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One Wild Night

Chapter 536 Angry
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Once Lucy walked into the VIP room where Aurora was to attend to them, she picked up her handbag and headed for the door, but before she could leave, Tom walked in.

"Where are you going?" Tom asked, and Lucy turned to him, her face flushed and her gray eyes still blazing with anger.

"Home. I'm done here. I'm going home," Lucy stated simply.

"But we are yet to get the massage and skinca...."

"Do I look like I'm in the mood for any of that right now? Maybe you should have thought of that carefully before bringing me here without informing me about anything," Lucy snapped at him angrily.

"I thought we already resolved that?" Tom asked, and Lucy glared at him.

"Did we? Because last I remember, you were walking out that door angrily like I had no right to refuse to go along with a plan you failed to inform me about!" Lucy hissed at him.

Tom sighed, "You are right. I should have told you. I'm sorry," Tom said, but that did nothing to relax Lucy, who was still boiling. She still had a lot of anger left in her, and an apology was in no way going to stop her from expressing her displeasure.

"Why would you make me believe we were coming here to relax when you had other things in mind? What exactly was your plan?" Lucy hissed angrily while Tom watched her.

It was the first time she was getting this mad at him since the day he revealed his identity to her. Although he was sorry he withheld such information from her and upset her, a twisted part of him sort of liked it.

He didn't realize he was smiling until Lucy flung her handbag at him angrily, "What are you smiling about? Do you find this funny?" She asked, glaring at him, and the grin vanished from Tom's face as he raised both hands.

"By God, I don't. I screwed up, and I'm sorry. This won't ever happen again," Tom pleaded as he took a step towards her, careful to step over her bag.

"It had better not! Do you have any idea how I felt knowing you brought me here because you knew they would be here?" Lucy asked, and Tom reached for her before she could move away.

"No, I don't. Why don't you tell me?" Tom said calmly as he held her waist to keep her from moving away.

"Don't touch me!" She hissed as she tried to wriggle away, and Tom kissed her.

She continued to struggle against him, but Tom held her firmly. Although she was tempted to bite his lips to teach him a lesson, she tried to rein in her temper. She wasn't the type to hurt someone she loved because she was upset.

When she stopped struggling, Tom stopped kissing her and looked at her, "Your five minutes are up," he reminded her, and she scowled.

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Lucy took a deep breath as she struggled to bring her temper under control. Tom was being too reasonable right now, and it was taking the fight out of her.

"I'm sorry. I really am. And I promise you, I will never repeat this," Tom said as he placed a finger under her chin and raised her face so she would meet his gaze, but Lucy refused to look directly at him since it was hard for her to make eye contact when she was upset.

"Your five minutes of anger is up, and just so you know, you're eating into your next five minutes. That means the next time I upset you, you have less time to stay mad," Tom said, and she glared at him.

"Are you already planning to get me mad?"

"As much as I know, I will do my best not to get you mad. I'm human. So it's natural that I might offend you without meaning to," Tom said as he kissed the crease on her forehead, and then he planted a kiss on both sides of her cheeks and then the tip of her nose, and he moved to her chin, and by the time he got to her lips, a smile was already tugging on them.

"I really do not appreciate what you did," Lucy said as she finally met his gaze.

"I know. I'm sorry," Tom said as he embraced her, and she sighed.

When she didn't hug him back, Tom took both her hands and placed them behind him, making her giggle as she held him.

"Have I told you, you look sexy as hell when you are pissed?" Tom murmured against her hair, and Lucy scoffed.

"There is nothing sexy about hell."

"I'm serious. You look so beautiful. I should work on annoying you more often," Tom joked, and Lucy jabbed his ribs with her fist.

"Is my anger a joke to you?" She asked as she pulled away.

"No, it's not. But I can't deny that I find it sexy. And what I particularly found sexy was that line about Tom being your man. That was so hot," Tom said with a wink, and Lucy giggled.

They both turned when Evelyn cleared her throat, "Now that you are both done fighting, can I come in?" She asked from the doorway, and Lucy blushed at the thought that Evelyn had been watching her display of anger the whole time.

"We were not fighting," Tom said as he bent to pick up Lucy's handbag and placed a possessive hand around her waist.

"Thankfully so," Evelyn said, glad that everything was okay between them.

"How did you know we were here?" Tom asked before Evelyn could speak, and she raised a brow.

"By here, do you mean this room?"

"The spa."

"Jade and I came out together. We had no idea you were here until we heard the ladies talking," Evelyn explained.

"So you both just happened to be here?" Tom asked, finding it hard to believe it was a coincidence, and Evelyn raised a brow.

"Is there a reason you find that hard to believe?" Evelyn asked, and without waiting for his response, she jerked her head to the door, "What do you plan to do about that insolent girl?"

"Let's talk about that some other time," Tom said, and Evelyn gave him a nod before looking at Lucy.

"You handled her real good, my dear. Now don't be mad anymore and get your beauty treatment. And make sure to scrub the hand you used to touch filth. See you at home," Evelyn said before walking away.

Once she left, Tom turned to Lucy, "I learned something interesting today."

"Which is?"

"The fact that all the women in my life have violent tendencies. Is your hand okay? You slapped her really hard. It's a wonder her neck didn't snap," He said as he raised the hand with which she had slapped Anita and massaged her palm with his hands.

"I'm alright. Do you think Jade will be fine? I mean, she is a lawyer. Doesn't her action go against her profession? Hitting them when she could have threatened to have them arrested...."

"Jade has a rash temper. She hates bullies and can't stand disrespect of any kind. She used to get into fights a lot in high school...."

"That wasn't the only reason I hit her," Jade cut in as she and Aurora walked into the room, and Tom and Lucy looked at her.

"Threatening them with the law won't do. Their family is connected by marriage to the Chief Justice. Did you forget? Besides, if we decide to take any legal action, it means you are ready to reveal every card you hold against them, and I can't let you deprive me of the joy of watching their disgrace on a live show. So, you see? The least I could was hit her insolent face. They can't pursue this by suing me because they know they are the guilty ones, and even if they do, the old man won't let it," Jade explained reasonably while Aurora set out to organize all they needed for the massage, facials, and skin treatment.

​ "What old man?" Lucy asked, and Jade looked at Tom.

"She doesn't know about grandfather?" Jade asked, and Tom shrugged while Lucy looked at Tom with questioning eyes.

"Thanks to you, she knows now," Tom said before looking at Lucy.

"Our grandfather is Lawrence Hank, one-time president," Tom explained casually in a way that told Lucy not to make a big deal out of it.

"Ah! I see," Lucy said, and although she had a lot of questions, she chose not to ask any.

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Aurora, who was listening to their conversation while carrying on her business, cast Lucy an amused glance since that was the last way she would have expected her to react to such information.

"I got all the names and details of the ladies as you requested. What should I do with them?" Jade asked Tom.

"Thanks. You can send the list to my email. I will have it taken care of by Monday," Tom said before turning to Lucy.

"Do you still want to leave?" Tom asked Lucy, and Aurora raised a brow.

"Leave? We haven't even started yet. Don't tell me you are scared that something might go wrong," Aurora said, and Lucy smiled at her.

Even if she were no longer in the mood for any of this, she would have to do it for the sake of Aurora, who had been looking forward to bonding with them during the whole process, and who had also spent so much time consulting with them so she would know the condition of their skin and tailor their individual treatment to their specific needs. She had talked them through the various stages of the treatment, explaining the purpose and benefits of each and educating them on skincare and the benefits of visiting a spa. It was only fitting she received her first experience from her.

"No, I'm not. Thanks for helping me. We can start when you are ready," Lucy said, and Aurora beamed a smile at her.

"Alright. I've set out your robes, towels, and disposable undies. You can go into your private changing room and take off your clothes as we discussed already. There are flip flops too. I made a random guess on your sizes," Aurora said as she pointed them in the right direction, and they thanked her as they left.

Alone with Jade now, she smiled, "I have to get to work. Too bad they came first, else I would have taken care of you," Aurora said, and Jade waved it off with a smile.

"It's fine. Lucy should get a taste of all the special treatments I've enjoyed in your hands. And seeing as I won't be living in Varis anymore, I need to start finding someone else to take care of my skin," Jade said, and Aurora raised a brow.

"You won't be living in Varis anymore? Why am I just learning of this?" Aurora asked with a hurt expression.

"It's a complicated story. Why don't we talk about it later? Maybe we can meet sometime...."

"Perhaps we can talk about it during our double date?" Aurora asked with a bright smile that made Jade feel guilty.

It was impossible to get close to Aurora and not be drawn to her sunny and cheerful personality. Maybe this was why she was so worried about Aurora meeting with Harry--not because she didn't like Aurora but because Aurora was a very sweet and lovable person, and she feared Harry might fall for her charms.

It was silly of her to think so, but she couldn't help it, and she felt terrible about their love triangle. This was all a Jade problem and not an Aurora problem.

Thanks to her mother, who had talked some sense into her, she could see clearly now that Harry was right. Aurora was a good friend, and she didn't deserve to find out about her and Harry any other way than from Harry himself.

And she also owed Aurora an apology and a proper explanation, but that would be only after Harry must have spoken with her.

"I'm sorry, I kind of suggested that on impulse," Jade said with an apologetic smile.

"I don't have a boyfriend, and I think I should let you have your time alone with Harry. Maybe we can both hang out alone before you leave Ludus," Jade suggested, and Aurora nodded.

"Alright. Let's do that. See you some other time then," Aurora said as she embraced Jade, and Jade waved at her as she walked out of the VIP room.