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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 66 Dreadclaw Part-1
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"We have arrived at the designated location," Henry declared, breaking the silence. "Retrieve the provisions."

"Ah, it's time for lunch!" Barbara exclaimed, her excitement evident as she quickly exited the carriage, displaying unexpected agility despite her small stature.

Observing Barbara's energetic departure, I decided it was time for me to rise as well. I adjusted my posture gradually, sitting upright and reluctantly leaving behind the comfortable pillow that had served as my solace over the past few days.

Initially, I sought solace on that soft cushion only once to calm my racing thoughts. However, Anabelle suggested that it would be beneficial for me to rest in that position. Well, I couldn't complain about having such a luxurious cushion for support.

"Anabelle?" I called out to her, noticing the faint blush on her cheeks as she kept her gaze fixed on her own lap. I gently tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Huh?" Anabelle looked up, her eyes seemingly lost in a whirl of spirals.

"It's time for lunch. We should go," I repeated, hoping to bring her back to the present moment.

"Y-yeah, let's go," Anabelle responded, slightly startled by my sudden reminder.

Stepping outside of the carriage, we proceeded to organize the food and prepare plates for everyone to enjoy. As we distributed the meals, I noticed Leila silently taking her plate and retreating back into the carriage, remaining hidden from our view as she always did.

Over these past few days, I have observed and confirmed a few things about her. First, she possesses the ability to use magic and fight, but she is utilizing some kind of concealer artifact to suppress her mana. I have observed her eyes attentively following the flow of mana, which is only visible to individuals who possess the ability to sense mana, such as a mage. Non-mages can only perceive manifested spells, but whenever one of us employs any form of magic, she seems to discern the flow of mana as her eyes track its particles along the same trajectory.

Secondly, I strongly doubt that she is mute. Sometimes, she appears to mutter to herself in the middle of the night. Although the sound is faint, my heightened sensitivity allows me to pick up on it.

Lastly, she exhibits an unnaturally strong attachment to that box.

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"I am impressed, princess. You don't seem like the type to notice such details," Blaze remarked, leaving me uncertain whether he was complimenting or insulting me.

I haven't mentioned anything about it because it does not concern us. She could be a trained guard assigned to protect the box but has some reason to conceal her identity. Who knows?

As long as we receive our payment and I am able to reach Ivorygate, all is well.

"It's a good thing that you left Sephra with these guys, or else it would have taken two months to reach our destination, right?" Blaze stated the obvious. If I were alone, I don't believe it would have been as easy or fast to arrive here.

As we gathered around to enjoy our lunch, the atmosphere remained tinged with a sense of mystery. Leila's withdrawal into the carriage intrigued me, but I respected her need for privacy and decided not to pry. Instead, I focused on the task at hand: satisfying our hunger.

The provisions we had brought were carefully selected to ensure a variety of flavors and sustenance. The aroma of freshly cooked food permeated the air, awakening our senses and tantalizing our taste buds. We sat together, savoring each bite and engaging in casual conversations.

Henry, always the jolly one, shared anecdotes from our previous adventures, eliciting laughter and smiles from the group. Ali, with his quick wit, added humorous remarks that kept the lively banter going. Anabelle, though still slightly flustered from earlier, gradually relaxed and joined in the cheerful chatter.

"Hey, that's a cool bracelet you have there," Barbara remarked, glancing at my wrist.

"Oh, this? It's a gift," I replied, referring to the silver bracelet adorning my left wrist.

I had kept it safely tucked away in my luggage, but today I felt like wearing it. The bracelet featured a marble-sized amethyst-like rock in the center, a Thargtusks Mana core.

"It's the same core from that day, right?" Anabelle asked, recognizing the unique piece.

"Yep, it is," I confirmed.

Marylin had gifted me this on my birthday, intending it to serve as a memento of my first hunt. She purchased the entire corpse of a Thargtusk from Anabelle before it could be sold to the guild. Then, she took its core to a skilled artisan who crafted the bracelet over a span of three days.

The bracelet had a few runes that allowed it to emit a soft glow in the dark, but its purpose was primarily ornamental. It made for a stylish accessory.

As we indulged in the meal, I couldn't help but marvel at the bonds that had been rekindled during our journey. Just two more days remained until we reached our destination.


After the satisfying meal, we tidied up the empty plates and remnants, leaving no trace behind.

"Ren," Anabelle approached me, avoiding direct eye contact.

'She's about to say something embarrassing,' I instinctively realized. Whenever she fidgeted and avoided making eye contact, it often led to her saying something and then getting flustered. It was rather endearing.

"What is it?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"Umm... can I call you Ruu?" Anabelle dropped an unexpected bomb.

"Huh?" I was momentarily stunned, trying to comprehend this new turn of events.

"Ah! No, don't get it wrong. I just thought that since we're good... no, great friends, maybe we should use nicknames for each other. When I visited your house, I noticed your mom and aunt calling you Ruu, and I thought it would be nice if I could call you... I mean, it would deepen our friendship, and..." Anabelle stumbled over her words, becoming increasingly flustered.

"Hey, relax!" I interrupted her rambling and said, "You can. Since I always call you Ana instead of Anabelle, you can call me Ren or any name you'd like. Get it?"

Anabelle nodded, resembling a three-year-old child. I chuckled at her reaction and headed back inside the carriage, but to my surprise...


Something tapped the hem of my sleeve, and I turned to see Anabelle.

"Hey, you'll leave after we arrive at Ivorygate, right?" Anabelle's voice held a note of uncertainty. Did she want to confirm it?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Yep, I'll be going my own way and exploring the kingdom as a true adventurer," I replied, spouting the old cliché. In truth, I wouldn't be in this kingdom for much longer.

"Can I ask you something?" Anabelle hesitated, prompting me to wait for her to continue.

"I want you to keep traveling with these guys, even after I leave the group. I think you all should stick together. It will provide you with valuable real-life experience, and..." Anabelle paused mid-sentence.

"And?" I prodded.

"And it will be safer for you too," she finally revealed, her words weighed with concern.

I understood her feelings. From her perspective, I was just a teenager not yet mature enough to take care of myself. Moreover, Anabelle herself wouldn't be around for long, as she was pursuing her dream job. She wanted me to stay with her friends so they could keep an eye on me.

"I don't think that's the only reason," Blaze chimed in, his voice lingering with suspicion.

"Listen, Anabelle, let me assure you that embarking on this journey alone is something I must do for my personal growth. Don't worry, it'll be fine. You've only recently returned to your previous life, and you have your friends here. Cherish your time with them and don't dwell on anything else," I reassured her before stepping back into the carriage.

It's better for her to be concerned about people who will be with her for a long time, rather than worrying about someone she only just met who is parting ways soon, right?

"Are you not going to meet her again, Princess?" Blaze asked, seeming oblivious to my words.

Once I leave Ivorygate alone, I doubt there will be any chance for Ana and me to cross paths again. She will live her life, and I will live mine.


That night, the carriage continued its steady pace through the dark night. No moon illuminated the sky above.

Inside the carriage, it was Me, Zark, Barbara, and Anabelle, who had settled beside me with her head gently resting on my shoulder as she drifted off to sleep.

"Mnmm... Ruu, don't do that, it hurts," Anabelle mumbled in her sleep. I wondered what kind of dream she was having, hoping it wasn't something too mischievous.

"I highly doubt it's not a mischievous one," Blaze interjected.

Suddenly, a thunderous thud reverberated from outside, followed by Ali's voice shouting, "It's Dreadclaw!"
