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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 566: The fight in the woods
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As Asiva read the book about the history of the Nightblade clan, she couldn't help but be absolutely astonished at the ancestors.

Primordial Vampires were a species who could not control their blood satiety and could not tolerate sunlight.

They were wild, their bloodlust and animalistic instincts were mostly left unchecked and there was not an ounce of kindness in their culture.

To say that they were one of the most cruel beings in the universe back then would not have been an understatement, however, seemingly it all changed when Beniogre came into the picture.

Uptil now Asiva believed that the modern vampires gradually evolved from the primordial ones over thousands of years and were not technically a different species, however, this book proved otherwise.

Beniogre, the goddess of life and light. The beacon of kindness, the ultimate embodiment of good, had made it her mission to teach compassion to the primordial vampires and had put the primordial vampire planet under lockdown with her paladins as she ran a camp to teach them a new way of life.

Accompanying her back then was her daughter Luna, the goddess of moon and her second child with the unnamed god Odin.

Being a compassionate child like her mother, Luna often tended to the wounded and tried to spread the word of the church of light alongside her mother.

While on the primordial vampire planet, Luna fell in love with one of the clan leaders and had a child with him called 'Macah '

Macah was born different from the primordial vampires.

He was immune from damage from the sun, he did not go mad when he was not fed blood for long periods of time and had a different bloodline ability than other primordial vampires.

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He was the first modern vampire, the progenitor of all the vampires roaming today and was also the founder of the Nightblade clan.

The Nightblade clan are descendants of the Moon goddess Luna herself and have a portion of primordial vampire bloodline inside them.

Their bloodline was precious and the powers their bloodline recorded were far more than just night vision and passive moonlight healing, however, one needed to undergo bloodline purification to awaken those powers.

The more that Asiva read, the more she had a bad premonition growing in her stomach.

She could already see why the Nightblade clan would be the most sought after vampires to mate with, because their Bloodline powers were the strongest, but to what extent would the greed of other vampires go?

What was the rest of the history of the Nightblade clan?

Turning over a page Asiva continued to read as she found out the true powers of her bloodline.


(Meanwhile on the dimensional battlefield)

In the dense foliage of the forest, a deadly symphony of war was about to unfold. The vanguard of the Red-Foot demons, an army of 80,000 strong, trudged forward, their red feet striking against the forest floor like a haunting heartbeat. The army was a formidable mix - deadly Naga tribesmen who could transform into giant snakes, High Demons with brute strength, and the Tier-5 leaders at the helm, driving the formidable force with unyielding resolve.

However, unbeknownst to them, they were marching into a well-laid trap.

Commander DarkSorrow and his legion of specialised forces had turned the serene Bloodfall clan's territory into a hidden death trap. Cleverly concealed amidst the natural terrain were a variety of traps, each more devious and lethal than the other.

The enemy knew that they might be walking into traps, which was why the front of their army consisted mostly of weaker tier1 and 2 troops that were cannon fodder.

If any traps were triggered, it would be them who would take the brunt of the attack and die.

As the first wave of the enemy forces stepped onto the territory, the ground beneath them gave away. Sinkholes, camouflaged by vegetation and loose soil, swallowed clusters of Red-Foot demons. The horrified screams were abruptly cut short as the earth claimed its victims.

Undeterred, the rest of the army pressed forward, only to step onto the second trap - the Spike Forest. Rows of sharpened stakes jutted out from the ground, impaling unfortunate demons and even a Naga clansmen as blood splattered, and agonised screams echoed through the forest.

" Too many traps in the area, our screams must have alerted the enemy, we must make haste now " The Red-Foot tier5 commander said as he scanned the area and realised that even if the enemy were only 20,000 in number, they would be alerted by now by the screams of the dead and if they did not make haste they would be walking into well positioned troops.

As they rushed forward they walked straight into the Caltrop field - a field full of small, four-pronged devices scattered across the forest floor. The caltrops dug into the feet of the advancing demons, rendering them crippled and helpless.

10,000 of the 80,000 troops had been crippled or killed by these three rounds of traps as all of their sacrificial cannon fodders had been killed.

Just when the demons thought they were past the traps, the forest came alive around them. The Tree Smashers, a deadly mechanism of swinging logs with spikes, were triggered. The heavy logs swung with immense force, crushing anything and anyone in their path.

Further in, the enemy forces were greeted by the Whispering Arrows. These were traps activated by tripwires, releasing a hail of poisoned arrows upon those who triggered them. The High Demons, previously untouched by the traps due to their height, found themselves at the mercy of the deadly rain.

" Our scouting information is wrong! This forest is a deathmine, no wonder they let only 20,000 men defend it! It has so many traps set up! " The commander screamed in panic as he looked to his colleague as to what to do now?

They could retreat, but retreating after losing 20,000 men and not even testing enemy in a one vs one battle was simply shameful which was why the other Red-Foot tier5 commander nodded resolutely and said " CHARGE! CHARGE! FORGET ABOUT THE TRAPS AND CHARGE "

Foolishly, the enemy forces continued their relentless march, driven by their Tier-5 leaders. This triggered the sixth trap - the Gas Flowers. These were containers filled with a poisonous gas hidden amongst the forest vegetation. Once triggered, the containers opened, releasing the deadly gas. The air turned noxious, causing many of the demons to choke and falter.

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Finally, they reached the heart of the Bloodfall clan's territory, only to be greeted by the seventh and final trap - the Tremor Trap. This was a series of explosives planted deep within the ground. Once triggered, they caused the earth to shake violently, throwing the enemy forces off balance and causing panic and confusion.

Throughout this, DarkSorrow and his legion were patiently watching and waiting. Once the traps had done their initial damage, they descended upon the enemy like a storm. The Bloodfall clan's forces moved like a single entity, their movements precise and deadly. DarkSorrow himself led the charge, cutting through the enemy forces with a deadly grace that was as breathtaking as it was terrifying.

Close to 80,000 Bloodfall clan troops that were simply lying in wait surrounded the enemy forces and began chopping them down from all sides.

The clash was fierce and brutal. The forest echoed with the clash of steel, the screams of the dying, and the roars of the triumphant. However, despite the enemy's numbers, the Bloodfall clan's clever traps and strategic placement of their forces eventually led to their victory.

DarkSorrow single-handedly took down both the tier5 commanders of the enemy and led his troops to a thrilling victory.

As the dust settled, the forest was left eerily silent, save for the moans of the dying and the soft rustle of leaves in the wind.

The land was littered with the bodies of fallen demons, a grim testament to the brutal battle that had taken place. The crimson tide that had threatened to sweep over the Bloodfall controlled forest had been effectively stemmed, decimated by the well-planned defensive measures and the relentless attacks of DarkSorrow and his men.

DarkSorrow stood amidst the battlefield, his breath coming in heavy pants. His clothes were stained with blood and dirt, his eyes reflecting the toll of the intense battle. Yet, there was a sense of grim satisfaction. The strategies had worked. They had held their ground.

"Clear the battlefield," DarkSorrow commanded, his voice echoing through the eerily quiet forest. The men of his legion began the gruesome task of disposing of the bodies, ensuring no trace of the enemy was left on their land.

At the same time, DarkSorrow sent out a small unit to reset the traps. The defensive line had to be restored and ready for the next wave. There was no telling when the next attack would come, but they would be prepared.

As night fell, the Bloodfall territory was once again calm. The forest, having borne witness to the deadly battle, now stood as the silent sentinel, its eerie peace belying the brutal battle that had unfolded just hours ago. And amidst that peace, DarkSorrow and his legion stood vigilant, ready to face whatever was thrown their way. They had proven their strength today, and they would do it again, if necessary.

Rudra who had watched it all clapped silently for the way the fight had panned out as he appreciated the tactical mastermind of the commander of the third legion.

The traps were placed precisely and he was patient in his charge to take down the enemy.

His brother had undoubtedly found a reliable and capable underling in this one.