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God's Eyes (Web Novel)

Chapter 142: Allrounder
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Jason finished his inscription within 30 minutes and his knife had four additional sharpening runes on it, decorating the outer part of the blade.

With this 'simple' feat, Jason was already close on the way to learn how to create a mana weapon.

The difference between normal weapons and mana weapons was mainly because of the materials used to forge high mana conductivity weapons, but also a high number of runes.

These runes were much more powerful than the ones Jason inscribed but even so, he crafted a tierless weapon with runes on it.

While injecting mana into the blade, Jason noticed that the runes began to glow slightly and a broad smile emerged on his face.

While inscribing, it was not only important to led the mana veins within the inscription solution together, but also to inscribe the runes on the exact position where the weapons mana veins spread through

It would be the best if runes were always inscribed on the most circulated parts and Jason did so.

As such the runes and forged crude dagger could be almost compared to the worst graded weapons, even though its toughness and aesthetics were below average for graded weapons, while it would reach the required threshold in terms of sharpness.

Smiling brightly, Jason walked towards the dumbfounded rank-3 runemaster, handing him the dagger.

The runemaster carefully inspected the runes intently and only now did the somewhat familiar runes ring a bell in his mind.

"Are these the runes used by the goblins?" the young runemaster asked Jason who only replied with a confident smile.

"How?" Was the only thing the runemaster in front of Jason could ask as not even his master had fully researched the runes yet.

They were not extremely complex, but only a few high authorities had their hands on the complete runes, while the young runemaster´s master only had a few destroyed ones, thanks to the acid rain.

Looking at the black-haired youth in front of him, the young runemaster was somewhat scared.

The crude dagger was obviously not bought somewhere.

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It looked like Jason passed the blacksmith exam which was nothing special per se but making an inscription solution was already extremely difficult while this black-haired youth made an almost perfect solution on his first try.

If that was everything, the runemaster would already let Jason pass but he even inscribed them on a very good position with a high mana circulation? AMAZING!

'This youth...no young man in front of him is a treasure!!' The runemaster thought and he tried to talk to him, but before that could happen, Jason took back his crude dagger and asked if he passed the exam.

Nodding faintly, the runemaster could only hear Jason saying

"Sorry for bothering you...have a nice day, I´ll take the alchemy exam now!" and if Jason looked at the runemaster now, one could only see a jaw dropped to the ground.

`Did he ignore me?` He thought, sulking slightly but somehow he didn´t dare to interrupt the black-haired young man..there was something weird about him.

Shane, who sensed everything through the ground, frowned deeply because he understood that he had to change his plans in order to pressure Jason more once he wanted to learn how to forge, inscribe, brew, and so on.

Praising Jason would probably not be acceptable in order for him to not become arrogant and full of himself and Shane was deep in thoughts, while Jason appeared on the third and last floor.

Roughly 5 hours passed since the exams had started and Antalia was astonished to see Jason already appearing on the third floor.

Seeing him walking towards her, she smiled brightly putting up a facade to cover her astonishment.

"I've passed the first two exams. What should I do for the alchemy exam?" He asked nonchalantly and even though Anatlia was mentally prepared, she was still astonished that Jason really did it.

Clearing her throat she managed to gain a moment in order to regain her almost revealed composure.

"My task is the same as the first two. In order to pass the exam you have to concoct an effective potion without a backslash." Saying that, Jason turned around before he quietly said.

"Thank´s for the favor you'll owe me"

Hearing that, Antalia finally remembered that she told Jason, if he passed the written exams with 100% and all practical artisan exams, she would give him the chance to request anything from the Artisan tower, and her expression fell into hell.

Looking desperate at Jason, she had a bad premonition, that he would accomplish the exam rather easily.

The inscription solution alone could be considered as an effective potion even though it was just a sub-category and if Antalia knew that Jason had already brewed his own inscription solution, her last ray of hope would be immediately shattered.

The runemaster exam allowed students to use the worst inscribing mixture in order to pass the test because they focused their attention on the inscribing process rather than the mixture itself.

Jason sat down on his designated place and he could see many different items and herbs in front of him on a large table.

There were also many test tubes, the tripods, and the burner Jason wouldn't use once again.

But before he decided to create a potion, Jason was adamant about practicing the Heaven's Hell technique in order to maximize his soul energy as soon as possible.

Sitting down on the ground, he didn't mind any onlookers and entered his soul world.

Looking at Artemis cold snowflake cocoon, Jason smiled gently, before he left the soul world once again 85 minutes later, after braiding his five-strand helix and injecting it into his soul world core.

The pain lessened consistently and Jason was becoming more proficient in braiding and holding a large amount of focus on different things, causing the practicing time to decrease slightly.

Maybe he could decrease the time even more, but he was unsure how far that could go and a slight expectation built inside his mind.

Standing up, Jason noticed that fewer students could be seen around him and they seemed to have passed while a few charred students with desperate expressions gazed at the ingredients in front of them.

Some students even had puffed-up hair and Jason tried really hard to hold not laugh out loud.

Calming himself down, after laughing for himself sometimes, Jason turned to the table and decided to do the simplest potion he knew.

Taking out Luo-sand and four different gradeless herbs, Jason placed them in front of him, while he put aside the other unneeded herbs.

Igniting the black origin flame once again in his hand, Jason placed it below the tripod.

Filling a flask with a small amount of water, he placed it exactly in the center of the tripod, before Jason supplied it with the Luo-sand.

The mana particles inside the sand reacted with the water, causing the sand to lose it´s faint luster.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Gleaming weakly, the previous normal water was now infused with a slight amount of mana particles and once a certain heat was reached, Jason put in one herb after another not forgetting to follow the correct order.

Some herbs could only react with the slowly concocted potion after the previous reactions took place without creating possible other reactions which might create another potion or completely waste it.

As such he checked two times if he did everything correctly to avoid any minute mistakes

Carefully putting the last herb inside the flask, the water turned slightly blue with a faint aroma spreading out from it.

It was a calming feeling and upon smelling the aroma, Jason knew that it was time for the next step.

Heating up his flame by a notch, a disgusting stench covered the faint aroma and Jason´s nose twitched.

The impurities were slowly washed reacting with the sand instead of being exalted with a whiteish smoke cloud like it was the case with his inscription solution.

This, however, was mainly because the impurities of the herbs and magical essence reacted with the liquefied unblemished ranked mana core, when he created the inscribing mixture.

Upon a certain amount of impurities could be seen by the visible eye, without Jason using his mana eyes.

Extinguishing the flame with a single thought, Jason placed a beaker in front of him with a sieve on top of it in order to divide the solution with the waste materials and impurities.

Sieving it multiple times, Jason made sure to get rid of as many impurities as possible, but there were still small black dots he could only see thanks to his mana eyes.

This caused Jason not only to question if every potion had impurities inside them which wouldn't be that surprising but also how many impurities were within normal potions.

Because of his black origin flame, he got rid of a lot of impurities that wouldn't have been expelled normally and Jason decided that he would brew his own potions in the future.

Looking at the faintly gleaming blue potion in the beaker, he filled three vials before the beaker was completely empty.

Storing away two vials, Jason walked to Anatlia with his chest pushed out in bride thanks to his newly acquired pride which slowly accumulated.

Following Jason´s steps, Antalia was not only put in a tied spot but also astonished by Jason´s calmness during the whole concoction process.

It was as if he wasn´t even trying hard to secure the stableness from the potion during the concoction process. The mana control needed to lead the magical ingredients together was also not easy and one had a need to do multiple things at the same time which Jason innately couldn´t do.

But due to his superior eyes, refined brain, the black origin flame´s baptism which enhanced everything about him, and his detailed knowledge about the exact concocting process of the gradeless calming potion allowed him to make it look as if he didn't even try hard.

In honesty, Jason was sweating heavily during the whole process and it was only that the sweat evaporated before Antalia noticed it.

Remaining concentrated over the whole process of concocting the calming potions, Jason could finally sigh in relief as he handed Antalia one potion.