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I Am The Luna

Chapter 290
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Chapter 0290


“The antidote didn’t work, but there’s a way.’ Valerie’s words ring in my mind as | look ahead, shaken.

No matter how doubtful | felt, | wanted to believe it was the truth.

Everything... was for nothing...

My eyes blur for a moment as she notifies us. She is on the way. My heart is thumping as | reach for the Moon

Dust, pouring a handful into my hand.

My aura is whipping around me, a barrier of sheer power, and everything fades


Find the leaders.... Find Zade Toussaint, Gaultier King, and Gerard King.

| blow the Moon Dust from my hand, watching as it disappears in three different, directions.


“Zaia, we cannot split up,” Atticus deflect yet another double attack.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“I know, but we can’t hang back when our men are out there.” | remind him just as two wolves launch

themselves at me, but before | can even deflect them, a big black wolf flies over our heads, ripping them apart

with his teeth.

He turns his blazing blue eyes on me, growling-


‘Zaia-' he begins, but there's no stopping the enemy who has to cross the first line of defence.

There's a lot of them and | have no tto waste as | strike them down, just as Valerie rushes over to us.

“Zaia! Zion said something. There's a way to heal Sia, but he said you, Sebastian, and your three children are

the key. Atticus and | will cover. Head back and go heal our little princess,” she whispers. Her eyes blazing as she

takes a deep breath.

She hasn't trained like me, but she knows how to use sof her abilities, although she would rely more so on

the gun in her hand.

“What do you mean?” | ask, sending two wolves flying as Atticus engages



‘I'll explain on the way.’ Sebastian's voice comes as he kills yet another wolf before rushing over to me. ‘Get on

my back.”

‘I can run.’ | counter pulling my gun out and shooting a man who is about to shoot Atticus.

He doesn’t argue with me, much to my surprise, and | glance back at Atticus and Valerie. “Don’t engage the

other two until I'm here,” | warn.

| don’t need to say their names for them to understand who | mean. | break into a run heading back, as

Sebastian fillsin on what Zion had said.

It sounds wild, but he knew they were coming, which stands for something. ‘He was so confident when he said

the Sable were coming.’ | murmur.

“You're pregnant, yet you're standing there ready to take part in the fight.” Sebastian says quietly.

| frown as we turn the corner and | shoot a stray wolf that is heading our way just as we hear another explosion

go off.

‘What do you expectto do?‘ | counter icily.

He growls, but | am not going to entertain him. We reach the safe house and the moment | unlock the doors,

Sebastian shifts and locks the door behind us. | look away from his incredible body and hurry towards the panic


‘So, you just won't talk about this?’ He questions.

‘No.’ | reply firmly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| glance back when | don’t hear him follow to see him pulling spants on. Our. eyes meet as he ties them, his

head tilted as he watches me, and | turn my back on him, walking ahead.

Dad opens the entrance and | step inside, with Sebastian right behind me. Aran is there too, but unlike Dad, who

is calm, he looks restless. Seeing the two in the ssmall space is something strange, as the two never got on.

Perhaps that will change now.

“Mommy! Daddy!” The twins exclaim, and I crouch down, wincing slightly before | hug them tightly.

“Want to tellyour little plan?” | ask Zion.

He tilts his head, similar to the way his dad usually does, but just a much cuter adorable version.


“Well, it’s not exactly my plan, but the Moon Goddess’s.” He says with a cute. pout as he shrugs.

“Oh, and what did she say?” | ask, brushing his hair back as Sebastian scoops Sia into his arms.

“She said the three points of the tigetra have to join... Daddy, Mommy... and me... and Sia and baby complete

my tigetra...” he tilts his head, staring at my stomach again. “But she didn’t say anything else, just that Sia will

be ok.”

| glance up at Sebastian, my heart thundering, feeling hope rise within me.

The Goddess would help...