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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Chapter 158: Aaronarra
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Chapter 158: Aaronarra


Frank extended his hand, as he retrieved a Dirt Block from his inventory and put it over another, using Dirt Shaping to stick the Blocks together.

Aaronarra glanced at this in awe.

"You can generate those blocks out of thin air or something?" asked the dragon.

"No, well yeah I can also do that. But I retrieve these ones from my Inventory," said Frank.

"Inventory…?! You have Spatial Magic?!" asked Aaronarra in disbelief.

"More or less..." said Frank.

Then, Aaronarra also realized that the clone Frank was using as of the Light Attribute, while also using Spatial Storage of the Space Attribute, and even shaping dirt with an amazingly outstanding precision that would take a lot of time for the most expert of earth mages.

"You are… not a normal human, are you? Who can even wield so many attributes?" asked Aaronarra.

"More or less, although explanations depend on how much are you willing to believe… This is why I want the gods to be with me when I explain things a bit," said Frank.

"Hmph, fair enough. Although… Your whole presence seems strange. You are indeed a strange human… Especially because you can somehow raise the dead. I have never seen anyone be able to do that. Although undead-type monsters exist, they're rare or not from here…" said Aaronarra.

"Hm. There is a lot to explain I guess…And done. Do you like your new entrance?" asked Frank.

Frank had shaped Aaronarra's cave entrance, which he now made into a beautiful entrance made of reinforced Dirt Blocks, resembling the entrance of a temple… made in Minecraft, that is it.

"This is…" muttered Aaronarra.

"I have also left a large temple door for you, it can open and close, and it's all dirt! I just shaped it and reinforced it so much that it might be as hard as a rock," said Frank.

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"You're…" muttered Aaronarra.

"What? A genius? An amazing dirt shaper?" asked Frank, puffing his chest.

"AN IDIOT!" roared Aaronarra, almost devouring alive Frank!

"Woah there bud, calm down! What's the problem? I repaired what I did to your little cave and made it even better! Now this is what the entrance to a dragon cave really looks like!" said Frank.

"This is… I told you to seal it with me inside! Not to make an entrance for me to get in and out! I actually just want to go back to sleep!" roared Aaronarra.

"Eh? But why? Didn't you say you wanted me to find your dragon pals? You should come with me if that's your drill. Even more, if you want to be the Gods and tell them how much they suck and all… Right?" asked Frank.

Aaronarra was twitching his eyebrows in anger.

"T-That's…! Well, I said that… But it still angers me that you woke me up, so I wanted to go to sleep a bit more! Now I will have to have you around?!" asked Aaronarra.

"Come on, you know I am not a normal human, calm down. I am pretty sure that I can get you a lot of fun actually. There will be always something fun to do, and you can also teach me Earth Magic," said Frank.

"So that's your intention! You want me to teach you magic!" said Aaronarra.

"Well yeah, I want to get better at Dirt Shaping and other stuff. Maybe generating other minerals and be capable of creating larger structures," said Frank.

"You're an ambitious little human, aren't you?! But what would I get in return, huh?!" asked Aaronarra.

"Aside from having a talk with the Gods and helping you find other Dragons, what more do you want from me?" asked Frank.

"Hmph… Fair enough… But still, offer me something at the very least! In the past, when you mortals were not so ballistic, you once held a shrine for me, where people came to offer me things…" said Aaronarra, slowly walking to his cave, which was made of bricks and indeed resembled an old shrine temple.

As Aaronarra walked inside, Frank noticed a glowing golden-brown orb over a pedestal.

"This is indeed a shrine temple… What is that?" asked Frank, pointing at the orb.

"That's a Dragon Orb. It is my property. It is a special artifact that we dragons use to enhance our powers, it also comes with a variety of functions, such as giving us the authority over a certain domain, the power to draw abilities with us from those domains, amongst other things. We Dragons used to be strong because of them, but you mortals stole them from us, and we became way weaker, hunted until almost extinction… Now the only dragons that roam the world are lesser and more primitive versions of us, our poor descendants that are hunted by you mortals…" sighed Aaronarra.

"Amazing… Drawing power from a domain you own? Wait for a second… Can't I use something like this for my Dungeon and then… draw power from it? But what could the functions be? Would I be able to generate a treasure chest whenever I was if I had this? Or traps? Or a teleportation trap? Wait… Isn't this pretty insane then?" said Frank.

"Eh? You own a Dungeon?!" asked Aaronarra.

"Yeah, I told you that I met Axitl. Well, I had stolen her Dungeon through my special… abilities. And well, she got angry and other stuff, but everything is now resolved more or less," said Frank.

"You're… not a human at all! Are you a demigod or something?! No, your Mana Core Rank is clearly just 2… then what… Sigh… Anyways. I am rather impressed that you have a Dungeon… So you are interested in my Dragon Orb? And I am rather interested in your Dungeon…" said Aaronarra.

"In my dungeon? How so?" asked Frank with intrigue.

"I would like to eat some of that yummy Divine Power you got accumulated on it. If I can, I would be able to recover a bit of my power… And well, living there might also be nice, it would be better than in here," said Aaronarra.

"Are you sure?! It's a dungeon surrounded by a town though…" said Frank.

"So what? What are they going to do to me? I am a Rank 5 being, all those in the town are measly insects to me," said Aaronarra.

"Good point… Maybe I could mobilize you there through my Shadow Storage… Yeah, it could work… But about giving you Divine Power… is it because you're a dragon that you want it?" asked Frank.

"Yes, more or less. Although with my Dragon Orb, I can actually help you earn more, as I will boost the power of your Dungeon and more monsters will appear…" said the dragon.

"And how does that exactly work?" asked Frank.

"Well, it's pretty simple. The power of Dungeons is boosted by a cycle. Anything that dies has its former energy, the power they held within their bodies, absorbed and amassed into it. Dungeons can increase the reproduction and appearance of monsters by spending more of this energy, right? If you can connect my Dragon Orb to the Dungeon, you can get to connect it to my body and soul, the body of a Rank 5 Dragon such as me! It means that all the power of my body can be converted as the power to increase the dungeon's overall power and also the monsters will begin to appear even more frequently, generating more power from being killed in exchange!" said the Dragon.

"…That's quite something. I kind of get it. But I guess it is the unique ability of your Dragon Orbs that let you do this, right?" asked Frank.

"Yes, it is amazing that you own a Dungeon, and I am immediately jumping into this offer because I honestly am feeling hungry for some Divine Power! We Dragons can only accumulate it through worship and offerings, so since I've slept so much, I don't get to have any of that anymore," said Aaronarra.

"I see… And I will also get to use the powers of your Dragon Orb too… But how can I trust you? Maybe you want to betray me or something, and keep yourself with the dungeon…" said Frank.

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"Hmm… T-That's… Well, I don't know how to ensure it to you other than by my word," said Aaronarra.

"How about I keep the Dragon Orb with me? That way, you can't betray me," said Frank.

"Grrr… Do you not trust an ancient Elder Dragon such as myself?!" asked Aaronarra.

"Not much, an hour ago you were trying to kill me," said Frank.

"…True," said Aaronarra.

"Hmph… Fine then, show me your dungeon, and it better be comfortable!" said Aaronarra, as Frank grabbed the Dragon Orb with a grin, and slowly let Aaronarra inside of his Shadow Storage.

Due to the power of the Dragon, Frank felt tremendous pressure when carrying him through his shadow, as if he were lifting his entire weight.

If it were not because of Frank's superhuman capabilities, he would most likely be squashed to death by such powerful and overwhelming pressure.

As Frank moved back to the Dungeon, Aaronarra got to know Ruby and Zhulong.

"You… You got dragon as pets?!" asked Aaronarra in anger.

"T-They're not pets! I treat them like family! They're like my little siblings, I swear!" said Frank, trying to calm down Aaronarra's rage.

"Hmph… My siblings, are you okay with this human controlling you around?! Is he saying the truth?" asked Aaronarra to Ruby and Zhulong, as they nodded happily, Ruby even rubbed her nose over Aaronarra, and Zhulong rested over his lap, softening his rage.

"A-Ah… I have a weakness for cute younglings… It reminds me of my young siblings… The many… I lost…" sighed Aaronarra.

"The Fire Dragoness is Ruby, and the Thunder Dragon is Zhulong. Ruby, Zhulong, this dragon's name is Aaronarra, a new friend I just happened to find," said Frank.

"Grawr!" said Ruby, greeting her new dragon friend.

"Roar!" said Zhulong, doing the same.

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet my brethren. I can see that you're brimming with talent," said Aaronarra with a gently nodding.
