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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 744: Gossip
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Standing in front of the majority of Mewi that lived inside the village, Jason felt oddly calm.

The tribe chief was currently getting bombarded with complaints by them.

However, instead of doing anything against it, or even paying attention to the complaints, he seemed to be focused on Jason alone.

This was the only thing that bothered Jason a little bit- the way the tribe chief acted!

Fortunately, it was impossible for the tribe chief to continue approaching him, otherwise, there would have been no way for Jason to escape or survive without the utilisation of his abilities and an enormous amount of mana.

Yet, the middle-aged Mewi who had been on his side since the beginning was holding the tribe chief back, talking calmingly to him.

Jason thought that it wouldn't be to any use, but oddly enough it worked wonders because the tribe chief's wrath disappeared within a moment.

Owing to the unexpected change, Jason couldn't help but eye both the tribe chief and middle-aged Mewi oddly.

However, only a moment later, he got the hang of himself, which made him introduce himself.

"Hello dear Mewi, nice meeting all of you. I'm adventurer Jason Stella!"

Bowing lightly, he completed his introduction, only to see the other Mewi bowing back at him.

Even the tribe chief bowed a little, astonishing Jason a little bit.

Despite that, the tribe chief was still angered, even if his wrath seemed to have dissipated.

While the other Mewi seemed to be rather simple, the tribe chief and the middle-aged Mewi were definitely more difficult to tackle than the rest!

That was not difficult to perceive, and rather obvious.

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Because of that, Jason told himself to figure out more about the two of them.

Yet, before anything like that could happen, first he had to ensure not getting kicked out of the village.

As such, he straightforwardly asked him.

"Esteemed tribe chief, I can tell that my presence is not welcome in the village, but is it possible for you to let me stay for a few days? I want to rest before I continue with my adventure journey."

Initially, the tribe chief wanted to flatly deny his request, but the more the middle-aged man was whispering into the chief's ears, the more his expression softened.

"Adventurer Jason Stella, for returning the favor of saving a child of our village from the Darkness Jaguars, I will allow you a week's stay in our village. Afterward, you shall go!"

Even if Jason was sure that he couldn't solve all problems in a week, it was better than nothing, and there was no way he would start negotiating with the tribe chief.

This could make him suspicious, after all!

Rather, Jason simply nodded his head before bowing lightly once again.

Nevertheless, the tribe chief didn't hesitate to add another condition.

"But if you want to stay, you're not allowed to absorb too much mana! Refrain yourself, otherwise face the consequences!!"

The tribe chief's voice rang through the air and Jason couldn't help but eye the old man, who turned around to walk back, ignoring the complaints he was bombarded with.

In the end, the rescue of the small girl, and the tribe chief's first reaction to the crucial role Jason had played to protect someone from their village had caused a tidal wave of emotions making all of the villagers release their pent-up frustration and anger.

As such, they were still complaining, and demanding things, even if it was not about Jason anymore.

Through this, Jason could tell that the villagers were long since fed up with the way the chief was acting.

It made no sense why a village had a tribe chief as the Mewi were interpreting the title, to begin with, as a tribe and village were two different things, but somehow he couldn't help but believe that the things were not as easy as they seemed to be.

On one hand, the mana scarcity shouldn't affect the Mewi with the existing amount of mana.

They should at least be able to survive with the surrounding mana.

Because of that, there may be other problems that exist, such as the constant attacks or threat from the wild.

He had sensed that there were no defensive barriers or other means to protect the village.

Whether this was because of the mana scarcity, the laziness of the villagers, or simply because most of the villagers didn't dare to venture into the woods, Jason couldn't tell.

However, it was evident that there were even more problems, otherwise, the tribe chief wouldn't have been able to calm down.

While the middle-aged man had been talking to the tribe chief, he had been shooting glances at the corpses of the Darkness Jaguars once in a while.

With that in mind, Jason could tell that the tribe chief had been informed about his strength, which was now reaffirmed by the evidence he had provided by killing the Darkness Jaguars.

In the end, this was what had changed the tribe chief's opinion about him to some extent, but that didn't mean that he had been accepted.

Jason assumed that the tribe chief had plans for him, or that he was hoping Jason to do something in particular.

Yet, not knowing what the tribe chief wanted from him, it was impossible for Jason to understand everything clearly.

The scheming of the tribe chief was still unfathomable to Jason, but it was crystal clear that he was not allowed to stay inside the village without returning something else in exchange.

At least, that was what he assumed to perceive to be the case according to the way in which the tribe chief acted.

At first glance, the tribe chief seemed to be a show-off, who wanted everyone to know how great he is. But he was also hot-tempered and easily filled with wrath, the moment something didn't work the way he wanted to.

Yet, the more one looked at the tribe chief in-depth, the less one would understand about him.

The fact that he was easily able to disperse his wrath as if it had never existed, in the first place, was a direct hint to two things. The tribe chief was either acting in a despicable way in order to achieve everything he wanted to, or there was something Jason had yet to figure out.

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In the end, it didn't really matter what exactly the tribe chief was trying to point out.

Instead, It was more important to figure out the issues the village was facing.

Because of that, Jason had decided to approach the other Mewi that were still complaining about the tribe chief.

Thus, the moment he stood in front of them, he tried to join their gossip, knowing that gossiping was something many intelligent races loved to do!

"Hello, I wanted to formally introduce myself to everyone once again, my name is Jason Stella. I hope we will have a good time!"

Introducing himself a second time, he wanted to build up a stronger relationship with the others.

This was quickly done by simply standing closer to them while smiling brightly with his Celestia aura released.

The Mewi villagers already had a good opinion of Jason, but because he approached them instead of going back to the hut, they felt that Jason was even better than they thought.

Having saved one of their children, by entering an extremely dangerous battle, he had turned into their unexpected savior. Now, the men of the villages wanted to find out his true strength, while the women were simply thankful.

As such, they all introduced themselves to Jason, before he was able to ask the most important question!

"I'm sorry to ask something this personal, but did I do something wrong to enrage the tribe chief, or did I just get in his bad books? Maybe he had a bad day or something like that…"

Jason tried to sound naive, which was not exactly difficult to achieve, and he maintained a mixture of a confused and slightly sad expression.

This might have been over the top, but the other Mewi didn't notice anything off about him. Instead, they could clearly understand how Jason must be feeling right now because he hadn't done anything wrong.

As such, they began to include him in their discussion, explaining everything that had happened in their small village, down to the smallest detail.

Through this, Jason was not only able to figure out the tale of the tribe chief, but also how most of the Mewi had established the small village together.

At the same time, their gossiping allowed him to find out more about the issues the village was facing, and multiple more shocking facts.

And it was exactly because of one of the facts that Jason looked down, only for him to feel a sharp pain in his eyes. Pressing his lips together, he barely prevented himself from crying out in pain, as a single droplet of blood trickled out of his eye.