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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 593: Grim Outlook
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On the east flank of the battlefield, the tussle between the necromantic forces of Sebastian and the Greengale Phantoms had reached a fever pitch.

The undead legions, conjured by Sebastian's necromantic ring, trudged forth relentlessly, undeterred by mortal fears or exhaustion.

Every fallen soldier was being converted as another addition to their ranks by the elder lich, making the situation increasingly dire for the Greengale Phantoms.

On the other hand, the Phantoms, a diverse group of elf, human hunters, nymphs, and druids, took the approach of fighting back with fervour and agility.

Nature-based magic flared in bursts, entangling the undead with thick vines, or pelting them with hails of sharpened thorns.

The rain of arrows was almost constant, yet against creatures with no flesh and just bones, those arrow showers were not as effective as they would be against alive legions.

Agile nymphs and hunters danced between their foes, their movements fluid and deadly. Yet, against the inexhaustible tide of undead, their efforts seemed to fall short as they were unable to gain any ground.

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In a sudden wave of destruction, a cluster of Sebastian's suicide bombers detonated themselves, obliterating a group of druids who were casting a nature's barrier. The surrounding undead quickly filling the hole created and pushing the enemy back.

High above, undead mages in tattered robes were dominating by sending bolts of dark magic hurtling towards the Greengale archers nestled behind thick shields.

The arrow volleys faltered as more archers dropped, their life force extinguished by the necrotic spells.

The legion needed their commander and god figure Thalion to help them break the stalemate and push the enemy back, however, their god was embroiled in a battle of his own.

Back at the central battlefield, the duel between Max, his clone, and Thalion was in full swing.

The resplendent golden aura of Buddha's Avatar still shrouded Max, who had adopted a defensive stance. His role as a damage-taking tank drew Thalion's attention, who kept up a relentless barrage of arrows aimed at him.However, none managed to penetrate the golden aura, as they were blocked by either wind or fire barriers.

If Thalion even tried to shift his focus from attacking Max to attacking the clone, he would be immediately pelted with earth, wind or fire elemental attacks cast by Max as he realised that of the two, Ravan was the one who needed to be kept suppressed even if it meant that all his aggro was focused on him.

The clone, on the other hand, was acting as the aggressor, darting around with a fluid grace and precision that left Thalion hard-pressed to predict his movements. The clone's attacks were swift, exploiting the openings provided by Max's defensive stance, and Thalion's divided attention. Each sword slash left Thalion increasingly frustrated as they chipped away at his health.

Yet, for all their efforts, the duo was far from defeating Thalion. The god still had a few cards up his sleeve.

The stakes were high. If Max and his clone couldn't neutralise the Greengale Phantoms and their commander, then they were looking at a slim chance of holding their ground when the remaining god's and mercenary legions arrived.

The sun was already shining over the horizon and according to the old man's predictions the coalition forces of the mercenaries should have destroyed the twilight clans orb by now and should be on their way towards the Bloodfall fort.

The longer this battle lasted, the slimmer the chances of their eventual victory became as Max still had a lot of fighting to do on his part before the elites could arrive and take over.

Already bruised and battered, he was approaching his limit fast.

He needed to finish this fight and recover as much as possible before the main act. However, if he could not finish this fight and get rest then recovery would become a distant dream.

" I need everyone's support " Max said as instantly, Severus, Anna and DarkSorrow readied themselves to get back in the fray once more.

Max wanted to go for the final push, the only question was, did he have enough gas in himself to see the job getting done?

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( Meanwhile Rudra )

Rudra saw his brother fight Thalion and sighed deeply.

Today was one of the days where he was very proud to see his brother work so hard, and there were not even many major flaws in his fighting style that he could nitpick, but as things stood, it seemed like fate was truly not on his side.

5 minutes from now, the fourth legion of the Bloodfall clan would make contact with the enemy troops floating near the dam through the river and the fighting would break on that part of the battlefield.

With 2 god's personally leading the fray, and not a single tier5 figure present to fight or protect the Bloodfall troops as even their commander was busy fighting here, Rudra could already foresee their gruesome deaths.

Max was too slow in his execution. Although he seemed to have a solid plan with some soul barrier cast all across the battlefront, it was all going to be for naught since he was not going to get a moment's respite even if he did manage to finish off Thalion within the next 10 minutes which in itself seemed unlikely.

Gurdon was going to come to the aid of Thalion if he was not dead within the next 10 minutes or so and if that happened then all the progress that Max had made in the fight so far and by killing Tweety would be for naught.

If he did manage to kill him, then before he could recover he would be throwin into another fight where he would be forced to meet his strongest adversary yet with most of his bars depleted.

" It's moments like these that turn boys into men, my brother. Stay strong even if you are in a coma once the fight is over it's fine, I shall somehow heal you. Just don't give up till the bitter end " Rudra murmured as he continued to watch the battle unfold with his arms behind his back.

The war was about to get real.