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Chapter 237 - A Message To Overcomers
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A few minutes before the Call on the Dead that Waits Dreaming, several events were happening behind the vivid scenes of the battle between Seeker and the Empress. 

Moving underwater was a large jet that could move with great speeds underwater. Suit's large Armor had terrifying damages, and Suit was draining his own energy to command the Armor to move. 

Typical and the rest did what they could do to stop the waters from flooding in. 

Among those inside were the Covenant, Tyler's trio, the Drug Dealers, and Gardo's team. 

After blowing up the Kraken from the inside, they dove down to the holes and swam out of the Kraken just in time to be rescued by Suit. 

The group began to chatter and was stunned when they saw the full power of the WGP. 

"Suit, get those five! They hid well, but they won't last long if they continue that." Typical suddenly ordered. 

"What five?" Suit was confused. 

"Just stop after eight hundred meters." Typical explained. 

The large Armor moved and then suddenly stopped, and Typical opened the door. 

He used his Path to create an invisible wall that prevented the waters from entering. 

"Need a lift?" Typical offered. 

Suddenly, several figures moved closer to the opening ports and moved to enter it. 

Typical removed the invisible wall, but the waters didn't rush inside. Instead, a powerful wind kept blowing and kept the waters at bay. 

Five people stepped inside. 

Suit closed the opened hatch and began to zoom away from the Kraken. 

"Hermes..." A weak but violent voice echoed from the back. 

"Oh? You didn't kill the wolf?" Grant Hermes laughed as he ordered his team not to attack. He sent his winds to push the leaking waters in the damaged Armor. 

"This is an impressive ship. I'm very impressed with the pilot as well." Hermes praised. 

"Don't be too smug, Suit. You failed to notice our battle with Amir, where we would have died. You're not in any way different to Cliff, but he fought Amir without a Suit." Typical immediately chastised Suit. 

"I wouldn't dare, young master." Suit answered without skipping a beat. 

"How strict." Hermes laughed. 

"We were never supposed to kill Amir. We are all the Progenitors seed. Why kill each other? The battle up there will show you all our true enemies. And it will make things easier for me to explain what's going on." Typical answered Hermes. 

"Who was that man that fought the Empress?" A young teen immediately asked. 

"That would be Young Master Seeker." Typical answered. 

"Young Master? If you address him as such, how strong is he?" Hermes was surprised. 

"He and Richie defeated Master. But right now, he should be capable of clashing with my Master one-on-one. He is also the nominative leader of our organization." 

"Is he single?" The teen asked again. 

Hermes face-palmed. 

"Who's asking?!" Dara erupted. 

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Roselyn face-palmed too. 

"I... don't meddle with the intentions of Young Master." Typical averted. 

"Isn't Seeker with LordChokeMeSenpai?" Gardo inquired to the Covenant. He had just recovered a bit after taking the medicines on the ship. 

"He's THAT Seeker? Seeker Carlean?!" Irvana exclaimed with surprise. 

"Yeah? Well, what's that to you?!" Dara exploded. 

"Is Dara infatuated with Seeker?" John Octavion, signed-language towards Titan. 

Since they were Unlocked, whispering was useless, so these two developed their own method of communication. 

"I saw her downloading all the photos that Seeker created to lure in those perverts." Titan signed-language back. 

Irvana, who saw the two making sign-languages understood it. 

"Photos?" She asked. 

Typical who had a better sense of what was going on, finally face-palmed at the untimely discussion. 

"Can we discuss this some other time?" Typical sighed.

"Why are you so respectful to my daughter?" Hermes curiously asked. 

"She who Treads like a Thief in the Night, Irvana. She is a future Ranked Hero. In other words, she's my peer. Most of your questions will be answered in a few minutes. For now, protect us in case that wolf acts wildly." Typical answered. 

"A future Ranked Hero? So it looks like some very miraculous things happen. Fine. I'll observe whatever happens. Amir Mann... It's been a while. Let's just enjoy the ride. Since your enemies haven't shown any intentions of killing you, you might as well see what they have to show you." Grant Hermes laughed. 

"I don't have a choice of the matter. That little boy over there gave me quite a beating." Amir answered coldly. 

On another part of the ocean, another aircraft was moving underwater. 

The Void Traveler had long charged away since the many explosions around the Kraken occurred. 

Truthfully, the team had already tried to escape if it wasn't for the uninvited passenger that somehow found a way to board the Void Traveler, they would have hightailed away since the Titan's attack. 

"I'm really sorry about this. But as you can see, little Sammy here took his time!" Richie laughed. 

Everyone was quiet and did not answer back. 

The powers of this man were so strong. Everyone was visibly shaking until the man undid whatever strange powers he had. 

Next to him was a beautiful woman who was previously wounded and bleeding. But now, she was rapidly recovering. Aside from her, Richie brought in several wounded men who were in a very critical state. They remained unconscious and were treated by the soldiers on board. Their blood was not flowing wildly for some strange reason. The puncture wounds in their organs wouldn't even bleed out. 

Richie used his sounds to allow the amazing clotting to stop the blood. He had already ordered the soldiers to treat these men, and some were reluctantly doing so.

"Who are you?" The woman finally asked. 

"You can talk now? That's great." 

"You're blood. What was in that? It contained such strength!" The woman gazed at him with a peculiar expression. 

"Woah. Did you manage to absorb my blood cells? Man, oh, man! Seeker's gonna be thrilled with your skill! I'm Richie. The Assassin." Richie said as he finally removed his Eagle Mask. 

"So it is you! You're actually alive! What really happened in China?" The woman was startled and began to ask the questions that she had been trying to understand for months, 

Almost everyone in the ship reacted. The entire squadron sent by the Americas knew who Richie was. The infamous Assassin who was said to have killed three elite squads from the Americas. 

"I'm sure the Commander remember me. We fought once or twice, I believe. I never forget a familiar frequency. Sammy, this one my next recruit." 

The Commander felt a shivering fear rising through his bones. He had fought Richie twice, and his previous teams were wiped out. Only he remained. 

"Oh. And this beautiful lady will also be a part of our team as well. I told your friends in the sky to escape and to rendezvous one hundred kilometers from here." 

The woman was surprised. How was it possible to send a message to a plane that was hundreds of Kilometers up? 

"Oh. He did that through your own communicator. When you were attacked, he sent the message through all the surviving communicators your team had. He still has it." Sammy explained and pointed to the nearby comm devices.

The woman immediately grabbed one as some reddish hand emerged out of her body and made the soldiers widen their eyes.

"It's in her body? What tech is this?" One of the soldiers was amazed.

"It's me. Follow the previous command that man said. I'm safe." She called.

"Madam! Thank goodness!"

"Disconnect the call. We don't know who has access to this line." The woman immediately used her blood to pierce through all the comm devices.

"Why did you save me?" She turned to Richie.

"I am also a seed. We're just one step ahead of everyone. For now, you guys should also watch the conclusion of this battle. Right now, whether you like it or not, you will be a part of my team." Richie laughed. 

"Don't resist him, men. This man wiped out the previous teams I had." The Commander sighed as he noticed his soldiers trying to do something. 

"Very good! Commander Mikhael if I'm not mistaken?" 

"What do you want?" 

"For now, I want you to move the Void Traveler up high. Don't worry about being detected. Pangea will soon send their salvos. And their working for our leader." 

"Are you saying that you are responsible for all this? The attacks?" 

"Wasn't it obvious? I made you wait for this guy to exit?" Richie laughed. 

"What are you planning? Do you know the repercussions of this battle?" 

"I'm recruiting you to face someone I have no hopes of defeating. The Tyrant Empress." 

The woman shivered with fear. Her expression turned pale. 

"You... you plan to fight her? That person is insane! No one on this who knows her name would fight her! You'd be her slave! If it weren't for my blood, I would have fallen for her spell!" 

"Oh? Did you meet her? Relax! We've already defeated her. Who do you think it was that I fought in China? First, it was the Dragon, then we sort of became friends and fought the Empress with Lennox's help. Oh, but we didn't kill her. I don't think anyone can. You see..."

"Boss. You're going off track. Just summarize it. No, wait. Let me summarize it for you." Sammy interrupted. 

"For complicated reasons... The Boss must keep her from creating too much hell on Earth. We are aware of her powers, and so, we are going to need some help."

"What are you trying to do? If you defeated her, then why-" 

"Don't bother guessing. Not even the best deduction experts could explain what the hell these guys are up too." Sammy added. 

"I'll explain after we see the show." Sammy started to take several food supplies on the plane and began devouring them.

"Hm? Why is the water vibrating this way? You better move fast. Something dangerous is about to happen." Richie suddenly ordered the pilot. At that moment, the Call of Poseidon was about to start.

The Void Traveler moved quickly and slowly emerged out of the water.

The scenes that the parties witnessed, those in Suit's Armor, and those in the Void Traveler, astounded them.

The Call of Poseidon that manipulated water caused the Vampire, the Wolf, and Hermes' expressions to pale.

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Hermes was particularly affected. That technology was beyond his capacity.

These Overcomers felt as if their confidence was shaking.

Each couldn't believe the abilities that the WGP had.

As for the rest, they were no different. Whether it was Typical, or Cliff, or anyone else of the Unlocked, they still were stunned.

The sight they saw made them realize how powerless they still were against the WGP.

"This isn't the shocking part." As if speaking in synch, Typical and Richie said the same thing exactly on that same moment.

The various parties in those two crafts marveled at the words of the two and listened.

"This battle was designed by Arthur to push the WGP into such straits to reveal their strongest power. But this revelation was meant to attack someone else." Typical explained on his side.

"Something else?" Hermes asked with curiosity.

"Only Richie could sense that person. But somewhere in the sky is the Progenitor's enemies. They have the technology that can easily destroy all of these."


A powerful explosion occurred.

It was here that the Call of the Dead that Waits Dreaming began.

The explosion was so strong that both aircraft trembled.

"Impossible! How did the explosion not damage the Kraken!" The Commander in the Void Traveler asked.

"The explosion is controlled. It was sentient and didn't harm the Kraken."

"Sentient bombs! How did they have it?" The Commander was stunned.

"You guys underestimate the WGP too much. Seeker calls it Realm. I heard that Aragarian call it Domain. You see, these Aragarians, which are the enemies of the Progenitor, has the very sciences that he gave us. Or rather, what we have are the foundations while they have the real thing. Actually, when Lennox and Seeker planned about-"

"Boss. I'll take it from here." Sammy interjected again.

"In short, the WGP was meant to show their power so that they could use everything they've got to make a surprise attack against the Aragarians or this so-called, Progenitors enemies. But even then, we don't know if we will succeed. The purpose of this entire event fulfilled the plans that Seeker and the gang made months ago. They wanted to create an event that will force the world to see something unbelievable."

"For what purpose? That will create panic and hysteria!" One of the soldiers answered.

"No, it won't. Countries like yours will cover it up. Most of the world will try to do the same. The WGP will also do it. They won't show weakness, especially at a time like this. The Caliphates, East Asian Alliance, the Americas, Canada, and even those other countries wanted to take advantage of the chaos. They will all see it but will keep in wraps. Anyway, they are not the people that my Boss wanted to get this message out. This was what it's all about if I simplify it. This battle was a means to send a message to a certain group of people."

"Who?" The Vampire asked.

"People like us." Richie laughed.

"When me, Meng, and Lennox found out the tribulation that awaits, we knew what level we needed to reach to Overcome. And not just us. The Heroes of this world must be challenged and resolve never to lose hope and never give up when the trials come. This battle will be cause them to rise. So we change the world and make even more brutal than what it is."

"You want people to adapt." 

"Correct. If they witness their enemies' true powers, it will force those at the top to seek a higher heaven. You, yourself have faced such power. You couldn't even defeat me. And if you can't even Overcome that narcissistic Tyrant Empress, then you will die. We are the Salt of this world. And our job is to season it."

"While it pains me to interrupt your chance to share the Gospel, I think you are needed, Boss." Sammy reminded.

"Oh. Right! I almost forgot! I have one last thing I need to do before we scadoodle." 

Suddenly, one of the main doors opened. The pilot was surprised, but the buttons to open it was pressed.

But before he could react and close it, he noticed that there was no change in air pressure that would have sucked some of them out didn't happen.

"The Boss can sense vibration. So he knows what buttons to push to do things like that." Sammy explained to the confused soldiers.

Richie stood up and looked down on the big skies.

The final confrontation begins.