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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 203 Planning The Day
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"Well, I have an appointment at the gym today. I don't know if I can bring both of you."

"What were you planning on doing originally?"

"I was going to bring Violette with me, and have her do some cardio or some light callisthenics, to get her in shape."

"You were going to ask me to train?! But I'm only nine!"

"It wasn't going to be anything intensive!" Astaroth defended himself, while scratching the back of his head.

"And what training were you going to do?"

"I have some sparring lessons with my trainer today. He's teaching me how to box."

"I can box. Do you think he would let me join in?"

Alex frowned at her question. Clark could hardly teach both of them simultaneously, especially if their levels of knowledge were different.

He couldn't take this decision for the man, so he wrung him up.

"Hello, Clark speaking."

"Hey, Clark. It's Alexander. I have a favour to ask you."

"Oh, hi champ. Sure thing, what is it?"

"I have friends over for a while, and I don't want to leave them alone at home. I was wondering if I could have them join me for training today?"

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"Sure! It'll cost you a bit more for today, but I'm fine with it. Just remember that I won't be able to give you as much guidance if you aren't alone."

"I'm ok with it."

"Then it's settled. You better haul ass to get here, though. Our session is in thirty minutes."

"Dammit, I forgot we put it earlier today! I'll be on my way. Bye!"

'This kid has a terrible memory and attention span,' Clark thought, as he put his phone away.

Alexander hurried the two women as he got himself ready as well. In his haste, he forgot to close his bedroom door.

Kary was passing before the door as he was changing into gym clothes, and she got a glimpse of his naked behind. She bit her lip, hoping he would turn around before slipping into his briefs, but it didn't come to happen.

After slipping on his boxers, Alexander turned around to look for his sports shorts, and noticed the starring Kary. He froze in his movement, realizing his door was open.

They both heard footsteps on the stairs, and Kary hurriedly closed the door to Alex's room. Violette heard the door slam, and when she turned the corner, Kary was standing with her back to the door, smiling suspiciously.

"What are you doing in front of his door? Were you trying to sneak a peek?"

"What?! No. I closed his door because he forgot."

"Hm. Did you get to see something, at least?"

"Violette!" Kary shouted incredulously.

'How can she have such a twisted mind at her age?'

Violette giggled before heading into her room and changing. Kary did the same.

Alexander finished changing first, but as he was about to leave the room, something caught his attention. A small white particle floated in front of his eyes.

Before he got to see what it was, it disappeared.

'Must have been dust.'

He left the room without turning around. Many more of these particles were floating around in his room, but his eyes had failed to see them.

Had he been inside New Eden, his eyes would have picked up on them instantly, as these were particles of mana. They were still leaking from a spot in front of his gaming pod, for now only a trickle.

The trio left the penthouse, oblivious to what was happening around them.

They had twenty minutes left to reach the gym, and it was a fifteen-minute walk away, under normal circumstances. But Alexander could hardly walk at his normal pace, since he had Violette with him.

Her small legs wouldn't allow her to follow him without breaking into a jog. So he improvised.

He dropped to his knees.

"Get on my shoulders, Violette."


"Hurry, get on my shoulders."

The girl hesitated at first, but then she did as asked. Once she was correctly seated, Alexander rose back to his feet.

The extra weight was not even a hassle, and he could now walk at a faster speed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Kary asked him.

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"Because if we are late, Clark will chew us up. He likes punctuality above all else."

After saying that, he started walking towards the gym. He turned around a few steps in, telling Kary to hurry.

She snapped out of her thoughts and followed behind him. Although she was shorter than him, Kary was able to match his pace without too much issue.

Everywhere they went, the people on the streets watched them pass with smiles. Alexander barely noticed, but Kary didn't miss a single one.

She knew what those smiles were for, and couldn't help smiling herself. The trio of them painted a lovely picture, even if it was a misunderstood one.

With Alexander carrying Violette on his shoulders, and Kary holding his hand as they walked on the sidewalk, they looked like one happy little family.

She didn't mind the thoughts of strangers and wouldn't step forward to correct them. Seeing the man she was attracted to holding Violette like this also got some lovely thoughts in her head.

She shoved those away with a blush, knowing it was much too early to be thinking this way. But they lingered in the back of her mind, anyway.

Once they arrived at the gym, Alex signed in, putting in the names of Violette and Kary in the guest section, and they went to drop off their things in the changing rooms.

Alex waited for the two girls before they walked together to where Clark was waiting for them. When the trainer saw them, he frowned slightly.

"I didn't know you had a family. Well, congratulations, you look lovely together."

"Huh? What?"

Then the words reached Alex's brain.

"What? No, you misunderstand. These are my friends. We aren't a family," he defended himself.

"Eh, whatever. You're just on time. Let's get you all to work."

Clark set up a little light regimen for Violette, since she was still too young and underdeveloped for anything too strenuous.

Then he brought the two young adults to a sparring ring.