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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 300 Shall We?
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300 Shall We?

"Xiu, come inside. I have so much to tell you," Zhao Wei was already feeling excited about having a partner to talk to. It wouldn't be wrong to say that she had become really fond of Xiu in just one meeting. And she was eagerly waiting for Xiu to visit again.

"Ma, you aren't happy to see me?" Dylan acted pitifully to seek his mother's attention.

"You're here almost every other day. I don't even know why you aren't going to your own place," noted Zhao Wei with a hint of suspicion in her tone.

Dylan decided not to say anything in reply to that question. Sometimes, it was wise to stay quiet as well.

He tugged at his mother's sleeve and said, "Ma, are you tired of me? This was it? How can your love for me run out so fast?"

"Dramatic bitch!" said Xiu from the side making Dylan glare at her. "What? You're acting so clingy. If you didn't stop acting like Weiwei's leg accessory, your father might kick you out of the house!"

Before Dylan could open his mouth to say anything, another deep voice spoke up, "That's true. I'm this close to kicking you out now, Didi. Let my wife go already."

Dylan looked at his father and scowled then he looked at the other person beside him and hopped off to his side, "Uncle Zi, your best friends are bullying me."

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Xiu finally noticed the presence of Qiu Jiayi and Xin Zimen. She couldn't help but be in awe as she looked at them. Even though one could find a few grey hairs but one couldn't possibly find a single flaw in both of them. They looked handsome even at this age. While she was being mesmerized by their looks, she didn't realize that the two of them had been looking at her with an imperceptible gentleness in their eyes.

"Xiu, let me introduce you," Dylan started to break off the staring that was going on. "This is my father, Qiu Jiayi. You must have heard his name and if you didn't, it's no big deal." Qiu Jiayi rolled his eyes at his own son which Dylan conveniently disregarded as he went on, "And this one is my uncle, Xin Zimen. Now, don't say you don't know him that's like a crime. Because everybody knows my most amazing uncle Zi."

Xin Zimen rubbed Dylan's head and said, "No wonder you're my favorite." Dylan giggled in response.

But then he noticed Xiu who still wasn't saying anything and waved his hand before her eyes, "Hey! Where are you lost?" historical

"I'm thinking," replied Xiu as she stroked her jaw.

"What are you thinking?" questioned Dylan.

Xiu looked at Qiu Jiayi and Xin Zimen before looking at Dylan, "With a family of such superior genes, how amazing you're to have such an average face."



Except for Dylan everyone burst out laughing at Xiu's remark. Meanwhile, the perpetrator just shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly and said, "I'm just calling you talented. It's also a talent."

"You know what, I'm so done with you!" Dylan crossed his arms over his chest before he turned to his mother and said, "Ma, she isn't here for you. She was hungry that's why she listened to me and tagged along."

Zhao Wei looked at Xiu before slapping Dylan's head, "Why are you just telling me that now? Xiu, come with me I'll fix you a meal." Xiu nodded and turned to leave with Zhao Wei. A couple of steps away, she turned to look at Dylan and winked at him making him curse which earned him another slap from his father.

"That's bad manners."

"But she teased me first," said Dylan.

Xin Zimen and Qiu Jiayi rubbed Dylan's head and shook their head at him. This one was really innocent. How easy was it to mess with him? Both of them put a hand on his shoulder and made him sit between them. Dylan looked at both his father and uncle with an uncertain look.

"Who's that adorable fella?" asked Xin Zimen.

"How did she tame you?" chimed in Qiu Jiayi.

Dylan's reaction to the first question was gaping but at the second question, he wanted to strangle someone. What the hell!

"Adorable?" he looked at Xin Zimen and turned to his father, "Tamed me?" Seeing them both nodding, he flared up. "First of all, I can accept anything but Xiu can never be adorable. At least not after I know what she is. Second of all, dad, nobody can tame your son."

"But she did. She just made you dance on her fingers without you even realizing it," said Qiu Jiayi while Xin Zimen nodded along agreeably.

Dylan's face was twitching now. But he couldn't say anything. He couldn't even do anything as well. So, he decided to simply answer, "She's Xiu, Dazi's girlfriend."

"Regan's girlfriend?"

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Dylan nodded. "Don't fall for her tricks. She's not as nice as she seems. She's very tricky."

Qiu Jiayi and Xin Zimen shared a look before both of them smirked, "Who said she's nice? We just said she's adorable with her tricks."

Seeing his father and uncle laughing, Dylan really didn't know what was going on.

"Oi! What are you dawdling around for? Come to the kitchen," came Xiu's voice as she craned her head inside the lounge.

"I can't cook," replied Dylan.

"What am I here for?" Xiu smiled cunningly. "With me here, there is no fear. With such an amazing mentor, you'll learn in no time."

"Shameless!" Dylan stood up. "How can you always be so conceited?"

"I have the right to be," replied Xiu with a smile. "Now, stop whining and come inside to help."

"I knew you were shameless when you asked my best friend out but I never thought you're this thick-skinned as well!"

"Wait, Regan didn't ask her out?" inquired Qiu Jiayi.

"No, dad. It's the other way around. My best friend fell for her tricky mouth," replied Dylan.

"Get going already. Enough with your whining" complained Xiu. She really wasn't gonna let him bad-mouth him anymore. He had enough fun already.

Qiu Jiayi was looking at his best friend with a complicated look as he heard Dylan's reply while Xin Zimen was lost in his own thoughts.

"Stop rushing me. I'm coming!" Dylan could only give up before her so he gave up easily and went along to help her in the kitchen.

As for Xiu, when she was about to turn, she was startled by two handsome faces that smiled back at her and said, "Let's get to know each other... Shall we?"