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Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja

Goddess’s Design His Fated Mate by Pooja Chapter 60
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Chapter 60

Alpha Adam

“F**king awsome!” I roared in utter delight. “That little slut has finally

disappeared from the Emerald Bright Pack!” my laughter echoed through the

entire packhouse.

The warrior standing in front ofgrinned, “Yes, Alpha. I saw her

running with her pups as soon as I lied about Ella’s wedding date being fixed

with Alpha Reuben. Now she will no longer try to cbetween the two of


“True, now that little slut is not there to disturb my niece’s life. Soon Ella will be

married to Reuben and bechis mate and Luna with no further

interruptions. It seems that all my hard work in bringing Elder Frank back did

not go to waste. That old man was really able to obtain an imperial decree from

the King after I requested it, though I believe he also had spersonal issues

with Reuben. This way he could get revenge on Reuben using it and I could clear

the path for my Ella’s to Reuben. Now they will marry on this coming full moon,”

I sat on my chair with a satisfied smile.

“Congratulations, Alpha,” the warrior exclaimed.

I nodded proudly but then a stray thought crossed my mind, “Elder Frank was

supposed to cand visitthat day after he delivered the imperial decree

to Alpha Reuben. I wonder why he never chere,” I murmured.

“To be honest, I never saw Elder Frank leave the packhouse, Alpha. I don’t know

how he could have left the pack withouthaving noticed,” he replied.

I cocked my brows and thought about it for a long tbefore I brushed it off. I

did not want to ruin my joy with thoughts of that old man’s


disappearance. He no longer held any value to me.

“Didn’t you say that you had recorded that little slut leaving? Showthe

video,” I demanded. “Letsee what she looks like.”

He nodded and pulled out his phone, “I thought you saw her already in those

photographs, Alpha.”

I glanced at the picture of her k*ssing Reuben that was lying on my desk, “These

photos were taken from far because getting any closer meant being discovered

by Reuben. They were not able to see the girl’s face. I never saw the girl face


He nodded and placed his phone down beside the pictures that I had been

staring at. I shifted my eyes from the photos to the video but as soon as

Reuben’s soulmate cto view the smile on my face sl*pped off and my heart

dropped into my stomach.

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“She…” my eyes widened in horror, “This woman…”


Heaviness and pain, that’s all I could feel as soon as I started regaining

consciousness. My eyelashes fiattered yet opening eyes seemed like an endless

battle. For a long teverything in my line of sight was blurry but soon I

realized that everything aroundwas just dark. Slightly moving my b*dy, the

sounds of jiggling reached my ears as I discovered that my arms and legs were

chained. At the stthe constant chill coming from beneath alertedto

the fact that I had been carelessly tossed on the ground.

I panicked. Shit! I had been kidnapped! Wyatt and Lori….

As soon as they cto mind I started struggling wildly as my heart beat a

frantic rhythm against my chest. What happened to them? The last image I had

was of them running afterwhen I was being carried away. My children had

been left alone to fend for themselves in an unfamiliar city!


There were not even humans there to help them. They were innocent,

they did not know what to do or where to go. They could be in any number of

untold dangers without me. I didn’t even know how long I had been

unconscious in this location. The more I thought about it, the more restless I


I was curled up painfully in the middle of the room, I tried to use my full

strength to break the chain.

“It’s no use,” the creepy voice of a man entered my ears from behind, freezing

time? I felt the hairs on the back of my n*ck stand on end. “The more you try to

break them, the tighter they will grow around your hands, you know.”

I slowly tilted my head finding a middle aged wolf with yellow eyes and messy

appearance standing there. He was…a rogue! He was not alone. I caught the

figures of three other men standing behind him in the murky darkness and they

were all n*ked! I immediately scurried back even if all that I was able to manage

was an inch.

“Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?!” I demanded, even though I was

incredibly scared. Rogues were always bad news. All of their eyes were full of


The man that I assumed was their leader ccloser toand touched my


“Don’t touch me!” Panicking and filled with nothing but disgust I pulled my face

back from his touch. His eyes darkened and in the next second he grabbed my

hair and buried his nose on my n*ck.

I fiinched and closed my eyes in revulsion when I realized he was inhaling my

scent, “She is real. Dark’s Rose is real…” the rogue murmured, his eyes as wide

as an owl’s and shining as if he had gotten his hands on the Hope diamond.


Another layer of panic was added to my current state. He looked

intoxicated by my scent, “What the hell are you saying? What Dark? What Rose?”

I glared at him. A sudden silence fell over the room before I

noticed the sick grin spreading over his l*ps.

“F**k…she does not even know anything about herself,” a creepy redness

spread cross his cheeks as he put his hand over his mouth like a giddy high

school girl. My stomach turned into a knot at the sight of him. He was a

psychopath. I was positive he was not of a stable mind and I… I was trapped

with them.

“You see…I don’t know what you are talking about. I think you have got the

wrong person. I am not Rose, okay? And don’t know any Dark. I am a normal…”

He gaveyet another creepy smile, “She sounds so s*xy when she lies…”

I stared at him stunned. He was definitely a psychopath. Had he been listening

toat all?! I could not bear this nonsense anymore and shouted, “Let me

f**king go, you psychopath. Letgo while I am still asking you nicely…”


My face snapped to the side before I could say another word. A sharp pain

spread across my cheek as my lower l*p bled. He…slapped me.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my jaw as he grabbed it like he planned to break

it, “You slut, do you think I will go easy on you just because you are Dark’s

Rose?” he barked, his yellow eyes looking like he had taken a deeper dive into

the pool of insane. “I am not scared of Dark, do you understand? If you dare to

raise your voice toagain then I will change my mind and f**k your mouth

right here before night falls!”

My whole b*dy froze in his grasp and my heart dropped to my stomach out of

fear at his words. What did he mean before night falls? The other


rogues standing behind him suddenly becrestless and started making

disgusting lusty noises while they eyedas if I were a delicious piece of


“What are you planning to do withwhen night falls?” I stammered as my

whole b*dy shivered when his gaze landed on my b*dy.

“Planning to marry you,” he grinned, leaning down to lick my n*ck. My face

turned pale at his plan.

“NOO!!” I screamed, struggling to get away from him only to receive another


“You raised your voice again?!” he barked, tearing at the front of my dress. His

action frightenedwhen my bra becvisible to them and a large amount

of my skin was exposed to their hungry gazes. I bit my l*ps but I could no longer

shout. It seemed that he was triggered by my screaming or he thought a

woman’s scream was an offense to his delicate senses.

He giggled at the sight ofbiting my own l*ps until they bled, “That’s a good

submissive b*tch, just like we want. Get ready for gang bang tonight,” with that

he let go of my hair, got up, and leftin a state of pure terror.

What the hell was going on? Why were they callingRose and who was this

Dark that they were so scared of. Why were they callingDark’s? Nothing

made any sense to me. I had suddenly been kidnapped by a group of rogues

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and it seemed like they knew me. It seemed like they had been waiting for me

to appear but I had only been safe early due to Reuben. As soon as I cout

from under his protective wings, I had been caught. The words ‘gang bang‘ sent

shivers down to my spin. I did not know what tit was or how many hours

were left before nightfall but I knew one thing for certain: there was no way that

I could be ruined by their hands.

My head suddenly spins, probably due to the chloroform still being in my

system. I had to get out of here. I had to get back to my children. My


Chapter 60

vision blacked out and my eyes slowly closed. I had to get back to…

“Willow…” Reuben’s smiling face appeared in front of my eyes.

“Reuben?” I whispered, looking down at our entwined hands. The two of us were

in school uniforms and sitting in our meeting spot.

“When did you fall in love with me?” He pulledinto his lap as I wrapped my

legs around his trim waist.

I looked into his beautiful green eyes as I confessed, “The first tyou held my

hand back in that rogue trafficking ring encampment.”

His ears turned red, which was a rare sight to see. A small smile appeared on my

l*ps as I wrapped my arms around his n*ck, “When did you fall in love with me?”

I asked.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulledcloser until our bodies

touched, “I don’t know. Maybe I fell in love with you when I caught your scent

and entered into that rogue hide out,” I blinked as my heart skipped a bit at his

confession. I always wondered how a strong Alpha like Reuben had ended up in

rogue encampment. I never knew that he had purposefully gone there and

intentionally got caught for me. “Or maybe, when you promised to protect me

and takehome. Or was it when you put your trust in me.”

Sitting on his lap, I silently admired him as my heart beat insistently in my

chest. He was so pure in his feelings for me. I could not help but touch my l*ps

with his. Reuben slowly closed his eyes, smiling as he enjoyed my one side


“Reuben, what will you do if I die?” I did not know why but I asked this


Reuben’s smile disappeared and he opened his eyes to meet mine. “I will never

let you die,” his eyes were full of crazed obsession.


“No one knows the future,” I touched his cheek. “Maybe I am in a situation

where dying is the only option left.”

He stared into my eyes peering down deep into my very soul in silence then

whispered, “If that day ever comes, I will follow you Willow. If Willow dies then

what does Reuben have left to live for?” he hugged my waist and buried his face

in my n*ck, “My life begins and ends with you.”