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Facade of Love

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110 The Island in the Lake

Liam ended the call with a chuckle and said to me, “She’ll watch over Iddy. Let’s hit the


I nodded and we left the hospital, making a beeline for the casino down south.

Liam drove, marveling at the towering new buildings we passed. “Lake City’s been

booming these last couple of years. They’re really throwing up these. skyscrapers fast.”

I just nodded, my mind elsewhere. Sweety had been in trouble since last night, and I had

no clue how she was now.

“Hey, I heard the Scott Corporation’s hit a rough patch,” Liam said, throwing a glance my

way as he navigated the streets.

I nodded again, and to show I was not just brushing him off, I grunted an acknowledgment.

He did not press on and instead floored it, taking us toward the suburbs.

As we left the city behind, I was itching with questions. However, before I could ask

anything, my phone buzzed. It was Officer Jackson.

“Officer Jackson, any news?” I asked as soon as I picked up.

“Yeah,” he grunted back. “We’ve been tailing Noah for days. Think he might be holed up in

that southside casino, but it’s not a sure thing. That place is tricky for us to just waltz into,

so we’re working on a way to sneak a peek. I’ve got officers on stakeout elsewhere, too.

But don’t worry, Ms. Scott, if your person’s with Noah, we’ll get them back.”

I nodded to myself, thanking him over and over.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

After the call, I was left wondering. Why was the department not making a move on Noah

just yet?

A political fugitive who had been in hiding was now back home, and oddly enough, no one

was making a move against him. It just did not add up.

Llet out a heavy sigh.

Catching my sigh, Liam shot me a look and said in a soothing tone, “Don’t sweat it. I’ve

crossed paths with Noah a few times. Sure, he’s tough as nails, but we’re his turf now, and

he’s not one to stir up trouble where he knows he shouldn’t

nod, though I could not shake the unease clinging to me

Chapter 110 The Island in the Lake

Liam ended the call with a chuckle and said to me, “She’ll watch over Iddy. Let’s hit the


I nodded and we left the hospital, making a beeline for the casino down south.

Liam drove, marveling at the towering new buildings we passed. “Lake City’s been

booming these last couple of years. They’re really throwing up these skyscrapers fast.”

I just nodded, my mind elsewhere. Sweety had been in trouble since last night, and I had

no clue how she was now.

“Hey, I heard the Scott Corporation’s hit a rough patch,” Liam said, throwing a glance my

way as he navigated the streets.

I nodded again, and to show I was not just brushing him off, I grunted an acknowledgment.

He did not press on and instead floored it, taking us toward the suburbs.

As we left the city behind, I was itching with questions. However, before I could ask

anything, my phone buzzed. It was Officer Jackson.

“Officer Jackson, any news?” I asked as soon as I picked up.

“Yeah,” he grunted back. “We’ve been tailing Noah for days. Think he might be holed up in

that southside casino, but it’s not a sure thing. That place is tricky for us to just waltz into,

so we’re working on a way to sneak a peek. I’ve got officers on stakeout elsewhere, too.

But don’t worry, Ms. Scott, if your person’s with Noah, we’ll get them back.”

I nodded to myself, thanking him over and over.

After the call, I was left wondering. Why was the department not making a move on Noah

just yet?

A political fugitive who had been in hiding was now back home, and oddly enough, no one

was making a move against him. It just did not add up.

1 let out a heavy sigh.

Catching my sigh, Liam shot me a look and said in a soothing tone, “Don’t sweat I’ve

crossed paths with Noah a few times. Sure, he’s tough as nails, but we’re his turf now, and

he’s not one to stir up trouble where he knows he shouldn’t.

though I could not shake the unease clinging to me

As we drove on, the cityscape had long faded behind us. “Why’s this casino way out here

in the sticks?” I wondered aloud.

Liam nodded. “Well, it’s called a casino, but it’s more like a place for Lake City’s elites to

kick back. They like their peace and quiet, so they tucked it away out here.

We wound around a few mountain bends, and I caught a glimpse of some castle- like

buildings. Liam floored it down a side road at a fork, and soon we pulled up to a villa. He

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

rolled down the window just as a dapper guy in a sharp suit came hustling out to greet us.

“Good day, sir. Anything I can assist you with?”

Liam grunted a yes, handed over a card with a gold trim and a couple of bills, and said,

“I’m heading to the island in the lake.”

The suited guy did not snatch the cash right away. Instead, he examined the card closely,

then his eyes widened a bit. “Mr. Young, huh? Just a sec, I’ll get you checked in,” he said

and dashed off.

He was back in a jiffy, all bows and respect. “Mr. Young, you’re all set to drive on down.”

Liam nodded, his smile never wavering, and handed over the cash. “Appreciate it, ” he

said, and we were on our way again.

Liam fired up the engine, and the man by the car gestured for us to follow his

lead. A garage–like door swung open beside the villa, and Liam steered the car inside. I

was about to get out, thinking we had parked, when Liam tossed me a look and said, “Hold


Once we were in the garage, the sharply dressed man outside gave me a wave goodbye

before the door slid shut behind us. I was still piecing together what was happening when I

felt the car sink slowly. I shot Liam a worried glance.

He caught my eye and flashed a reassuring grin. “Don’t sweat it. We’ll drive out again

once we’re down. We’re on a car elevator.”

It took me a moment to wrap my head around the idea–an elevator for cars? That was a

new one for me.

After a four or five–minute descent, the car came to a gentle halt, and with a Swoosh, a

door opened up ahead of us.