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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 49
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Chatper 49

Chapter 49

“What are you talking about?!‘

Daran grabbed Janet’s hand forcefully and snapped, “I paid your ransom! I thought those rogues would

let you go, just like they set Harper free!”

“Stop fu cking lying!” Jshook him off and growled back, “You only paid Harper’s share! Because

you only cared about her! If we weren’t mates, you would marry Harper instead of me, wouldn’t you!”

She hated Daran for choosing Harper instead of her.

As her mate and lawful husband, Daran had betrayed her from beginning to end. She

could never forgive Daran for that.

But a long thad passed since then. Jhad a family now, a brother who truly cared about her.

She didn’t give a damn about Daran anymore.

Why couldn’t Daran leave her alone?!

“There must be smisunderstandings between us, Janet.” Daran insisted firmly, “Let’s talk it out. I

hate to see us like this.”

Jfound him unreasonable, “Are you fu cking kiddingnow? You never showed

and you suddenly findmuch more attractive?!”

Daran looked indignant, “Is this how you think of me? I have been trying to talk to you ever since you

cback! It was you who pushedout over and over again! Why can’t you just givea chance!”


Jraised her volume.

She was basically screaming now.

“BECAUSE you threw away that chance already when you rejected me! If you really care aboutthat

much, why did you reject me! Why abandonedwhen I needed you the most!”

Daran’s face was pale.

He rejected Jbecause he was told by many people–including Harper, Hellen, and many of his

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pack members–that Jwas not the Luna material.

Yet now he found out that all those people who he once believed in were not trustworthy. What they

said about Jmight also be wrong.

So was it too late to win back Jnow?

…No, he wouldn’t accept it.

It was never too late for him and Janet.

He was used to getting everything he wanted in life.

He could MAKE Jtrust him and fall in love with him again. He was certain of that.

Taking in a deep breath, Daran took a step forward and said to Jin a hoarse voice, “I know you still

hold grudges towards me. So just givea chance to make

for what I have done wrong.”


Yet before Jcould say anything, a voice cfrom their back yelling:

“-Gamma Janet!”

It was Kass.

He crushing down the stairs and arrived at Janet’s side slightly out of breath. His eyes darted

warily from Daran to Jand asked, “Gamma Janet, is he bothering you again?”

Janswered with a smile, “No, Kass. We were just talking. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you

be at the party right now?”

“The party was no fun without you. So I volunteered to drive you back to the hotel. Are you ready to go


Daran looked at the smile on Janet’s face and felt a sore feeling rising in his chest.

He could remember Jsmiling to him like that when they were still married, like he was her whole


But he tossed that away himself.

Now he could see nothing but hatred and disdain in Janet’s eyes when she looked at him.

“Of course, let’s go now,” Jsaid.

She walked away with Kass for a few steps and then paused. Looking back beyond her shoulder, Janet

said to Daran in a freezing voice:

“Alpha Daran, I hope this is the last tyou botherwith ancient history. I will see you at Harper’s


Daran stood on the spot staring at her back as she and Kass walked away.

A sullen look appeared on his face.


Words spread out fast.

By the next morning, everyone from nobles to servants had found out about what happened the

previous night at the party.

It was a shocking news really! The youngest daughter of the Diaz family tried to frAlpha Casper for

raping, and it was followed by the astonishing disclosure of Gamma Janet’s real identity!

People couldn’t shut up about it. For 3 days straight, this was all they could talk about.

On the third day of the party, an open trial was held in Civic Square.

According to Riverside Pack’s law, the Alpha and elders would determine Harper’s penalty and the

public’s opinion would also be taken into consideration.

With the first ray of sunlight, people started to pour into the Civic Square.

By the tAlphas and nobles arrived around 9 a.m., the Civic Square was already clogged with

people coming to observe Harper’s trial.

Harper might be adorned by many young men in the upper class, but she didn’t have

a good reputation among the commoners.

Many had heard how she bullied and tortured her maids and servants. People just never had the

chance to expose it.

Everyone was now thrilled to see Harper get punished for what she had done.

Jarrived at the Civic Square right after Daran did. That armless maid Angelina was by her side as

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There was an exciting look on her face.

Today was the day she avenged herself.

With everyone present, it was tfor the trail to begin.

“Let the defendant cup!” said an elder in a booming voice.

Two guards escorted Harper up to the stage.

She spent the last 3 days in prison so there was no place for her to shower. There was

an unpleasant smell coming from her.

Boos broke out from the crowd when she appeared.

“God, what is that awful smell!” someone cried covering his nose. “She stinks!”

“How dare she calls herself a lady? Even more so–a princess? I am laughing my ass off!”

“Get out of here. Gamma Jis the real princess! Harper was nothing compared to her.”

“I couldn’t believe that I once found her attractive. She makeswant to puke now!” said a young man


His words won a round of laughter from the crowd.

The guards brought her to center of the stage, facing the nobles and elders.

Harper stared down at her feet nervously and heard the elder’s voice coming from above her heard:

The guards replied, “The defendant’s family is waiting outside of the square. Shall I bring them in?”

“Yes. Bring them in.”

Harper snapped her head up and looked around eagerly.

Her family had come.

She knew they would come! She was their only daughter. There was no way her parents would

abandon her.

Harper felt a revival of hope.

Her dear family was her only chance to get out this now!