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My Werewolf System

Chapter 426: Update from the outside
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Gary knew that he should focus on getting a good night’s rest, but such a simple task felt impossible to him. Now that he finally had gotten his phone back, he was dying to find out what had happened during his stay in the facility.

For all he knew, something serious could have occurred without his knowledge. The Howlers might be in serious trouble and require his help… or they could be just fine on their own. Fortunately, his phone didn’t let him wait for long. The sounds of several dings let him know that he hadn’t been forgotten.

Noticing that his phone about to die with merely 3% battery, the green haired teenager hurried to plug it in. The AFA had planned everything perfectly, allowing him to lie on his bed while scrolling through his contacts and their chat log.

Marie: [Gary, I hope you're kicking some serious butt at the academy. It feels really weird without you here. I can’t wait to see you on TV!]

It was a short message, but sent during the beginning of his time at the academy. Of course, all of those in the Howlers knew what he was really doing.

Austin: [Stay strong.]

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‘Short but precise. I might have had to worry if it had been anything but coming from him.’

Innu: [Happy that you’re on your way to become a famous superstar. Sorry to have to ask you like this, but I’d like to borrow some cash from the Howlers Bank. Without you around, Kai is even more of a stingy arsehole than before. I even explained that I don’t need it for me, but to look after Kevin.]

Gary pulled a face at that last one. Because he was a leader, it was only natural that from time to time. he would actually need to make a decision, yet in terms of money he felt like Kai would know best. If he denied that request then surely there would be a good reason for it. As such, he merely told Innu that he would talk about it with Kai, stressing that he could not make any promises.

Tom: [I got an Apprenticeship at NIRV, so it looks like we are both onto big things. Don't worry, I won’t hold it against you if you don’t reply anytime soon. I know you're busy, and they must have rules about limited phone access. If you can, tell me that you’re fine, otherwise, I guess, we’ll have a long discussion next time we meet.]

Reading the message from his best friend reminded him of the bittersweet days in the past. During peaceful moments like this one, part of the teenager wished he could just go back to playing video games, not having to worry about so many adult things. Still, he knew that it was just wishful thinking. He had had people to look after, especially his family.

‘I should give Tom a call at some point. Maybe when it's the holidays time, I should go see him. We should have enough money to visit a Tier-2 city, surely?’ Gary thought.

Amy: [Gary, I never thought I would say this… but I actually miss waking up and finding your clothes lying around because you were too busy hurrying to school. I don’t want to sound ungrateful. The apartment you got me is great, and your friends look after me. I also managed to make some new friends but… every time I come home it just feels so empty. I’ve been visiting Mum nearly every day, and while her condition is stable, there are no signs of her waking up. The doctor told me it could be tomorrow, next week, or next year, there’s no way to tell. Anyway, I don’t want to be your whiny, little sister. I understand you have important things to do, but it would be nice if you visited once in a while.]

This message pulled at certain strings in Gary's heart. It was painful to read, and it was the one that actually made him question his decision to come to the AFA in the first place. He cared about his family, everything he was doing was for his family, but was it really worth it, if he left behind the people he cared about?

‘Am I being selfish by joining the AFA. If I just spent time with the Howlers, then we could have just lived off the income off that, right?’

The more he thought about it, the more his heart tried to persuade him to leave, but taking a long breath he shook his head. His brain told him that he hadn’t been gone that long, and leaving now would make his journey to this point meaningless. Besides, the life they had now, could easily change at the drop of a hat.

Being in a gang wasn't safe, nor was it something that a person could… take it easy with.

Finally, Gary scrolled back up to the message he had skipped earlier.

Kai: [I bet you were expecting me to give you an update on the Howlers’ progress and how we’re doing, Gary, but you won’t find that here. I don’t want you to worry about any of that stuff. You’ve earned the right to be selfish, and even then your success will also help the Howlers, so just concentrate on your honeymoon with Xin. ;) ]

Kai: [By the way, knowing you, you probably didn’t bother reading their policy, so here is the short version. Once you're a student, you should be able to come and go as you please. They know that due to the students’ connections, sometimes they have to leave. You’ll probably have to ask a teacher or something for some time off. Don’t overuse that privilege, though, and don’t do it to meet up with us. We’ll be fine on our own. ]

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Then there was another one which was very recent.

Kai: [You must have been worried sick last night, about how we dealt with the full moon. The short version is that Olivia and I are doing fine, so please don’t worry about us. In fact, I'm more worried about what might have happened to you. I hope you didn’t eat anyone. I guess we’ll find out in a couple of days on the news. :P ]

For some reason, reading Kai's messages had caused Gary to grip his phone a little tighter. Perhaps it was the fact that Kai was nearly spot on with his prediction. Even if his smiley told him that he was jesting, they both knew that the possibility had been there…

Kai: [I know I said I wouldn’t update you with gang business, but the gang has gone through some big changes lately. Look forward to seeing it. Apart from that, things are going well and there have been no problems. Still keep your phone on you if possible, perhaps I’ll contact you.]

After reading the message, Gary’s first instinct was to reply to his friend. He couldn't imagine what he would be needed for, when Kai had the whole gang. The only scenario would be if they needed him for additional fire power, but who would dare to go against them in Slough?

Yet the context of the message said they were fine. In the end, Gary decided to not reply to any of the messages yet. Knowing Kai, Gary had been given all the details he deemed necessary.

‘Kai was right about one thing, though, I need to focus on me.’ Gary told himself. ‘Tomorrow is my first day in the academy. I need to work hard so I can catch up to Xin, and even Jayden. If the group needs me, he’ll let me know.’

Gary, placed his head on the pillow, and it didn’t take him long to fall asleep.


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