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One Wild Night

Chapter 422: Conflict
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Chapter 422: Conflict

Sonia had a thoughtful look in her eyes as she looked at her laptop screen, contemplating on what to write in her next chapter.          


If it was mere fiction, then she probably wouldn't have been at such a loss. She couldn't seem to figure out what to write since she was mixing up both real and imaginary events, and she wasn't sure if she should call Lucy or Jade to get ideas from them for her next chapter.     

As much as she loved writing about her and Bryan, their romance story seemed to be at a standstill at this point since things were going smoothly for them and romance stories mostly thrived more on conflict.     

It was no news that they were crazy about each other and were happy spending every moment together, even at moments like this when she was busy working on her story with both legs resting on Bryan's ass while he was sprawled on the bed shirtless, playing a video game.      

Writing about them at this point would seem like a filler chapter, unless she was able to come up with an imaginary conflict, and that was something she really didn't want to do.     

 Lucy on the other hand had enough conflict in her relationship to last an entire book, so maybe it was time to reconsider who her main characters in her were going to be. As much as she loved the to be about her and Bryan, Lucy's and Tom's story seemed more like appealing.      

She sighed as she closed her laptop, and Bryan turned to her, "Are you alright? Is the writing not flowing?"     

"I don't know," she said as she pushed her laptop away and raised her legs off his back so that she could lie down beside him.      

"Tell me, what do you want? Inspiration? Motivation? Attention?" He asked as he set aside his pad console and leaned forward to steal a kiss, making her giggle.     

"All of those I suppose," she said, and Bryan raised a brow.     

"Okay, do you need me to give you ideas? You could tell me where you're stuck and maybe I can help," Bryan offered as he sat up.     

"Our story. It's sort of like a whirlwind romance. Everything happened so quickly and now I have nothing else to write about us," Sonia complained, and Bryan narrowed his eyes as he thought about it.      

"And that's not a good thing?" Bryan asked, and she nodded.     

"It's not. Besides, whirlwind romance doesn't last. It ends almost as soon as it starts," Sonia pointed out, and Bryan shook his head.     

"I don't think that's always the case. I know some relationships like that..."     

"Romance stories thrive on conflict. Not just romance, stories generally. And right now our story is lacking in that regard," Sonia pointed out.     

"What do you mean there is no conflict? What then do you call that scandal?" Bryan asked with a slightly raised brow.     

"We resolved that too quickly," Sonia said with a frown, and Bryan looked skyward, praying for patience to deal with his girlfriend who was being unreasonable.     

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"Says the same person that became upset when I didn't accept her apology immediately," Bryan said, and Sonia giggled.     

"You can't blame me for not wanting to be on bad terms with you," she said, and Bryan nodded.     

"Okay. So why not make it a short story?" Bryan suggested.     

"Well, our story is not over yet. It's a mix of fiction and non-fiction, remember?" Sonia asked, and Bryan sighed.     

"So, what do you want? Should we create conflict? Perhaps if I cheat on..."     

"You wouldn't dare!" Sonia cut in with a glare, and Bryan chuckled.      

"What if I cheat on you instead?" Sonia asked with a sweet smile, and this time Bryan glared at her.      

"So what kind of conflict do you want? Should I ask my family to disapprove of you? And then you can spend some time trying to make them accept you," Bryan suggested, and she giggled.         


"I already promised Evelyn I was going to birth her first grandchild, she isn't going to disapprove of me so easily," she said, and Bryan raised a brow.     

"When did you promise her that? That must have made her really happy," Bryan said, watching Sonia with interest.     

"Yesterday. She was happy," Sonia said with a wide smile.     

"Unfortunately, you may not be able to keep that promise as that won't be happening any time soon," Bryan said, and the smile faded from her face.     

"Why not?"      

"Because we are not having kids any time soon. There is no reason to rush into it. I still want to have you to myself. And as you said, everything is happening so quickly so I think we should take it slowly," Bryan suggested, making Sonia's brows pull together, but before she could say anything a knock sounded on the door and they both turned to it.      

"Is anyone naked in there?" Desmond asked, eliciting laughter from both Bryan and Sonia.     

"You can come in," Sonia called out, and he opened the door.      

"Where are you off to?" Bryan asked when both his parents walked into the room, dressed as though they were going out.     

"We are going on a date," Desmond announced, and Sonia grinned, while Bryan looked from Evelyn to Desmond with a strange look on his face.     

"A date?"     

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" Evelyn asked, and Bryan shook his head.     

"Not at all. I hope you enjoy yourselves."     

"We plan to. Sony girl, do you need us to get you anything on our way back?" Desmond asked, but she shook her head as she snuggled closer to Bryan.     

"I'm okay. All I want is right here. Have lots of fun," she said, and giggled when Desmond leaned forward to kiss her cheek.     

"Alright, take care of yourself and don't let Bryan stress you. Call me if you need us to get you anything," Desmond said before leading Evelyn away.     

"Your parents are so cute together," Sonia cooed as they watched Desmond hold the door for Evelyn.     

"I hope we can be even more cute together when we get to that age," Bryan said, looking at her with serious eyes, and Sonia giggled.     

"I don't think cute is a word that describes us. We are both crazy," Sonia pointed out jokingly.     

"That wasn't what I meant," Bryan said, with the same serious gaze, and Sonia blinked at him as she replayed what he had said in her head, and then she smiled.     

"Oh! You mean you want us to grow old together, right?" She asked, and Bryan gave her a nod.     

"Yes. I want it all with you, babe. A home. Kids. Family. Everything. But I'd rather we don't rush into it. We both have our careers to build right now, and I would love us to give it our best shot," Bryan said, and Sonia sighed.      

"I guess you're right. Let's focus on building our careers and our relationship," Sonia said, and Bryan nodded.     

"So back to your story and the conflict..."     

"I was just thinking that if I'm unable to come up with something I might have to rewrite the first couple of chapters and make Tom and Lucy the main characters instead of us," Sonia said, and Bryan rubbed the bridge of his nose thoughtfully.         


"Focus on the other characters, while I try to work out some conflict for our story," Bryan said, and Sonia looked at him suspiciously.     

"What kind of conflict? Don't try anything crazy," Sonia warned, making him chuckle.     

"If it's not crazy it's not us, you know that, don't you?" Bryan asked as he leaned forward and kissed the sensitive spot on the crook of her neck.     

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Sonia moaned softly as she reached for the back of his head, but Bryan was quick to roll away from her, and she glared at him while he laughed, "You want conflict? I'm going to give you lots of it," Bryan promised, and Sonia nodded.     

"Alright. There's something else I want to talk to you about," Sonia said when she remembered that she was yet to tell him about terminating her contract with her editor and her new plans for her career.      

"Okay. Tell me," Bryan said as he returned to sit on the bed, and he watched her curiously.     

"I have decided that I'm no longer going to work with my editor. His action hurt me, and it showed that he doesn't trust me. I see no reason why I should work with a person who can't vouch for me. I feel hurt that someone I worked with for years could easily believe everything he read, whereas Lucy's secretary who barely started working with her trusted her enough to stand by her," Sonia said, and Bryan nodded.     

"Okay. I think I understand how you feel. Have you discussed this with him yet?" Bryan asked, and she shook her head.      

"I intend to tell him that when we go over there for me to sign the contract with the movie producer," Sonia said, and Bryan gave her a nod.     

"So what is your plan? Do you want me to find you a new editor and manager?" Bryan asked, and Sonia shook her head.      

"No. I want something even better now. I want to start my own writing brand. I will start by creating a writing site where I post chapters of my stories daily, and I will also employ other writers to publish their stories on my site, and depending on how that goes, I will create a writing app, and own a publishing company eventually. What do you think?" Sonia asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she told him her plans.     

Bryan grinned, "I think it's a good idea. I could be your partner. I'm sure Tom wouldn't mind investing in it and being a shareholder," Bryan said, and Sonia grinned.     

"You can both invest in the future. For now I have more than enough money to start up on my own," Sonia said, and Bryan nodded.     

"One more thing," Sonia said, and Bryan looked at her curiously.     

"I want to visit my mom. I didn't attend her funeral," Sonia said quietly, and Bryan moved closer to her and embraced her.     

"That's good. I will go with you," Bryan promised as he kissed her forehead.     

"Thanks," Sonia said, glad that he had offered to go with her.      

"Any other thing you want to talk about?" Bryan asked, and she shook her head.     

"Good. Since I'm done with Paul, tomorrow we will leave with my parents, so we can settle things at your end, and then after that we visit your mom's graveside, and then we can return to Ludus," Bryan said, and Sonia nodded.     

"We will both be starting over in our career," Sonia said with a small smile.     

"Do you want us to get our own place or live with Tom?" Bryan asked, and Sonia shrugged.     

"We could live with him for the time being. That way I get to always see Lucy too," Sonia said, and Bryan smiled.     

"That's settled then."     

"I can't wait for us to return so I can watch that witch and her family burn. I hope they let me write the questions for the interview for myself. I want them to take a lie detector test too. They wouldn't know what hit them.," Sonia said, and Bryan chuckled.      

He couldn't say he felt sorry for the Miller family.