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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 134
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Chapter 134 – What Kind of Person Is Mu Li’ang?

“So, finally, let me ask you a question. What kind of person is Mr. Mu Li’ang?”

In Shanghai, a famous talk show “Zhi Xin Interview” created by the famous host Luo Xin was recording a new episode of the program. The popular artist that Luo Xin invited in this episode was the popular Hong Kong artist Chen Yijie, who was currently enjoying great popularity all over the country.

“As we all know, Mu Li’ang is a mysterious songwriter who not only hides his personal information on the Copyright Protection Society’s website, but also keep his other unreleased song secret.” Luo Xin explained to the camera.

She was nearly 50 years old, but she maintained herself well. She was still radiant and intelligent on stage, which made her still gain a lot of male fans across different ages.

“It is rare in our entertainment industry that such a talented songwriter can stick to his inner peace and not want to be disturbed by the outside world. So, we’re curious, what kind of person is he?” Luo Xin said with a smile.

Chen Yijie scratched his hair which had been stylishly done by the hairstylist. Privately, he was a person who didn’t pay much attention to his personal image. When he scratched his hair, his hair became a little messy. Perhaps, the hairstylist in the backstage wanted to hit him.

“How should I put it? I have been entrusted by Mr. Mu Li’ang to not disclosed his personal information to the public.” Chen Yijie said with some embarrassment.

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“That’s ok. Let’s talk about some unimportant information within the acceptable limit. This can also satisfy the wishes of so many fans of “Long Time No See”, right?” Luo Xin said with a smile.

The audience was made up of students from the nearby Film and Television Academy. While they could satisfy their desire to watch the program up close, they also have to perform their duties, so they didn’t hesitate to shout, “That’s right!”

“All right, all right!” Chen Yijie cup his hand before his chest1 and said with a smile, “Since I came to Luo Xin’s program, I have to give something? So, you ask, and I will tell you what I can, and if I can’t say anything about it, how about I sing a song to make up for it?”

In fact, all these were passed2 in advance before the recording of the program. Chen Yijie also followed the original stage playscript.

“Okay. Mu Li’ang is a mister, so there is no doubt that he is a man, but please allow me to make a little guess first. Judging from his lyrics, the emotions expressed are relatively deep and full of mature male melancholy charm! Of course, our Eason’s interpretation is also very excellent!” Luo Xin said with a smile, “Then I guess Mr. Mu Li’ang should be a middle-aged man. Am I right?”

This was reasonable to say, but Chen Yijie smiled and shook his head, and said, “No, Mr. Li’ang, he is a young man! Much younger than me!”

“Oh, a young man! Then his fans are very lucky!” Luo Xin pretended to exaggerate, which prompted cheers from the female fans in the audience, as if they were happy to hear that Mu Li’ang was a young man.

“He is relatively young, but he is also very stable, as you can see from his lyrics.” Chen Yijie added.

“Is Mu Li’ang handsome?” In this shot, Luo Xin acted like a little fan-girl, asking questions with little stars in her eyes.

“Handsome! He is more handsome than me!” Chen Yijie answered without hesitation, and smiled after he finished speaking.3

“Oh, Eason, don’t undervalue yourself! You are the most handsome in my mind!” Luo Xin also smiled. The effect of this show was perfect!

To tell the truth, Chen Yijie was really not handsome at all. Compared with the four heavenly kings in Hong Kong, he has stepped onto the throne step by step by singing. When he said that others were more handsome than him, everyone laughed tacitly.

“As a digression.4 I am still puzzled. Since he is a handsome young man with musical talent, why did he choose to hide his identity instead of making his debut at this good time? As we all know, in the entertainment industry, there are too many young people trying to break their heads5, but they do not have the current popularity of Mu Li’ang, and naturally they are not favored by entertainment companies.” Luo Xin asked.

At this moment, the audience was silent, watching Chen Yijie closely. They also belong to what Luo said, young people trying to break their heads in the entertainment industry but suffer from having no way to do so.

“Could it be that he was hurt by love?” Luo Xin asked, “The song ‘Long Time No See’ seems to tell a very sad story of a broken heart.”

“As for the emotional aspect, it is a more personal question. I have not asked Mr. Mu Li’ang. But as for why he didn’t choose this path, I think everyone has their own ambition, right?” Chen Yijie pondered for a moment and said, “When we met in his shop, Mr. Mu Li’ang gave me the feeling that he was a hermit. Sorry, I need to use Cantonese to express it. He is a hidden master in the city.”

“Maybe his past is not simple, maybe it was magnificent in other places, but Mr. Mu Li’ang now enjoys his peace and quiet and happiness, accompanied by music.”

Luo Xin was worthy of being a famous host. She immediately found a secret from Chen Yijie’s words, and asked nonchalantly: “His shop? Did Mr. Mu Li’ang open a shop in Jiangcheng?”

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“He ah, in Jiangcheng opened… Oh!” Chen Yijie was still expressing emotions just now, and now he almost blurted out the answer to Luo Xin’s question. Fortunately, he quickly came back to his senses. He immediately covered his mouth. “Luo Xin, you are cheating. I can’t reveal any more than this!”

Luo Xin made a chagrin expression. She spread out her hands and said to the camera: “Fans of Mu Li’ang, I can only help you so far! Mu Li’ang has a shop in Jiangcheng. If you look for it carefully, maybe you will find it.”

“Well, since you can’t say it, Eason, you’re going to have to sing!” Luo Xin said with a smile.

“No problem! What does everyone want to hear?” Chen Yijie was also free and easy. He took the microphone and stood up from the sofa.

There was no need to guess. The audience were shouting “Long Time No See”!

Who made Chen Yijie’s new album such a Mandarin song that everyone could understand?

The scene changed. The sofa was removed, revealing a relatively wide stage. Under the arrangement of the lighting engineer, it also presented the appearance of a small singing hall. The surrounding accompaniment sounded, and Luo Xin swayed with the standing audience below the stage.

“I came to this city of yours…” Chen Yijie stood in the middle of the stage, opening his voice with deep feelings.


At this time, it was more than 11:00 at night, and Xixi had already fallen asleep. After Yang Yi “transported”6 some manuscripts in the study, he turned off the computer and came out.

“Huh?” The living room was still brightly lit. Yang Yi walked over and saw a beautiful figure standing alone on the big balcony.