anita asked with a frown.

"What was that about? I thought you hated her more than the rest of us?" Tiffany asked in annoyance.

"Don't tell me you believe anything she said?" Bernice asked, disappointed.

"I'm perfectly okay. And I still don't believe her. I just don't think we should make mother our enemy. Pushing her away might not be the smartest move since we don't know what she might do if she loses it. If we want to expose her, we have to stay close to her. That way she will let down her guard," Lisa said, and they all looked at her.

"I can't remain close to her. I can't stand being under the same roof with her even if I wanted to. Besides, have you forgotten the apology video I made mentioning her. It's going to give the wrong impression about me and all I said there," Anita said with a frown.

"You should leave as you planned to, Annie. You wanted a fresh start. Leave this to the rest of us. We will take care of it," Lisa promised as she reached out to touch Anita's hand.

"So, you are saying we should remain by her side while looking for ways to prove she is behind everything?" Tiffany asked, and Lisa nodded.

"Let's make her believe everything is fine. Anita, when she comes back in, you can walk out making it clear you want no part in this," Lisa suggested.

"I can just leave right now," Anita said as she reached for her handbag.

"You should at least hold her in your arms before leaving," Lisa suggested, and Anita gently carried the baby from her and smiled as she looked down at her while Bernice and Tiffany moved closer to Anita so they could take a closer look at their niece.

"She is so beautiful," Anita said in awe.

"Yes, she is. I still can't believe she came out of me," Lisa said with a proud smile.

"I'm glad I was able to witness her birth as I always wanted to. As much as I would love to hold on to her and spend some more time with you, I have to leave so you can handle the unpleasant family business," Anita said as she returned the baby to Lisa's waiting arms.

"So where are you going?" Bernice asked, and Anita shook her head.

"I have no destination in mind right now. I'm just going to get into my car with my stuff and drive around until I find a place I'd like," Anita said, and Tiffany nodded.

"That means you are not going far-away then."

"I'm going very far-away," Anita assured her, and squeezed Lisa's hand.

"Take care of yourself," Anita said, and then turned to Tiffany and Bernice, "You too," she said before walking away.

As she opened the door, Rebekah looked at her hopefully, "They can forgive you if they want to, but I have no more business with you," Anita said as she walked past her, while Rebekah went into the room and was happy to see that she had won back the hearts of the other three.

If Lisa could come around, Anita would come around. She was sure of that.