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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 219: Silver Door
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The areas filled with trees that we had been seeing for a long time started to get fewer.

The sun had risen to its highest point and the sun shines at its brightest.

There were no monsters in sight.

Perhaps——– This place isn’t within the Demon Zone anymore.

However, even if we were to disregard that, I still couldn’t feel the presence of life nearby.

From what I could see, the rocky terrain was beginning to increase.

I could also smell the unique scent of rocks……

Should I call this area——– as some sort of mountainous area?

Anyway, the greenery was clearly starting to diminish.

On the way, we found the ruins of a village.

We took a quick look around.

From the traces I’ve seen, there might have been a lot of mining going on around here in the past.

However, the village had been abandoned.

It looked like this place had been abandoned for a long time.

The soil around also doesn’t look like it’s fertile enough to grow crops.

After it also became worthless as a mining land——— This place became barren.

It doesn’t seem to be a strategically important area either.

A place that no one would be interested in.

On the flip side——–

This is a great place to hide in plain sight.

Taking my eyes off the map……

[This is it.]

Exclaiming so, I moved my gaze upward.

A sheer rock wall.

It’s a wall that stretches from east to west.

Stretching out, with its end nowhere in sight.

There is nothing particularly conspicuous in this area.

How should I say this——– It’s a really “natural landscape” around this rocky area.

It looked too natural, that it looked fake instead.

I reached out my hand to the wall’s surface.

But just as my hand touched the rock wall———- My hand passed through.


Nyaki became surprised.

[This is the illusion Erika was talking about huh.]

It looked too “natural” that it became unnatural instead.

Erika talked about the characteristics of this illusion.

It’s difficult to “play around” with the naturalness of the real thing.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

That is what Erika said is this illusion’s weakness.

[……How about we go?]

We stepped into the wall.

After passing through the illusory wall, we came to what seemed to be a valley.

The path continues onward.

On both sides of the road were precipitous cliffs.

But so far, there was no sign of any living things nearby.

I could barely make out the birds occasionally passing through the sky.

Yes——– From where we were walking, we can see the sky.

I wonder, if someone is able to fly over this area, would they be able to see us from above?

For the birds in the sky……

I think they’re seeing other landscapes because of the illusion.

We continued on our way.


As we walked, I thought about the information I was curious about.

For example, the assassins from the Mira Empire who attacked the Heroic Sword.

This information was divulged by Ruin and the others.

Apparently——- Mira’s assassins were trying to get their hands on Nyaki, the Divine Beast.

I wonder how I should interpret this?

As expected, I guess it would be reasonable to think that they’re trying to crush the Faraway Country themselves?

In the last great invasion of the Great Demon Emperor’s army……

I heard that Mira had their main forces almost completely intact.

The Mad Emperor himself is a man with unknown strength.

If we run into them and the people from Alion at the same time——–

They might become a bit of a nuisance.

Whether it’s the country itself…

Or the country’s top.

Other than that……

There’s also Nyaki’s “Neenya”, Nyantan Kikeepat.

I remembered that Eve had mentioned her name before.

She was one of stronger members of Alion’s war potential.

She would also be the only member of Nyaki’s family that we might have to face at some point.

I’m glad I got her name before we faced her.

This makes her the only person I can’t kill no matter what.

And then——- There’s the 6th Cavalry.

There’s no way I’m going to forget about them.

Alion’s 13 Cavalries.

“One day, that village…… It was annihilated by Humans claiming to be Alion’s cavalry……”

The people who attacked the village where Liz used to live.

However, unlike when Eve talked about how her village was destroyed by Heroic Sword……

“It’s hard to say which one attacked her village.”

If their troops had to be divided into thirteen groups, that must be they were quite a large group.

Not all the troops had participated in the attack on the village.

There’s also no guarantee that the people who participated in that attack back then are still around today……

However, this is also something that I would like to settle when the opportunity arises.

It would also be for Liz’s sake.

But most of all——– This is something that I like to do myself.

As I was thinking about this……

[There’s something shiny over there nya.]

Pointing ahead, Nyaki said.

In the direction she was pointing at, I saw a huge silver door.

Though I say that, it looks like its color has slightly faded in time, so it might be better to say that it’s like iron.

The door is decorated with striking carvings that look like it could be seen from a magic technique.

At the lower-middle part of the door——-

A crystal ball is inlaid in it.

Just as I had been informed.

From my pocket, I took out the crystal that Erika had given me——- the “key” that would have allowed me entrance to the Faraway Country.

It seems that if you throw this into the crystal ball, it will emit light and open the door.


[Nyaki is with us…… So we don’t need to use this thing and it would open up when we get close huh.]

Taking out the Fly King mask from my luggage, I put it on.

I think it would be better if they don’t judge me as a “human” at first glance.

The people we’re meeting are originally people who had escaped from the Humans’ world.

I was the only human among us.

As soon as they see that I’m a human, there’s a possibility that they’ll attack me.

We don’t know how hostile the current inhabitants are towards humans.

But, at least, if I wear a mask……

“It’s a human, kill him!”

I might be able to avoid the situation where they say that at first sight.

Wearing a mask, I can leave them think that there’s a chance that I’m a Demi-Human.

[……It would have been the best if we had Erika’s familiar with us.]

“Communicate with the King of the Faraway Country with the familiar.”

This was the best plan we had.

We now have the kokkuri-san style alphabet paper.

So, it’s possible to communicate with her for a long time.

However, it seems like that this would be impossible.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Erika’s familiar was originally supposed to join our group.

There was supposed to be a familiar waiting for us near the Faraway Country.

However——— I couldn’t feel the presence of her familiar appearing at all.

I remembered what Erika had told me before.

“My familiars are no different from a normal animal in appearance and physical capabilities. Also, it’s not like Erika is always controlling them…… And sometimes, they would get attacked by animals and die. Even though I have several familiars I control, it’s not like they were a lot…… If I wasn’t able to get in contact with you and the others for a long time, please keep in mind that the nearest familiar may be dead or seriously injured.”

……I can’t help but feel that this is the case.

In fact, we have discovered something that looked like an owl carcass near the illusory wall (It’s actually found by Slei).

With a volume as silent as a murmur, I muttered to myself.

[That might be a familiar.]

Now that the sh*tty goddess had found out the location of this place, crisis might be coming for the Faraway Country.

Therefore, it’s better to inform the King of the Faraway Country about it as soon as possible.

In that case…… It would be troublesome to wait for a familiar who may or may not appear.

I looked up at the door.

[———Well, we should be able to somehow make things work out.]

As for what would happen later——- I’ll just have to make do with what cards I have.

Most of all……


When Seras called out to me, I nodded my head.


We’ve finally arrived.

The race who holds the secret of the Forbidden Curses, written in the Spellbook of Incantations.

This is the legendary country where the Forbidden Race is said to live.

The Faraway Country, the place the Demi-Humans and monsters without golden eyes seeks for.

As we approached, the light became even stronger.

And then, as we reached a certain distance, the door slowly began to open.

[I guess this is where the real battle would start…… Anyway——-]

The most important part to achieve my revenge on that sh*tty goddess.

The Forbidden Curses.

[I’ve finally reached the point where it’s within my reach.]

And thus———- we stepped into the door.

<Author’s Notes>

And with that…… We finally managed to start Volume 7 in time for the end of the year (although the chapter is short……).

Next year (2021), it looks like Touka and the others will finally enter the Faraway Country, which was one of the major destinations of Touka’s adventure.

Also…… For everyone’s support this year, thank you very much.

Even though I felt overwhelmed by lots of things, thanks to everyone’s support, I managed to keep writing this year.

I feel like this is already a set phrase for most of the writers out there…… but I hope to increase the amount of chapters I write next year (2021)……

I can’t say anything too witty, but I hope to see you all again next year.

I wish you all a happy new year.


I wish you all spooks like mine in your GSSR. D*mn this game. I didn’t get my sparrow loli. I should have just saved my quartz and waited for Kama. Also, cursed new year to everyone, please take all my gacha bad luck.