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Loser's redo: Transmigration in a novel

Chapter 102 Awakened
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'Awaken.' thinking this to himself, Zick activated one of his innate abilities.

Activating the awakened ability was very easy, it was almost an instinctual process.

From what Zick understood reading the and looking at his own bloodline.

There was a dormant power within his bloodline and the other demihumans. It's just that, not all of the demihuman can use it.

This power was present in every being with a strong bloodline. It would take a while to replenish it after using it once as it was not an endless source of energy. The time varies from one and another depending upon the bloodline to recover the lost energy in the bloodline.

Usually this dormant power was not accessible to everyone, but after fulfilling a few conditions, it was possible to use this power temporarily.

The first condition was to have a minimum of half blood of a particular creature and This creature has to be strong to a certain degree.

The half-blooded demihuman fulfilled this condition perfectly.

Zick's blood had already been converted fully to that of a dragon, but the awakened ability still appeared.

The reason behind this was easy to find once a person understood the principle behind how the awakened ability worked.

Zick got this ability because his dragon blood held an immense amount of dormant power or more specifically potential. He didn't find it anything weird as his bloodline did belong to a dragon lord, whose strength was higher than any dragon in history.

The second condition was to let the bloodline mature enough to use the dormant power.

So the young half-blooded demihuman can't go berserk in their childhood. There are only a few rare cases where they could awaken at a young age.

Concentrating upon the blood running through his vein, Zick could feel the power coursing through it and also the power which lay dormant deep within it.

Not hesitating, Zick willed it and awakened this dormant power. He decided against holding a sword as there was a high chance he would just throw it away in his insane state.

At that moment, weird black power flowed out from his bloodline. Before he could think anything, Zick's tired consciousness was forcefully plunged into slumber.

Seeing Zick figure falling down in a high speed, Zrector decided to finish him. It had used its special ability which could be said to be one of its strongest.

Consumed by its anger, Zrector had used this ability. There were other abilities too that could kill Zick, but all of them took a while to prepare or had chances of missing.

Like the black clouds above the ocean, it was also created from one of Zrector's special ability.

Area type magic like this was very rare, only a handful of monsters had an ability like this.

Being a monster in the grandmaster realm, it had many special abilities with various uses. All of its special abilities were attack oriented, so it was weak in the defence when compared to its attacking capability.

But Zrector was still somewhat confident in its body's defence, which came from the red scales.

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An enemy with strength like Zick would never be able to hurt its body, at least that was how it was in its eyes.

When it was going to activate the special ability again to kill Zick. Suddenly, it could see a dark black aura coming out of Zick ceaselessly.

The black aura extended a few metres rapidly from Zick and then it condensed rapidly, forming a small cocoon like structure.


A loud roar sound rang out through the ocean. The black aura seeped back into Zick's body.

Black scale started appearing on Zick's body, they were totally different than before. His dragon scales were always fully attached to the skin, making them loot flat. But right now, the scales rose up with pointy edges.


Zick's figure crashed Into the water, causing small tides to form.

Zrector missed the chance to attack, being surprised, because it could feel that Zick's strength which was falling started rising at a violent speed!


The water rose up, almost forming a big tsunami. From what it could sense, Zick had started moving around like a madman within the water.

Zrector didn't hesitate and shot the same attack it used to sever one of Zick's hands.

An vertical slice headed right at where Zick drowned swiftly, this slice was invisible and had no presence to it.

This attack which was created by Zrector's special ability did not contain any of the elements known to Zick or any mage.

It was made of an unknown element.


At that instant a black figure jumped out of the water and started heading towards Zrector ignoring everything else.

BOOM! The figure broke through the sound barrier in no time.

It was Zick, but in a totally different form. Two large black wings in scythe-shaped just like that of a bat extended from the back of his chest, this were more than three metres long. His height increased by two feets and his whole body was covered in pointy scales, even his crotch was covered in black scales.

The power of Zick's dragon scale had increased tremendously. His whole hand was covered in scale with his fingers becoming pointy and sharp, shining like a sword.

There were two black curved horns on his head like a devil and a tail covered in scales extended from his back, hip area.


There was no sanity in Zick's red vertical eyes, it was filled with primal instinct of only to kill. He flew towards Zrector's direction because he felt the most danger from it and his instinct gave him a dangerous feeling of something heading towards him.

An enormous amount of power was being radiated from his body. His severed hand has already grown half and was still in the process of regrowing.

Flapping his wing, Zick flew four times as faster when compared to using white flame to move around.


Sparks appeared on the scales of Zick's back, below his shoulder, even his wings were damaged. He was thrown out of balance being pushed by a strong impact.

Zick's dragon scale was able to block the attack created from Zrector's special ability!

The damage Zick took was only a few cracks in the scales which blocked the special ability attack.

Losing his balance, Zick flailed around wildly still trying to head towards Zrector.

''GROOWLL!!!'' A growl left Zick's mouth, the wound on his wings healed rapidly.

In a few seconds it was good as new again!

Zick's regenerative ability reached an unbelievable level! He was even able to regrow a lost limb which was only possible to do by using something at the level of Elixir.


Zick accelerated towards Zrector at full speed. Feeling the dangerous feeling again, this time Zick swung his hand after gathering an massive amount of aura in it.

There was a limit to how much a person could use aura at the same time depending upon the durability of the body. The stronger the body the more a person could use aura at a single place.

Zick's body had been enhanced to another level after awakening, he even recovered half of his consumed aura and it was still increasing.

A large four aura slices in the shape of a claw flew towards Zrector, stopping it from using its special ability.

This aura claw actually even gave Zrector an dangerous feeling. The quality of aura had almost become comparable to the grandmaster's higher level energy.


Red lightning appeared on Zrector's front right paw. It swung it towards the claw shaped aura lightly.


Bang! With a small explosion the aura claw was broken and dispersed.

Though it was an instinctual action, Zick was still able to stop Zrector from using the special ability.

Zrector had a body which was on the weaker side, so it would have suffered a few injuries if Zick's attack landed upon it. This made it block the attack.

Zick's hair fluttered wildly in the air, there was no sign of his past handsomeness. His face had scales growing on it and his deep red vertical eyes shone in carnage.

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His left hand was yet to regrow as the dragon scale grew along with it. If he still had his consciousness, he would have stopped using the dragon scales in that hand and let it heal first, then use the dragon scales. But in his current state, there was no way he would do that.

Zick flew straight flapping his long black wings, he had already reached in front of Zrector.

Surprisingly, Zick was able to ascend a whole kilometre within two to three minutes!

There were only a few tens of metres in between them.

Zrector opened its mouth and spewed out a breath attack aiming at Zick. This time, it didn't hold back at all, it could feel that Zick's current strength was only a little below its own. Prompting it to go all out too.

''Haaaa!!!" With a loud shout, Zick directly collided with a breath attack with a crazed expression. His whole body was covered with black aura as it came in contact with the attack.


With a loud sound, Zick pushed aside the breath attack and continued moving towards Zrector from right in between the breath attack.. His wings didn't burn as it was covered in his aura, but it was still getting affected by the attack, which led to damage accumulating little by little.

Even After directly colliding with Zrector's full powered breath attack, Zick wasn't gravely damaged at all!

The only damage he suffered were the cracks or scratches that form upon the scales.

Zick's wings were almost going to be burnt away, but luckily he had already made it right below the jaw of Zrector.

''Haa!" With a shout, Zick clawed toward Zrector's jaw at full power.

Seeing this, Zrector hurriedly stopped using the breath attack; if it continued, it would just harm itself. It felt immense humiliation, but it still dodged by moving away and making a little distance between Zick and it.

Its movement was swift and experienced. Even with such a big body, there was no awkwardness at all.

From the speed Zick moved in, Zrector was aware that not stopping the momentum of Zick's charge even for a second would lead him to close off the distance between them in a few seconds. So it decided to use another one of its abilities after making a little distance.

It had accepted it now, that Zick was an opponent that held equal strength to its own. So it had to fight seriously with all its strength.

Getting out of the breath attack, Zick's condition was revealed.


There was still a bit of red lightning coursing through his body, which was nullified quickly with the aura.

He was in a miserable state, though his aura could stop the attack somewhat, it couldn't totally nullify it. There was still damage that appeared on him.

Zick's right ear was churned, making him look hideous and Many of his hair were burned. There were many pieces of scale that fell off his body, broken in pieces.

There was a very surprising process going on within Zick's body. If Zick still had his consciousness, he would have felt sad and grieved at this moment.

The power being extracted from his bloodline did not recover as it did for a demihuman, instead slowly his dragon Lord's heart potential was being consumed at a stable rate.

Zick had assumed his awakened ability being the same as that of a demihuman, but he was extremely wrong.

The more Zick exerted his strength, the more he lost his future talent. It was a permanent decrease in the benefits that the dragon heart would bring him.

His current potential did not start decreasing just yet. He had to pay by losing his potential for maintaining his current grandmaster level strength.