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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 63
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Chapter 63


As I stepped into the packhouse, the sound of a car caught my attention,

promptingto turn and see Walter rushing out of the car. He had returned

sooner than I had anticipated.

“I checked the message you sent me. Did Reuben really find Willow and the

children?” he inquired.

“Yes, he did. In fact, he found her a day ago. I thought I should inform you as

well,” I replied, leaning against the door frame. “She’s safe.”

“That’s fantastic news,” he breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since Willow’s escape

and Reuben’s subsequent departure to find her, Walter had been diligently

working alongside us to locate Willow and the children.

“Do you love her?” I asked casually.

He glanced atfor a moment before admitting, “I do, but she doesn’t feel the

sway. So, I’m in the process of moving on. I can’t be with a woman who’s

already in love with another man. I think I’m making progress, especially after

seeing how affected she was by just the news of Reuben and Ella’s wedding. Her

escape proves just how much she loves Reuben and can’t bear to see him with

another woman,” he murmured dryly.

I chuckled, “Yeah, they’re both like that. In reality, they’re perfect for each other,

but there are smisunderstandings between them. I believe they’ll sort it

out soon.”

Walter nodded thoughtfully. “I hope so, but the fact is Willow is stubborn,” he


“If she’s stubborn, then Reuben is obsessed,” I countered.

“Yeah,” he admitted dryly, gazing into the packhouse. “Where are Willow and the


“Reuben drove off after dropping the children off that day. They toldWillow

was abducted by sother men. I don’t have any more details, but later

Reuben senta message saying he found Willow and she’s safe. Neither of

them have returned, so I believe they’re together,” I explained.

Walter chuckled, lighting a cigarette. “He found her within 12 hours of her being

kidnapped. How


“It’s what we call a mate bond,” I said, sl*pping both hands into my pockets and

gazing up at the evening sky. “A soulmate is your other half. You can smell, feel,

and sense them. You can feel their emotions whether it’s pain or love. The

stronger the love is that the couple shares, the stronger the mate bond. It’s all

about love,” I murmured, still fixated on the evening sky.

“You sound like you have one too,” Walter commented.

I was taken aback for a moment before glancing at him from the corner of my

eye and asking. “How cyou’re still staying here of your own free will? Don’t

you have responsibilities back in your own territory?” I raised an eyebrow




Fri, 8 Mar

Chapter 63


“It’s alright forto be away from my country for a month or two. After all, I’m

the boss. You could callthe Alpha of my territory,” he smirked.

“Yeah,” I replied dryly, having uncovered information about him. He was indeed

a deadly and ruthless hunter.



“However…my reasons for staying here have shifted,” he whispered, his gaze

fixed on something in the distance. I followed his line of sight to the woods, but

there was no one there.

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“Uncle Walter!” Wyatt exclaimed joyfully, racing into the front yard.

“Hey there, Buddy. Did you miss me?” Walter’s demeanor shifted entirely as he

approached Wyatt.

“Yes, I missed you a lot,” Wyatt replied, dropping his football and launching into

an endless stream of chatter with Walter.

Leaving the two of them to catch up, I entered the packhouse. In Reuben’s

absence, I had taken charge of managing the pack and handling other matters,

including my ongoing research into the mysterious attacks. The simultaneous

destruction of three more packs surrounding Wade Moon was deeply troubling.

There were no leads on the person responsible for these attacks, and I diligently

studied each report that was released detailing the findings of the attack in

search of clues.

As I contemplated all of this, Lori’s voice reached my ears just as I was about to

head upstairs. Pausing, I turned toward the dining room where Lori and Bix were

seated. Bix sat at the dining table while Lori stood on a chair beside him.

“Uncle Bix, you should try this cheese pudding,” she said, offering him a

spoonful with her tiny


I blinked, realizing she had been playing a gof house with Bix, who had

clearly been coerced into playing along.

Bix frowned at the ‘pudding’ in front of him, he despised cheese. “No, I’m full,”

he replied in a casual tone.

“Why? You’ve only eaten a little of the food I made for you!” she pouted,

adopting the role of a housewife in their game.

I took another step into the dining room to inspect the table. There were four

empty plates in front of Bix, despite his being a light eater, indicating that he

was expected to finish all of the food,

“I told you I’m full,” Bix replied dryly.

“Uncle Bix, do you hate me?” she asked. Bix froze in surprise, much like myself,

momentarily speechless.

“Why would you think that?” he asked her.

“Because I look like mommy,” she blinked up at him through her long lashes,

As she spoke, my gaze shifted immediately to Bix’s frowning face. “Where did

you learn such big words? You’re you, and your mommy is your mommy. Kids

don’t need to know about adult affairs.

11:45 .Fri, 8 Mar RG.

Chapter 63!

Just to be clear, I don’t hate anyone, especially not you,” he explained to her.



She nodded and suddenly climbed up onto the dining table with her short little

legs so that she could stand in front of Bix. “Then why do you always frown and

look angry?” she inquired, bending down slightly to touch the frown lines

between his eyebrows with her tiny finger.

Bix was completely taken aback, and I couldn’t help but laugh aloud. Bix

glanced back at me, frowned, then stood up from his chair.

“What’s so funny?” he growled atlowly as he walked past, though I noticed

his reddening ears. “She’s just like Willow,” he muttered under his breath in

annoyance, lighting a cigarette.

I grabbed his arm and turned him to face me. “The child isn’t wrong,” I said,

raising my hand to take the cigarette from his l*ps. “Try to control your

emotions. You’ll look more handsome,” I added, placing the cigarette in my own

mouth before turning and leaving.


I was momentarily terrified to find myself laid out and completely exposed.

“What the…” Shocked and mortified, I squirmed in an attempt to break free from

the restraints around my wrists, but my efforts were in vain.

“You’re awake,” Reuben’s voice reverberated in the room. I froze on the bed, my

heart pounding, only to see him leaning against the wall across from me,

casually smoking as he watched my every


“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Reuben?!” I shouted furiously.

“Didn’t I warn you about the consequences of trying to escape from me?” His

voice was deliberate, but I couldn’t discern his expression as he extinguished

the cigarette in the nearby ashtray.

The memory of his warning fiashed through my mind. ‘If you dare to run away

from me, I wouldn’t mind having you tied to my bed, n*ked and moaning for the

rest of your life.’

A chill ran down my spine as I recalled his chilling vow, now fulfilled. “Let me

go!” I pleaded, writhing against my restraints and shouting. Only I understood

the depths of his madness. He truly was capable of keepingimprisoned

n*ked on his bed for the rest of my days. I refused to accept such a fate. “LET ME


I continued to scream, but he remained unfazed, ignoring my pleas. My throat

burned from the exertion, but I refused to give up hope. However, my cries

abruptly ceased when he detached himself from the wall and began to

approach the bed with a silent determination. I remained silent, my breaths

shallow and rapid as I watched him climb onto the bed, causing my heart to

race even faster. His eyes were devoid of emotion, cold and impassive.

“You… don’t cany closer to me,” I instinctively recoiled at the sight of his

predatory advance, as he began to unbutton his shirt. His cold hand pressed

against my inner thigh, he climbed over my b*dy, his arousal evident through

the outline of his pants. “Get away! Get away!” I screamed, sensing his


“DON’T SHOUT!” he bellowed, seizing my hair and yankingcloser to his face.

I stared into his eyes but remained silent as his arousal pressed dangerously

against my core. “AFTER THIS



Chapter 63



ME!” he growled, his breath ragged like a bull’s and his dark wolf’s eyes boring



“That’s not stealing! I took my children withto save their future and lives. Or

do you expectto leave them in the shadow of your soon-to-be wife and let

their future be ruined by a stepmother?!” I snapped with equal rage.

“Didn’t I tell you that you will only ever be the mother of my children? I’m never

marrying Ella or anyone else for that matter, so how the hell will there be a

stepmother for our children?” he questioned, his other hand caressing my

cheek. “What you heard about Ella and my being married on the full moon was a

lie. I never agreed to that bullsh it. I’m not marrying her. There has only ever

been you in my life, and there will only ever be you.”

Ceri made a noise in my mind, I was unable to tear my eyes away from him.

Once again, I felt as if he was sincere. My heart urgedto believe him, to

believe in the love in his eyes and in what he had just said. Yet all the

revelations Ella had toldcrossed my mind, tearing at my heart. I couldn’t

help but let out a low cold laugh, though my heart was bleeding with all the

emotional pain I’d been bearing. “Stop lying to me, Reuben. I know everything

now. I’m not falling for your lies anymore,” my voice was low, and my eyes were

full of hatred. “You’ve betrayedagain. You’ve played with me, and I believed

you even knowing that I was going to end up in this pathetic condition. But

enoughs, enough. I would rather die than trust you again. I would rather die

than hold your hand again. I would rather die than love you again,” I vowed. I

held back my tears, refusing to let them show in my eyes.

His hand, clenching my hair, shaking violently staring into my emotionless yet

hurt and hateful gaze. “You say all of that so easily, as if they hold no value for

you anymore, don’t you? Our trust and love. You always leavewithout caring

about what happens towhen you run away. You don’t care how I survive,

how much I suffer, or how I feel without you, do you? It turns out I’m the only

one holding onto the thread of our mate bond,” he murmured, looking up with a

blank expression and a sharp aura, as if he had been restraining his baser

instinct, the part of him that wanted to takeby force.

The room fell into a deafening silence. I struggled against our mate bond,

denying the pain and suffering that he was feeling in his heart. I refused to

acknowledge them, fearing that I would break down. I couldn’t afford to break

down at this point. If he was under the misconstrued idea that he was the only

one holding onto the thread of our relationship, then so be it. It was better if he

didn’t know that I was always holding onto it from the shadows too.

Once he looked at me, I averted my gaze as tears threatened to well up in my

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eyes. He studied my face in silence for a long time, then took a deep breath that

sent alarm bells ringing in my mind. “Since I’m the one holding onto it, then

what I do with it is all correct and I have the right to do all of this,” he mumbled.

My eyes snapped back to him in shock.

“What do you mean? Who are you to stripof my rights?” I demanded, my

voice low but my gaze piercing into his. “Who are you to kidnap me?! Who are

you to-”

“LAM. YOUR, F UCKING, MATE,” he growled, each word punctuated with force

before he pulledinto a k*ss.



Chapter 63

I struggled attempting

to turn my head away, but he was too powerful. His k*ss was deep and

prolonged, leavingbreathless and gasping for air when he finally released



“I am your f ucking mate,” he reiterated, his thumb roughly tracing my l*ps. “And

now, I will show you what I’m capable of beyond kidnapping or stripping you.”

With that, he pushedback onto the bed and began to hands.

untie m


Once my hands were freed, he withdrew from between my thighs. As I sat up on

the bed, he seized my hand and pulledoff the bed. “What are you doing?” I

panicked as he began to dragsomewhere, my n*kedness adding to my

distress. He offered no response, intensifying my panic. Let go of me!” I

screamed, desperately trying to wrench my wrist from his strong grip. “Let go!”

Suddenly, he halted and released my hand, only to hoistup and sling me

over his shoulder with a fierce glare.

“What the hell are you doing?!” I pounded on his back, my heart pounding even

harder when I heard the bathroom door creak open. “Putdown. Put me

down, Reuben!” I paused as my b*dy suddenly lurched in the air, then I was

hurled into the large bathtub.

My eyes squeezed shut as I plunged beneath the water for a few agonizing

seconds before resurfacing, gasping for air and wiping my eyes.

Standing by the bathtub, he grasped my jaw tightly and whispered, “Get the

smell of that disgusting rogue off your b*dy!”


Auther’s Note: Hello, my dear readers. This will be my final note, as I prefer not

to leave notes at the end of every chapter. I thought I had clarify that I have had

to split chapters due to coins/ vouchers. Typically, I write around 4k to 5k words

per chapter, but platform requirements have forcedto divide them into two

or three chapters, resulting in approximately 1800 words per chapter. Therefore,

what was originally planned as 30 or 31 chapters has now expanded to 63

chapters. I understand your impatience when you enjoy something, but I ask for

your patience with my book. I prefer to allow my characters to develop

naturally, without unnecessary explicit scenes. Those scenes will cwhen

they are needed. That is my writing style. However, I assure you that the

misunderstanding will be resolved in the upcoming chapters.

Stay with in a journy of Reuben and Willow!

Love you all.