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One Wild Night

Chapter 417: A Liar And A Con Artist
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Chapter 417: A Liar And A Con Artist

"Please excuse me," Aaron pleaded as he pushed his chair away from the table and staggered to his feet.         


Immediately, Lucy stood up to help him, when he almost walked into the waiter who had brought their drinks but he shook his head, "I will be back. I need a moment alone," Aaron said as he walked away from there.     

After he left, and the waiter dropped their drinks, Lucy picked up her wineglass and sipped from it before returning her attention to Sara who was still staring at her.     

"I don't know why you came back, or what you want from Harry, but I won't let you get anywhere close to him. If you so much as go ten feet near him as you did earlier without Aaron's permission, I will expose you for what you are to the world. I will also tell everyone how you stole your father's money and ran away from home claiming to be an orphan!" Lucy warned, and Sara's brows pulled together.     

Her assistant had said Lucy was Janet's daughter, and now she was saying she was Aaron's daughter. Who was she going to believe?     

But seeing how Lucy knew exactly who she was, did that mean Aaron had possibly found out about her family and he knew Janet too? Was it possible that Janet had helped Aaron raise their daughter? Was that why Lucy was dating Harry's best friend? There was no way all of this could be a coincidence, could there be?      

Now she regretted paying attention to only Janet, Aaron, and Harry, and not paying attention to all the other details the private investigator had gathered on their friends and acquaintances. She picked up her wineglass with trembling hands and gulped down the entire content.     

 "Who are you?" Sara asked, watching Lucy closely.     

"I already told you who I am. Do I need to spell it out? I am the daughter you sold. Harry's twin sister, who was raised by your own twin sister," Lucy said, and to her satisfaction, Sara's eyes widened ever so slightly in shock.     

"How is that possible?" Sara asked in disbelief. It didn't make any sense.      

"How is it possible? I suppose you are wondering how it happened. How he found me after you sold me and how I ended up with your twin sister, am I right?" Lucy asked, wanting her to talk so she could get the evidence she needed.      

Until Sara says the words with her mouth confirming that she had sold Aaron's daughter, it would remain just a suspicion and mere speculation. Lucy wanted tangible evidence so that she could confidently ask Tom to look into it.      

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"Surely you must have heard the saying that no secret stays hidden forever. Aaron and Janet might have been kindhearted enough to hide the truth of your wickedness from the world because deep down they did not want to cause any problems for you, but I'm nothing like them. I'm your daughter, after all, and I have your evil heart. I won't hesitate to create problems for you if you cause any more problems for Harry and Aaron," Lucy threatened when Sara just kept staring at her without saying a word, and maybe it was because Sara could see that she genuinely meant the threat, Sara sat up.      

Sara looked at Lucy, not entirely sure of what was going on. If everything Lucy was saying was the truth, and they all knew what she had done, then she couldn't approach Harry as she had wanted to. She had been counting on Harry and Aaron never finding out the truth about their daughter. Now Harry would most likely not listen to her apology or the explanation she had rehearsed to give him.      

"How do I know you are really my daughter?" She asked skeptically, and Lucy smiled as she slowly picked up her wineglass and took a sip before gently dropping it on the table.     

At that point Lucy remembered the saying, 'It takes a monster to destroy a monster'. In similar fashion, only a liar and a con artist could destroy a liar and con artist like Sara.      

"What do you need? A DNA test to prove it?" Lucy asked, and Sara gave her a nod.     

"Yes, I do."     

Immediately, Lucy raised a hand to her head and plucked out a strand of her hair, "Alright. What happens if I let you have this and you get the proof you need? Will you tell me why you sold me?" Lucy asked, and Sara frowned, suspecting that this could be a trap.      

"I don't know what you are talking about. My daughter died," Sara said, and Lucy smirked as she dropped the hair strand on the table between them.      

"Did she? Who am I then? I wonder why you need a DNA test to confirm if I am your daughter if you really believe that your daughter died. For a brief moment, I was almost willing to believe that Aaron was wrong about you, and maybe the error was from the doctor not you," Lucy said, and seeing that Lucy was not buying her act, Sara shook her head as a pool of tears gathered in her eyes.      

"I never sold my daughter. I swear I never knew you were alive, I really thought you died. I think the doctor tricked me into believing you were dead," she cried deciding to take the escape route Lucy had just offered, but Lucy scoffed.     

"Really? Is that the best you can come up with? I feel rather disappointed. Knowing how well you conned Aaron, I expected you to come up with a more original lie than this," Lucy said with a shake of her head, and Sara sighed.      

"What are you trying to achieve by doing this?" Sara asked, not understanding why Lucy was going back and forth with her.      

She still didn't know what to think, but one thing she knew was that Lucy knew a lot about her past, and seeing how she was connected to both Janet and Aaron, it was possible that she was telling the truth.     

"I need the truth from you! And I want an apology. A sincere apology. That is the only way I can forgive you for what you did to me and our family," Lucy said as tears gathered in her eyes.          


Sara took a deep breath as she looked at Lucy who was taking out her hankie from her handbag to wipe her tears. All she wanted was the truth and an apology? She didn't regret anything she had done. Had she not done all of that she would never have gotten to where she was. She had made sacrifices that needed to be made and she wasn't sorry for them.     

However, if admitting that she was wrong and offering an apology was all it would take to fix things with Lucy and get what she wanted from them, then she could tell her what she wanted to hear. If she was able to fix things with her, she was sure Lucy could help her find a way to fix things with Janet and Harry too.      

Sara took a deep breath as she met Lucy's gaze, "I didn't sell you. The couple needed a child and I had two. They were wealthy and I believed that they would take better care of you than Aaron. I wanted you to have a good life. I know there is no excuse or justification for all I did..."     

"Are you trying to tell me you didn't get anything out of it? Am I supposed to believe that after everything I know about you?" Lucy cut in, unable to believe that someone as selfish as Sara would do something that did not benefit her financially.     

"Fine. In exchange, they got me a house, and a car, and helped me get endorsement deals. When I heard of their death, I wanted to find out what happened to you, but I was at the peak of my career then so I couldn't risk the scandal. Giving you away the way I did was wrong, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me," Sara said as a tear slid down her cheek.     

"Thank you. I feel much better now," Lucy said with a sigh, glad that she now had the proof she needed that Aaron's daughter did not die that day.     

"I will try to talk with Aaron and Harry so they can forgive you. I will get back to you," Lucy promised, and Sara smiled.     

"You will do that for me?" Sara asked in mock surprise, and she smiled when Lucy bobbed her head.      

"Could you help me talk to Janet too?" Sara asked hopefully, and Lucy smiled.     

"Sure. I will. I will like us to put all this behind us and live as one happy big family. If I may ask, what is wrong with you? Aaron said you were ill," Lucy asked, wanting to understand if she had come back because she wanted to reconcile with her family and have them around her, or because she wanted something else.     

Judging by all she knew about her self-centeredness, and the attitude she had put up initially when she talked to Aaron over the phone and when they just arrived, Lucy could bet that she was back because she needed something, and not simply because she wanted a reunion with Harry and Janet.     

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If a family reunion was what she wanted, she would have been more polite to Aaron. But seeing how she was trying to reunite with just Harry and Janet, something told Lucy this was related to her health and she possibly needed their help.      

"It is called PSC. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis," Sara said with a sad smile not sure it was wise to tell her yet that she needed a liver transplant. She would need to get close enough and buy their trust before letting them know about it.      

"I'm sorry, I don't know what that is, but I hope it isn't too serious, and you will be fine?" Lucy asked, making a mental note to look it up on Google or ask Lucas about it.      

"I will be fine. I'm glad I met you today. I'd love to hang out with you and get to know you better. Can you do that for me?" Sara asked, and Lucy smiled.     

"Sure. I would love that too. I would love to hear about Milan and all the fun places you have visited," Lucy said, and Sara smiled, glad that Lucy was just as easy to fool as Aaron was.     

"You are truly my daughter," Sara said, but Lucy shook her head when she saw Aaron returning to the table. There was no need to play nice anymore. She had gotten all she came for.     

Although Lucy knew that she was taking a risk by telling her the truth, she also knew that Sara was eventually going to find out the truth once they walked out of the restaurant, and she would rather deal with it now.     

"No. I am not. You have no idea how glad I am that I am not. I am your niece. Janet's daughter," Lucy announced, and Sara blinked at her in confusion, not understanding what was going on.     

"I only wanted evidence that you sold your daughter in exchange for a glamorous life. Now that I have it recorded, we have something tangible to use against you. Don't think about doing anything to me, you have no idea the number of people who are involved in this case and who just listened in on our conversation. All fingers would point back to you if anything happens to me," Lucy said with a wide smile when she saw the anger in Sara's eyes.      

"Aaron is here. You should smile. Tell him that you are exhausted and you need to leave. Then quietly crawl back into whatever hole you came out from and don't go anywhere close to Harry or bother Aaron with your incessant calls again," Lucy said with a polite smile and she rose when Aaron stopped at the table.     

"We can leave now, Aaron. Mom has promised to stay away from Harry until you are ready to tell him about her. Right, mom?" Lucy asked, and although Sara's hands were clenched under the table, she gave Aaron a tight smile.      

"I suddenly feel exhausted. I need to get some rest," Sara said, and Lucy nodded with approval.     

"It was good to meet you, mom. But I hope we don't have to meet again," Lucy said, before turning to Aaron who was staring at them as he wondered what both ladies had discussed.     

"Let's go home," Lucy said as she took Aaron's hand and walked away with him.