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I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Chapter Volume 10 Chapter 13 - The Evil Lord's Present
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So it’s been decided that we’ll be fighting the Empire in the future.

That’s good and all, but there’s a bigger problem ahead of me, a problem that’s more annoying than my beef with the Empire.

“So…there’s something I’d like to consult with you guys about.”

We’ve just set our eyes on the Empire, and everyone seems to be basking in the glow of the excitement.

That is, except Klaus, who’s as calm as always.

As expected of my right-hand man.

Tia immediately reacts to my words.

“Is something bothering you, Lord Liam? What is it about?”

Up until this point, I’ve just been going with the flow, thinking “the Emperor’s my true enemy, so why I don’t take over his Empire?’

I was rather surprised when Klaus gave me a concrete number, but it helped make the plan more realistic.

Good job, Klaus.

Having said that, even for someone like me who likes to make important decisions on the fly, there are certain issues that give me headaches.

“–It’s about Rosetta.”


“I said, it’s about Rosetta! I got my hands on Charlow, so I was thinking I’d give it to her as a present. What do you think?”

More than a century has passed since I came to this world.

Now, I have a rough understanding of how things are valued, and I can’t help but wonder whether I’ve been too frugal.

Thus I’ve arrived at a certain thought:

–If I were to gift her Charlow, wouldn’t it be considered a luxury even by this world’s standard?

“Giving her a planet as a gift. Quite a luxury, don’t you think?”

Tia shows a strained smile after hearing my plan.

“T-that’s a wonderful idea, Lord Liam. Gifting Lady Rosetta a planet! Truly something only Lord Liam could do!”

–No matter how you look at it, she’s not being sincere.

She’s always praised me from the bottom of her heart, saying “As expected of Lord Liam!” at everything I did.

However, she’s stuttering now, and her eyes are swimming about.

I turn toward Marie, but she looks away as I do so.

“It’s a wonderful idea that the likes of us would never have thought of! H-however, it deviates a little from common sense.”

After being questioned by Marie about my common sense, I turn to Kukuri for answers.

He doesn’t avert his gaze, but tries to explain the flaws in my idea in a roundabout way.

“I believe it’s a brilliant gift that only Lord Liam could prepare. However, once you’re the owner of a planet, you’d naturally be obligated to take care of it. If left unattended, pirates could set up base there, and Lady Rosetta would be held accountable.”

“I-is that so.–And Klaus?”

I turn my attention to Klaus, my last hope, but he’s blanking out for some reason and doesn’t seem to have heard our conversation.

“You there?”

“Ah, um, well.”

That confirms it.

Apparently, I still don’t understand how things are valued in this world.

Gifting a planet might be overkill.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“–Alright, alright. I’ll manage both Charlow and Baron Gurin’s home planet. Aight, cool. Then what should I do about Rosetta’s gift?”

“Everything necessary for the wedding has already been prepared,” Marie points out.

“Well, it would just be a normal gift.”

“A planet for a normal gift?”

All four of my subordinates give me looks that say “he’s too far gone”.

I’m the Master here!

“Forget it. I’m going to sleep!”

Klaus receives a call just as I’m about to drive them out of the room.

Kurt’s name comes out.

“Lord Liam, it’s an urgent call from Lord Kurt.”


‘–Sorry, Liam. I can’t break off my marriage with Her Highness Cecilia.’

“I had a feeling that would be the case. Don’t worry about it.”

Kurt has contacted me in a hurry because of his relationship with Her Highness Cecilia, his fiance.

As siblings born from the same mother, Cecilia has a particularly stronger connection to Cleo.

With Cleo and I becoming enemies, Kurt has been caught in an awkward position.

“You’ll side with me, yes?“


From the other side of the monitor, I can see Kurt’s sunken expression.

For a moment, I worry that he’ll choose the Empire over me, and that’s when he makes a suggestion.

‘Liam, I have a request. You know about your clone, right?’

“I’ve heard about it in the report. According to Calvin, it’s a plan Cleo thought of. It doesn’t really matter who it was that came up with the plan, but they should’ve known better than to teach my clone One-Flash.”

‘What’s going to happen to her?’

“Her One-Flash is a mere imitation, nothing to be afraid of–that said, I have no need for a clone.”

Kurt makes a sad expression.

‘I’d like to ask a favor. Can you entrust her to me?’

“What do you mean?”

Why would Kurt want my clone?

Sure, she’s competent enough to ride the knockoff Avid, and she’s said to be quite a skillful knight, but at the end of the day, she’s just a kid on the inside.

She’s not easy to work with either, so there’s no benefit to keeping her.

However, Kurt seems to pity her.

‘She was created just to fight. As you pointed out, she’ll be disposed of if no one takes care of her. That’s just too cruel.’

“Is she the only one deserving of your pity? This world is overflowing with people that need help but have nowhere to get it from.”

Kurt chokes at my words.

–Indeed, and I was one such person in my previous life.

No one extended their help to me.

That’s why I feel slightly jealous that Kurt is showing such care to my clone.

“Bah, whatever. Do whatever you want with it. But I’ll be taking the aircraft.–Amagi’s come to know about them. If I don’t bring them back, I’ll be in for a scolding.”

I had the Seventh Weapons Factory build mass-produced models of Avid so that I can one day give it to Ellen, my disciple.

This was done in secret, yet the plan was exposed thanks to Calvin.

When I’m back in my territory, Amagi will no doubt scold me again.

Honestly, it weighs on my mind just as much as the matter of my marriage.

‘Of course, but are you really fine with that?’

“You and I are friends, and I intend to keep it that way.”

I don’t know what he likes about my clone, but if it’s all it takes to maintain a friendly relationship with Kurt, it’s a cheap price to pay.

‘Of course, we’ll always be friends. Even if you didn’t agree to my request, I wouldn’t have cut off ties with you.’

“I see.”

With this, the Exner Family would probably side with me when I rebel.

But there’s nothing absolute in this world, so I should continue to foster a good relationship with the Exner Family in the future.

‘Anyway, I was really surprised to hear that you’ve been making preparations for the wedding all this time. I see, so you were adamant about ending the war in two years because of your marriage.’

Brightening up, Kurt suddenly pokes fun at me.

“I-I just didn’t want to make changes to my schedule! I’m cutting the call, alright? Make sure you attend the ceremony.”

‘Of course I will.’

I cut the call and give a deep sigh.

“–It wasn’t for Rosetta.”

Who am I trying to convince here…

Flagship Argos enters the atmosphere of the Banfield’s home planet.

A large number of people have gathered at the port to welcome my return, and texts congratulating my safe voyage are being projected in the air.

A red carpet has been prepared for me, and with the floor being a moving walkway, I could travel at a considerable speed.

It would be faster to just ride a vehicle, but I need to show my citizens that I’m safe and sound.

The passageway is surrounded by glass, and the transparency allows people to see me from all sides.

They look as pathetic and pitiful as ever, rejoicing over the return of their lord.

Before my might, they have no choice but to bow.

It really goes to show how unfair the world is.

As I’m passing through an aisle with a fierce grin on my face–



–Rosetta jumps on me.

I’ve been projecting the aura of an evil lord until now, but everything’s been ruined because of her hug.

The guards around me show bitter smiles seeing Rosetta hugging me and rejoicing.

Marie, on the other hand, seems happy about the result.

“Lady Rosetta, that’s unbecoming of a lady,” Tia says as she looks around.

“Though it shouldn’t really matter since everyone here’s an insider.”

While hugging and crying, Rosetta tells us how happy she is to see me return in one piece.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I’m glad that Darling’s safe. I heard we were at a disadvantage and got really scared.”

“You thought I’d lose? That would never happen.”

“I didn’t, but just imagining Darling gone made me–”

After all, I have the blessing of the Guide.

If I were to lose against Calvin, I wouldn’t stand a chance against my true enemy, Bagrada.

However, there’s something on my mind.

When the Guide informed me about the existence of my true enemy, he appeared rather impatient.

It seems Bagrada has also stepped outside the boundaries set for humans.

One-Flash was created for the sake of battling those that have stepped into the beyond, so I should be fine, but I should train just in case.

–Thirty years.

I must be strong enough to fight the Empire by then.

“You worried over nothing. Anyway–we don’t have much spare time.”

Amagi and Brian who have been trying not to disrupt us step forward.

“We’re ready to conduct the ceremony. Luckily, all that preparation didn’t go to waste. You must be glad, Master.”

“Lord Liam, this Brian is moved! To think you were making preparations for the wedding!”

–Surprised by the revelation, the people around me start buzzing.

“Oh, so it was for this!”

Silence, fools!

Don’t you guys dare make fun of me!

They eventually shut up, but then Wallace enters the scene looking all proud of his accomplishment.

He bounces his bangs with his hand.

How infuriating.

“Before he left, he told me to just go ahead with the preparations. We’ve prepared a grand wedding for you, Liam!”

Wallace gives me a thumbs up, making the people around us look at me with warm smiles.

My image, destroyed!

I’ve worked tirelessly over the years to build up the image of an evil lord, yet now I look like a man who worked hard for his lover.

Such evaluation of me is unacceptable.

“It wasn’t for Rosetta. It was for me! Now get to it!”

When I yell at them, everyone responds in unison with knightly salutes

“““Yes, sir!”””

Seeing them all move as one somehow irritates me even more.

Their eyes when they look at their Master don’t contain awe, but rather fondness.

Absolutely unforgivable.


Brian (; ・`ω・´): “F-finally, the time has come! This Brian can’t wait for tomorrow to arrive!”

The Extra Dirty Wakagi-chan ( ゜д゜)ノ: “In that case, I recommend reading Volume 3 of ‘I’m the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!’ and reviewing Liam’s first encounter with Rosetta!”

The Hoodwink Wakagi-chan ( ゜∀゜): “’The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs’ is better. After all, it contains a beautiful sacred tree sapling. The light introduces new characters, and you get to meet me, the cute and graceful Naegi-chan!–Not that I can speak there, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! If you can’t go to a bookstore, you can purchase an electronic copy. Right now’s the perfect time to buy them! If you answer the questionnaire, there will be a bonus–”

Brian (´;ω;`): “Her passion for promotion is blinding. It’s painful.”

TN: If you enjoyed the chapter and wish for more, please check out my patreon, at https://www.patreon.com/LightFeathers! Thank you, and have a nice day~