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One Wild Night

Chapter 462 Jealous And Insecure
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462 Jealous And Insecure

"Are you okay, dear?" Evelyn asked as she placed a hand on Sonia's arm when she noticed how distracted Sonia was as she sat in the car with them, often sighing and muttering under her breath.

"I'm not. I had some kind of stupid misunderstanding with Bryan," Sonia said honestly as she turned in the passenger seat to look at the couple who were seated in the back seat.

She was upset about her misunderstanding with Bryan and was even more upset now when she realized halfway after leaving the house that she had left her phone on the dressing table in her haste not to keep them waiting.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Desmond asked, and Sonia glanced at the driver hesitantly making Evelyn smile in understanding.

"Don't worry about him, and speak if you want to," Evelyn assured her confidently.

"I know he is your son, and I'm probably going to be sorry I said this later, but Bryan is fucking dumb!" Sonia hissed in annoyance, and the couple exchanged an amused glance.

"How can he doubt what I feel for him? So what if my ex-boyfriend decides to be unfortunate and sends him a stupid text or some foolish photos? Is Bryan supposed to just bottle it all in and not talk about it? How am I supposed to know what he is feeling if he doesn't talk about it when he is the same person who asked me never to keep things to myself? So I'm at fault now because I confided in him about our story needing conflict? The best he can do is hurl accusations instead of sitting down like a mature adult to discuss it?" Sonia asked in anger wishing she could yell or throw something.

"Sonia dear, we understand that you are upset, but can you relax a bit and tell us exactly what it is our dumb son did to annoy you? You are not making much sense, and we can't answer your questions without getting the details," Evelyn said, and Desmond nodded in agreement.

Sonia took a deep breath, "One minute we are in the car and I'm trying to figure out the connection about something Lucy told me and Jade's case, and the next minute Bryan is asking me to choose between him and Lucy..."

"Bryan said that?" Desmond and Evelyn asked in unison.

Sonia paused, "Well, he didn't say it in those exact terms, but he tried to imply that I care more about Lucy than I care about him. I was lost in my thoughts no doubt, and I may have snapped at him when he tried to get my attention in the car. I realized my wrong, and then I went upstairs and joined him in the shower..." She paused and winced when she realized how that must sound to his parents.

"Unnecessary information. Sorry," Sonia said, and Desmond chuckled at her embarrassment while Evelyn bit back a smile.

"Go on," Evelyn urged her. It was needless to remind her that she had seen them in bed together in the past and heard her say worse stuff than that.

"Well, I was trying to make up with him, but he kept talking about how I put my relationship with Lucy before ours, and that didn't make any sense..."

"Yeah, it doesn't," Desmond agreed. He didn't want to believe that his son was jealous of Lucy and acting so insecure over Sonia's bond with Lucy.

"I figured there was more to it so I probed further, and then he's talking about some text he received from my ex-boyfriend. I just don't get him!" Sonia said, and the couple exchanged a look again.

"What did your ex say to him?" Desmond asked and Sonia shrugged.

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"I didn't see the text. Just some stuff about how the male characters of my s are usually guys I've dated and how easily I get bored," Sonia said leaving out the good in bed part. That wasn't something to tell your future parents-in-law.

"Is it true?" Evelyn asked, and Sonia shrugged.

"Well, they were good looking and that was the only reason I approached them in the first place. It's only natural that I use their physical features and some of their nice and romantic attributes in describing my male leads. I wasn't the female lead in any of the stories. And yes, I easily get bored. They were not exciting. But the situation with Bryan is entirely different. How can he not know that?" Sonia asked with a frown, and Desmond gave her a nod.

"How can he not know that?" Desmond echoed.

"Was that why he left the house earlier?" Evelyn asked, and Sonia shrugged.

"I think so. I didn't know what to say to him because I was surprised, angry, and disappointed. I told him we could talk about it after I get back," Sonia said, as Evelyn sighed.

"He must be dumb as you said. Maybe stupid and blind too not to see that you love him too," Desmond said, and Sonia scowled.

"You shouldn't call him names," Sonia chided, and the couple shared a silent laugh.

"Is Bryan the male lead in your ongoing ?" Desmond asked, and Sonia gave him a nod.

"Does he know about it?" Evelyn asked this time, and Sonia gave her a nod too.

"He is aware. I'm the female lead too. It's the first time I'm writing about myself," Sonia said, and Evelyn sighed.

"Then don't you think it's only natural that he feels this way after hearing from your ex?" Evelyn asked, but Sonia shook her head.

"I expect him to understand that things are different. This is the first time I'm letting myself get close to the family of a boyfriend. I even told him I promised to birth your first grandchild. Does that sound like I'm not serious about the relationship?" Sonia asked, Evelyn, shook her head.

"Maybe instead of you to expect him to understand, you should focus on making him understand," Evelyn suggested, and Desmond nodded in agreement.

"I understand how you feel, but sometimes it is difficult to be reasonable or logical when emotions are high. I think right now Bryan is high on jealousy so he isn't thinking straight," Desmond said, and Evelyn grinned.

"You would know, wouldn't you? After all, he got all that jealous traits from you," Evelyn said in a teasing tone, and Desmond scowled at her making her giggle.

"You get jealous too?" Sonia asked, eyeing Desmond with curiosity.

"Why not? What is love without some healthy jealousy?" Desmond asked, and Sonia tried not to roll her eyes as she returned her attention to the road when she noticed they were almost at the Perrys' apartment.

"There it is," Sonia said as she pointed at a building in front of them, and the driver parked in front of the place.

Away from there, Bryan's brows were pulled together in a deep frown and he gritted his teeth as he re-read the texts he had received from Derek earlier that morning for the fifth time.

[Hey, Bryan! I know you probably might not read this message since I'm sure celebrities like you are fond of ignoring texts from nobodies like myself, but I'm going to drop this here all the same, in case you just happen to check it.

My name is Derek, and I'm Sonia's boyfriend... Perhaps her ex, although I don't remember is breaking up. She moved on without a word. Lol. One moment I think we are dating, and the next moment she is all over the news as the fiancee of a big-shot actor. Can you imagine my shock?

I guess she moved on because she is done with my story. Did she tell you yet that the male leads of her s are usually patterned after the guys she dated or was dating at the time? I'm guessing she is currently writing a romance story about you both, isn't she?

I'm not writing this out of jealousy or anything, I love Sony. Fuck! I'm crazy about her. That girl does things to a man in bed that leaves him craving for more. I'm sure you get what I mean, yeah? Back to the point, I just thought you should know. I wish someone told me. That way you would be prepared for when she gets bored and chooses to move on. You have no idea how fast she moves on. Enjoy yourself as much as you can since you don't know when she will be done with you.

I think she has a problem with committing, so I don't think it's exactly her fault. The only person I think she is committed to is her best friend, Lucy. I'm sure you must have noticed that yourself.

Well, I'm attaching a little present to this message. Say hi to Sony for me. Tell her I still miss the feel of her cunt around my cock.]

Bryan's gaze shifted to the photo of Sonia sprawled on the bed. The only thing she was wearing was the grin plastered on her face as she looked into the camera with both hands covering her breasts, and her legs crossed to hide her feminine slit.

This was her past, and he shouldn't be jealous of it, right? So why was he burning with anger the more he read the last line of the text and saw the mixture of arousal and mischief gleaming in her green eyes? Bryan mused as he dumped his phone on the couch next to him.

He had left the house and had gone to hang out at a lounge away from his home just so he could think about things logically and clear his head. He wasn't sure that rereading the text was helping him clear his head in any way.

The only thing the text was succeeding at was making him feel more jealous, bitter, insecure, and doubtful.

Sonia had said she was disappointed in him for opening up to her, and he had felt a stab of guilt in his heart when he saw the hurt in her eyes, and despite every attempt to assure his heart that Sonia could be trusted and she wasn't messing with him or using him as Derek had implied, he just couldn't get rid of the fear of being used and dumped.

He didn't want to be made a fool of. He had shown everyone just how much he loved Sonia and had even fallen out with Paul over it. What if Derek was right and she decided to move on after she completed this story?

What if she had meant it earlier when she said she was beginning to get bored? Wasn't that why she said she would change the lead of her stories?

'But she is changing the leads to Tom and Lucy, not another guy' his voice of reasoning reminded him, and he sighed.

Maybe their case was different? Perhaps she truly was in love with him. She might not have loved the others, but she had fallen in love with him. She was the one who had said she wanted him. She was the one who had wanted commitment from the beginning.

Was it really from the beginning? She had taken him to a club and had asked those strippers to take care of him. He doubted she would do something like that if she was in love with him. Perhaps she had fallen in love with him after they started living together?

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He recalled every moment they had spent together and tried to figure out if he had ever doubted her feelings at any point in time but he couldn't find any.

The first time he saw her journal and read her story plot, he had thought about it as just a plot and hadn't read any meaning into it, so why was he doing so now? Was it simply because of the text from some dude he didn't know? Was he going to believe the dude's words over Sonia's love for him? Why had he been quick to believe the dude? Was it simply because of what Sonia had said the previous day about their story being a whirlwind romance and lacking conflict? Was he overthinking everything?

"Fuck it!" Bryan swore as he picked up his phone and stood up. He was tired of thinking and guessing. He wanted them to talk about it and clear the air because the more time he spent thinking about it, the more hurt and doubtful he became.

He dialed Sonia's line as he walked out of the lounge, but the phone rang for some time and she didn't receive her call.

He dialed her line again two more times and when she still didn't receive her call, he gave up and called his dad instead.

"Hey, Dumbass!" Desmond who had been watching ESPN with Andrew greeted him as he got off the couch and excused himself.

Bryan pulled back his phone from his ear to be sure he was speaking with his father, "Dad?"

"Were you expecting someone else to receive my call?"

"Why is Sonia ignoring my call? Please put her on the line," Bryan said impatiently.

"She left her phone in your bedroom, and she is not here right now. She left for her apartment after we got here," Desmond said, and Bryan frowned.

"We were supposed to go there together, what did she go there for?"

"Her place is not far from Lucy's home, so she wanted to stop over there. I guess she wanted to be alone. You really got her upset you know?" Desmond asked, and Bryan sighed as he combed his fingers through his hair.

"Can you text me the address? I will stop over there and get her."

"I don't have it. Give Dimitri a call and have him text it to you since he dropped her off," Desmond suggested, referring to their driver.

"Alright, thanks..."

"Son?" Desmond cut in before Bryan could finish and hung up.


"Sonia is a nice girl, and you'd be a fool to let anyone tell you otherwise," Desmond said before hanging up.

Bryan sighed as he dialed Dimitri's line, and immediately he was done with the phone call and Dimitri texted Sonia's address to him, he drove off to find Sonia.