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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25 Hero to the Rescue

In the subway on the way to work. Erin recalled Mary’s words and decided she had to get a divorce as

soon as possible. Otherwise, Mary would continue to urge her to have a baby. Mary had been

pressuring her about it at least once every month for the past six months.

She sent a message to lan. “When do you have time? Bring the relevant documents. Let’s go to City

Hall and get a divorce.”

Ten minutes passed, but she didn’t receive a reply from lan. Erin then called Holly.

As soon as the call was connected, Holly said, “Erin, you didn’t let lan have his way last night, did you?”

“No, I slept in the guest room. His mother came and will be staying for a few days. But I won’t go back

to the villa today. Let’s meet tonight.”

Holly sounded relieved. “I’m telling you, don’t contact lan again. Or else, you won’t be able to get rid of

him. Since you want to divorce, do it decisively…”

“I know! Don’t worry. I’ve completely given up on lan.” Erin’s voice was calm, but she still felt a pang of

pain in her heart.

“That’s good. By the way, do you have time tonight? If you don’t need to work overtime, accompany me

to a banquet. My dad has gone abroad for something, and my mom’s waist injury isn’t better yet. They

asked me to attend the banquet on their behalf. The other party has business dealings with my dad.”

Erin thought for a moment and decided to accompany Holly. “Okay, if I don’t need to work overtime, I’ll

let you know in advance.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for your message.”

After arriving at her office, Erin sat down at her workstation. Soon, she heard her colleagues talking

about the 60th anniversary celebration their company was holding next Wednesday.

Not only would the board members attend, but even the retired chairman and his wife would be


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The design department was already in chaos. The director hadn’t arrived yet, and everyone was

chatting at their desks.

“I’m going shopping for a dress right after work today. I have to prepare earlier for such a big event!”

“Oh my, look at my memory. How can I forget such an important thing? It’s too late to lose weight


“Why do you need to lose weight? You already have a boyfriend. You won’t get any chance with the

wealthy bachelors in the company!”

“I’m so excited! I heard we can see our president at the 60th anniversary celebration!”

“I heard from people in other departments that our president is a super handsome guy!”

“Yes, I heard that too…”

Erin didn’t participate in their discussion and immediately immersed herself in work.

Unlike her colleagues, who were very interested in Chandler, she had mixed feelings when she thought

about him. She even felt somewhat


Not only was it because he had her pictures, but also because he was her immediate boss now, let

alone the president of the company. Even a director could bring her down.

At this moment, Caleb appeared, and the chatter died down immediately.

Standing straight, Caleb spoke in a cold tone. “In ten minutes, I will announce the theme of the internal

competition in the design department. You have three days to submit your entries, and the top three

winners can participate directly in the design project open tender for Truffleberry Media.”

An eager look flashed across the eyes of all the designers present, including Erin’s.

Truffleberry Media is one of the top media companies not just in the city but in the whole country. No

doubt, the designers who participated in the project would receive a generous commission if they

managed to secure the deal.

Before leaving, Caleb said, “The person who wins first place will be my design assistant in the future.”

Instantly, chatter broke out. As soon as Caleb left for his office, the designers immediately whispered to

each other.

Erin listened to their conversation and learned that Caleb had not hired a design assistant In three

years. This was extremely surprising!

If she really became his design assistant, she would not only have the opportunity to travel abroad

frequently, but her salary would also triple!

Moreover, her year–end bonus would be double the monthly salary of the president’s assistant. Not to

mention the privilege to participate in major design projects…

All the designers aimed to become Caleb’s assistant. Even Erin was tempted.

Unfortunately, they only had three days to submit their entries. Everybody in the design department

was fighting for it.

Ten minutes later, the designers received Caleb’s email regarding the competition theme and

requirements. After reading it, Erin continued working.

She worked continuously until lunch, during which she only ate a sandwich before reusming work.

Finally, she completed all of her work before leaving the office.

Since Erin didn’t have to work overtime, she sent Holly a message lo inform her that she could

accompany her to the banquet.

At nine o’clock in the evening, Holly drove Erin to a private villa.

As soon as they entered the banquet hall a tipsy man accidentally spilled his alcohol on Erin’s dress.

Holly scolded the man, but Erin stopped her. “Holly, forget it. After all, this is your father’s business

partner’s banquet. We better not offend anyone. What if they are also one of your father’s partners?”

“But Erin, your dress is dirty…”

“It’s alright. Go ahead and entertain your father’s friend on his behall and give him the gift. I’ll go to the

restroom and clean up.”

“Erin, I’m really sorry.” Holly felt bad looking at Erin’s white dress.

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“Why are you apologizing? You go ahead. See you later.”

Erin went to the restroom near the banquet hall. She was surprised to find several women in formal

dresses applying makeup, leaving no room for her to stand.

Left with no choice, she headed to the restroom upstairs instead.

She spent nearly 20 minutes cleaning up the red wine stain, but there were still water marks on the

dress. She used tissue paper to absorb them several times, but they were still visible. Her innerwear

was slightly revealed due to the water.

Sighing, Erin walked out of the restroom. Looking messy, she stood by the railing in the corridor.

At this moment, a foreigner walked out of the men’s restroom and stared at Erin’s beautiful figure from

behind. He walked up to Erin and smiled in a somewhat lecherous way while asking casually. “Miss,

how much for one night?”

Although the foreigner was slurring, she still understood what he meant. She scolded him immediately.

“Are you crazy? What do you take me for? Get lost!”

Her words and reaction angered the foreigner. He raised his hand and was about to hit her while


Terrified, Erin stepped back. Just as the slap was about to land on her face, a hand appeared to grab

the man’s hand. The person punched the foreigner hard.

The foreigner was thrown to the ground with a bleeding nose. He was so stunned that he couldn’t get

up for a while.

With a gloomy face, Chandler said, “You must have a death wish.”

Soon, two black–clad bodyguards came and bowed in lear. “Sorry, Mr. Frost…”

“Throw this trash out of the villa.”

“Yes, Mr. Frost!”

The bodyguards dragged the foreigner away immediately.

Although Erin was surprised to meet Chandler here, she still thanked him.

Chandler looked at the elegantly dressed Erin with a hint of restrained anger in his eyes. When he saw

the water stain on her dress, his

eyes darkened. He was so angry that he grabbed her arm and walked forward quickly.

Erin trotted after him awkwardly while asking. “Hey, where are you taking me?”