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Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 229 Revenge Was Near
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The gardener felt he had nothing to fear, building up his courage to continue his thievery

But the moment he turned ahead, he suddenly came face to face with a pair of deep, overly bright eyes.


His eyes widened at an alarming rate before finally returning to normal.

"Oh! It's you!... Good heavens, man, for a moment, you scared me to death, chief Botan."

Placing his hands in his chest, the gardener tried to strategy his breathing.

Heart attack!

He almost had a heart attack from Botan's surprise turn up.

On a typical day, he would've been terrified of chief security staff Botan.

It was just that the jump scare from now really made him forget his initial fear.

Lucky, it was just the Chief of Security.

Oh no! This was bad!

He was out during lights out.

As per the rules, no one was supposed to be seen walking about this time!

And with the rumors he heard about how strict Chief Botan was, then wouldn't he get his salary slashed or get suspended instead?

Very anxiously, the gardener began stating his case.

"Chief Botan! You... Please listen to me. I-I-I had worked too hard drying the day and was too tired Waller to eat or drink. I thought I could sleep on an empty stomach. But you know, I have gastric and even have some other hidden ailments too... Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah~"


Like a machine gun, the gardener began to pull out farts from his ass, talking and talking about while looking at the floor or his surroundings from time to time.

He dared not look the Chief of security in the eyes lest he curbed under pressure and exposed himself.

It was just unfortunate that because he was too bent on coming up with the perfect lies, he failed to see the changes all around him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The walls slowly grew icy layers, and the hair was filled with even more strange smells.

But that wasn't all.

If he looked up, he would see that the greatest change had happened to the person standing before him.

The gardener had exaggerated his energy, finally waiting for Botan's sanctions.

However, he heard nothing.


Why did it suddenly turn chilly?

Shudder. Shudder.

His shoulders shook on their own, and goosebumps completely engulfed his entire being.

How strange.

The gardener was very perplexed by it all.

But soon, his confused expression turned distorted.

With his head still down, he saw something bizarre.


1, 2, 3... 8!

There were 8 small weird-shaped shadows all coming from Botan!

And all these 8 were different from Botan's prominent shadows.

But how was that even possible?

The shadows danced maniacally, revealing several claws, wings, and crazy images that made him whimper without a sound.

Why? Why did he have to be greedy for a late-night snack and some cheap water?

Seeing the strange shadows and hearing the even more testifying noises, the gardener's nostrils turned runny, with snot, sweat, and tears mixing into one the more they dropped along his face.

In a heartbeat, his legs turned wobbly, and his fear grew a hundred times more.

"Chief Botan... You! You! You!~"

1, 2...

The gardener took several steps back with an opened mouth of horror, finding his scream stuck in his throat.

Chief... Chief...

This was not the chief!

His hands subconsciously released his phone the moment the lights began to flicker.

Time seemed frozen in place with a dreadful shadowy visual presentation, occurring along the walls, showing the gardener's fate.

Mommy, mommy… save him.

The gardener felt despair.

~Whoop... Whoop... Whoop.

The phone fell in slow motion.

And by the time it finally smashed into the behind, the lights resumed as usual.

But this time, only one man was standing within the winding hallway.

Botan stood at the center, closing his eyes and feeling his strength bulge within his muscles.

Power... Power...

He felt like the most powerful man in the world!


[How is it, mortal? Didn't I tell you? If it's power, I'll give you all you want... Just keep your end of the bargain, and we'll get along just fine.]

"Yes! Yes!"

Botan nodded numerously, not even caring about the now-dead gardener.

So what if the worthless piece of trash dies?

He should be happy that he died for a good cause.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Very quickly, Botan picked up the gardener's clothes, planning to dispose of them later.

Although the method was different, this wasn't his first time making a person disappear without suspicion.

So he knew just how to handle this matter. This was why he chose to target someone not liked in the estate.

It took an entire week to observe this guy, also secretly guiding him to act in this manner too.

He made the kitchen rules stricter and subconsciously hinted at others, making them feel annoyed for doing open favors for this guy.

Well, it wasn't a hint, but more like coming down on them harder for being seconds late or other minimal things that got delayed because of their 'kindness.'

And wouldn't you know it, based on the guy's personality, he acted just as expected.


Botan looked at his ring deeply.

"Don't worry; I'll give you your weekly feed as promised, so long as you keep giving me power!"

The creature in the ring agreed but secretly sneered at Botan.

With this bit of power, this guy thinks he's already unstoppable?


Humans were indeed too weak!

Because Botan wasn't per se a cultivator, the demonic qi he got was just a temporal thing.

Botan had no way of knowing how to channel or open the many meridians of cultivation.

Most of the evil qi was still stored in his ring for when he wanted to use it.

In the end, he was still a mortal, not breaking out of his mortal shell.

It should also be noted that cultivating in the way of evil was e times harder than cultivating as an exorcist.

Evil qi was too dense and wicked for humans to engulf.

Beings not birthed from the abyss itself would have difficulties taking it in as though they were in outer space, struggling to take in oxygen.

The path of being an evil cultivator was truly hard... but not impossible.

Botan clenched his fist, looking at the purplish streaks surrounding them.

Now he could kill off the Tian couple and their son the way he wanted!


It was time for revenge!