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Chapter 227 - The Body Cultivator
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Going back a few minutes when Typical and Cliff faced the horde of werewolves...

Most of the bitten pilots had ejected themselves from their Exoskeletons.

The pain from Amir's bites brought about a terrifyingly painful itch. It was so painful and torturous that the people who managed to get out of their Exoskeleton suit had clawed themselves until they were bleeding. 

Since the pilot was unable to scratch themselves while inside the Exoskeleton, they would immediately eject themselves. And as they were outside the Exoskeleton, they would turn into the rabid creature before them. The hairs in their bodies grew at an incredible speed. Their bones warped and changed, and their hands turned to claws.

Some were unable to escape their suits and turned inside the Exoskeleton.

But as Amir Mann stood, he pointed at Cliff and Typical's group before the enemies surged forward and charged.

Typical rushed forward to test the team. A strange force surrounded him as he faced the clawing attack of the nearest wolf.

Fist and fang met and smashed the arm of the wolf, bending it in a strange angle.

But the wolf ignored the pain and bit down at Typical.

An invisible thorn stabbed through the mouth of the wolf and prevented it from biting down as Typical sent a kick to the wolf and sent himself flying backward.

Cliff pulled Gardo back in retreat while Gardo kept on firing at the wolves.

The pair then proceeded to continue on their dual-flying formation as Cliff circled out to lead some of the wolves back.

At that moment, Amir charged forward yet kept his human form. As he used his science to manipulate the molecules around him, he was able to charge forwards with outstanding speed where each stepped caused him to move and chase Cliff and Gardo. He ignored the rest and went to kill Cliff as he left the others to be overwhelmed by his wolves.

Cliff kept slashing in mid-air, but his slashes could not halve or penetrate through the strong muscles of the wolves that approached. Despite the sharp blade, the muscles and tendons of these wolves had some form of resistance, which caused their bodies to have a shock-absorbing technology.

And while Cliff's sword had a tech that could even pierce through the Dawn soldier's body, it couldn't push through as there was a constant reaction within the muscles that stopped Cliff's blade.

Cliff's slashes were no longer as sharp as a sword but would hit the wolves like a bat.

Gardo shot several attacks on the approaching wolves that caused their attacks to miss.

"He's coming!" Gardo warned as he noticed Amir Mann rushing.

Suddenly, several powerful explosions occurred right where Amir Mann, where and Amir Mann was forced to move to the sides and turn. 

But strangely, the constant barrage of the turrets somehow struck where he would go.

Amir Mann's movement started to move faster and faster, but the aerial attacks did not end.

"Impressive.’ Amir Mann couldn't help but admire the pilot of the massive Armor.

The Armor was already in pieces. But not because it was attacked, but because it willingly disassembled itself.

The torrential amount of attacks continued to attack it, but not a single attack that could threaten it struck it.

The more Amir Mann paid attention to Suit, the more he realized the brilliance of the pilot.

The Armor was divided into five pieces. Each arm and leg and the torso flew individually and would use various weapons to attack those nearby. The main shoulder cannon on the right arm continued to shoot at Amir Mann. Amir Mann's movements were very random and would even jump upwards to evade the jump over the explosion. Still, the cannon attack would swoop in directly downwards and prevented Amir from moving.

Because of that, Cliff managed to escape along with Gardo.

"Blast. Trigger. Don't do that yet. Make your preparations. We are to trap that wolf! If we want to drag him to our side, we'd have to beat him!" Typical gave his orders.

"Young master, what if he turns more wolf!" Blast argued as he continued with his barrage. The thorn road had once more appeared, and they were all jumping from one invisible platform to another and escaped the jumping figures.

"He wouldn't. The strength of these wolves can easily bite through and dismantle Exoskeletons. That should be a strength at the very peak of Inhumans. But that also means that the virus Amir can create is very limited!" Typical explained. 

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Cliff and Gardo had received one communicator each and had used it to communicate with them.

"What? You mean this Rabies isn't unlimited?" Cliff was surprised.

"No. He couldn't even keep it up and undid his feral transformation! This proves that there is a limit to it! The virus has forcibly changed the make-up of these soldiers and made them far stronger. But their bodies could not keep up. This is a battle of survival! We don't even have to kill these wolves! This is a battle of time! Keep on escaping but not escaping! Keep on attacking, but not attacking!"

"What?!" Cliff was confused.

"What is he saying?" Cliff asked Gardo.

"It is... an ancient Chinese saying that dates back to the time of Emperor Yo Res and Empress Tu Pid!"

"Yo Res... Tu Pid..." Cliff muttered under his voice as he racked his brains. As his ability to recall memories grew and grew, he now could search for memories he had way back. Although most recent events are quickly brought up and recollected, it was harder for those before when he got Unlocked. 

But one thing he was sure, was that he hadn't heard of an Emperor Yo Res or an Empress Tu Pid.

Cliff's recollection affected his battle as he had to divide his attention to fighting and to recollect.

Suit, Blast, and Trigger were so stunned at Cliff's gullibility. They heard the two talk through their communicator and didn't know whether they should laugh or cry.

Even Typical had his mouth wide open. 

They were in the middle of a life-threatening situation and were fighting a Near Overcomer, and these two had the time to fool around.

"Emperor who? Empress who?" Cliff finally asked.

"Emperor You're Stupid!" Gardo cursed out and connected the two names. He then continued to shoot at the wolves approaching.

"Just keep fighting! Don't make it look like we know that his time is running out! Keep trying to run away, but don't make it too obvious!" Typical was grinding his teeth as he said this.

Cliff finally understood what Typical was saying.

"Young Master! He might know about our plan!"

"No! This one is not the cunning type! Haven't you noticed? It can't even move past Suit's bombardment! He might be a Near Overcomer, but his Unlocking is too eccentric! His perception, his thinking process, everything about his mental ability is only at the Unbecoming Advent!" Typical explained.

It was then that Cliff noticed it. His memories began to recollect the events of their previous battles and realized that it was true.

In his wolf form, the attacks of Gardo could hit him! A punch from a gigantic Armor could strike him! These were things that most in the Inhuman stage could counter easily!

"What's going on? Why?" Cliff couldn't understand it.

"You guys lack training." Typical frowned.

"This was the first thing I noticed. If we add to the fact that his body could produce a virus that can create other monsters, then there has to be a price for this! There is no unlimited power in this world! If there is, there has to be a reason why! That is his weakness!"

"What is his weakness!"

"The only thing that can explain everything! His unworldly ability to create a viral power that can turn normal humans to the Inhuman level. And his poor mental power that pales in comparison to a real Inhuman! He is a body cultivator! While we Unlock the Mind to strengthen the Body, he has pushed his body to an extreme that his mind became Unlocked!" Typical gave his conclusion.

"He's getting impatient!" Gardo noticed.

"Suit. He's going for you. Cliff, Gardo, the moment he jumps, we switch. Help Blast and Trigger!" Typical warned as he noticed the posture of Amir.

Amir took a single leap and jumped in mid-air. Through his science, he created several footholds in the air and zoomed towards the Armor.

Cliff and Typical quickly made their switch as soon as they were sure that Amir wouldn't notice.

With the knowledge of Amir's weaknesses, he became more confident and moved in an almost reckless fashion.

Amir's hands that looked more like claws rushed to grasp the various metallic parts of the Armor.

Suit sneered at the sight.

"What an idiot." Suit navigated the many controls before him and began to command each Armor like a Grandmaster Pianist performing.

Right after the battle in China, the Assassins had met and discussed the possibilities of their growth.

They had tasted a great defeat in the hands of Seeker's team.

And while the enemy had so much advantage, to these Fangs, they were only worried because they had disgraced their Master.

Among them, the most worried was Suit.

He was a unique member of the squad as he largely depended on Exoskeletons and piloting ships and Armors. While he was also an expert in hand-to-hand combat and shooting, his skills were far, far inferior to the rest of the Fangs. He did not have their resilience, their strength, cunning, agility, and the like.

All he had was his piloting skills that were revealed to be useless in the battles ahead.

And so when Greydon Meng himself, asked what they planned to do, the miserable figure of Suit stood only in silence.

"Master... I don't know how to press on. My skills seem insignificant now as the mystery of the Unlocking is unveiled." Suit could only look down in disgrace.

Greydon frowned.

"Is that what you think?" Greydon asked.

"Yes, Master." Suit answered back.

"You are wrong. You have looked at it incorrectly. Do not doubt the path that you are walking. The Road that you walk is one that I, your Master, affirms. The Unlocking will not make your skills obsolete. It will push you further." Greydon answered firmly.

Since then, Suit had sought his Road and wanted it to be a Path. He realized that the way he felt, the way he commanded his machine was far more superior than the rest. He had lost faith in himself, but how could he loose faith to his Master?

If his Master thinks that he is strong, why would he dare believe himself to be weak?

Suit trained in his piloting skills and focused on how to control it effectively. He created a very diverse form of Realm that was unique when compared to the Realms of the other Overcomers.

Suit's Realm enveloped the machines that he piloted. It was a strange mystery that only those who piloted or drove such vehicles and pushed their skills to the limit could understand.

Racers of all sorts, have bonded with their machines and could feel the close connection that allowed them to perform hair-raising stunts. But for Suit, it became a Skill.

The parts of the Armor's retreated just in time that it evaded the grasps of Amir.

Amir missed the Armor by millimeters. And even before he could react, the quick movements of Suit had already occurred.

Suit knew that he'd have to learn to pull the trigger faster because he was in a machine. Blast and Trigger also studied the same thing. Before a mindlessly Unlocked werewolf, Suit's hands were quicker than Amir's eyes.

Several turrets launched explosive attacks around Amir.

As the mortar rounds struck Amir, a strange sight occurred.

The mortar bullets were somehow cushioned as it reached Amir's body.

Typical who was moving from the back was stunned at the scene.

The mortar shells suddenly shot out as it passed by Amir, who used the mortar rounds to make his body turn and face Typical instead.

The speed was fast, and Typical was so close. 

"Muscle memory!" Typical cursed.

While he was right in stating that Amir's perception was far weaker than theirs, his muscle memory far surpassed his. The moment the mortars neared, Amir's strange hairs detected the sensation. His muscle memory acted and instinctively evaded the attack. With the right turns, he used the mortar attacks against them and even made several attacks a tool to redirect his flight. 

Typical gritted his teeth. He underestimated Amir. Amir had long noticed his weakness and created the wolves knowing that it would also be identified. All the while, Amir hid his most terrifying ace.

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And so, Amir rushed towards his real target.

A thrust was made towards Typical.

Typical was crafting a powerful needle in his arm, which he planned to backstab Amir. But the sudden changes were too quick even for Typical.

Typical dispersed the needle energy and maintained only a small piece of it on his hands.

"Dodge this!" Typical roared as he met the Amir's arm with his own.

The fast strike, along with the invisible needle, pushed forwards to strike Amir.

But the moment the needle of Typical touched the palms of Amir, the palms changed its position. It was barely a millimeter when Amir made contact with the invisible needle. His muscle memory once more came to play as he turned his initial thrust, to become a pulling hand.

The hand reached downwards and slid through the invisible needle and grabbed on Typical's arm. He would never let of this arm.

Suddenly, several stabbing sensations surrounded Amir.

The energy that Typical dispersed turned into various needles that were aimed to pierce through Amir.

Even with Amir's ability, he couldn't dodge such attacks.

Amir had shifted his position to protect the more important organs but allowed many of the needles to stab through.

Yet his hold on Typical did not grow weaker as he pulled Typical closer to finish him.

But suddenly, various needles stabbed at Typical's shoulder, and some of the needles that pierced through Amir, also stabbed Typical and sent him down.

Typical then stepped on an invisible foothold to kick him further away. Amir could not change directions as several needles were pinning him down.

"Ready the Road to Damascus!" Typical immediately retreated and gave his commands.

The team continued to hinder the wolves as Typical retreated. Although Suit sent out his attacks and used lasers, bullets, and rockets that he could detonate. The crazy Amir could easily evade it all.

The battle continued with more and more of the wolves falling.

Soon, the Titan's appearance appeared and blew away most of the wolves, leaving Amir alone to face the team who had hidden under cover of the Armor.

And as the explosions continued, Typical challenged the monster and called him to attack and even claimed to be Amir's Daddy.

Amir was not at all offended by the arrogant mockery of Typical.

"You have a brilliant team. And here I thought I outsmarted you. Quite decisive of you to give up your arm." Amir laughed.

"If your hand causes you to sin, pluck it off. What about you? Did you enjoy my piercings?

"Oh? A bible reference... It looks like you are one of the Progenitor's Seeds." Amir smirked.

"Could we stop now? As you can see, we are allies." Cliff asked.

"No." Typical and Amir answered together.

Amir smiled and liked Typical's answers.

"That being fighting the Titan... That should be the Dragon." Amir glanced on the ongoing battle.

"I will tell him this. His fangs were pretty sharp. But this one is a ravenous wolf. And I will devour!" Amir laughed as he gave a mighty howl.

The bodies of the dead wolves started to tremble, and many rose once more and howled madly.

"Let's see which is sharper! My Fangs or the Dragons?" And with a maniacal laugh, he charged towards Typical.

"Activate the Road to Damascus!" Typical ordered.