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Ex-Husband Wants Badly to Resume Their Marriage

Chapter 9
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Chapter 9: I’m Pregnant

Sharon looked up at the glass wall of the building.

Although she could not see clearly, she felt someone staring at her coldly.

That sent shivers down her spine.

Now, Jameson must hate her so much that he even wanted to kill her.

With the help of the security guards brought by Jacob, Sharon wedged herself into the crowd.

Looking at Josh messing around on the ground, she felt really exhausted.

“What exactly do you want?”

Seeing her, Josh stood up and knocked the dirt off him.

“Here you are.Tell Jameson to come down and talk about the division of property after the divorce.’

“I told you that his money has nothing to do with me.”

Hearing this, Josh raised his voice, “How could you say that? Did you sleep with him for three years

for free? What a joke! Could he find a prostitute for free?”

Sharon opened her mouth but found nothing to say to him.

She turned around and said to Jacob, “Call the police.”

Jacob nodded slightly.

Seeing Sharon leave, Josh hurriedly went over and stopped her, “How can you leave like this? I’m

here for you.I’ll take just a part of the money, and the rest will be yours! And now you’re giving me a

dirty look.You’re not grateful to me for raising you for so many years!”

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Sharon shook off his hand and said, “You know what you’re doing.If you want to mess around, you

can continue.I won’t mind it if you’re taken away by the police.By the way, I won’t go to bail you out,

nor will Ruben.You can just stay at the police station where you’ll have food and drink, and your

creditors can’t find you.”

Josh slapped her in the face and glared at her, “How can you say that? I worked so hard to raise

you and your brother.

Now that you’re fully-fledged and you’re married to a rich man, you look down on me, don’t you?”

“Whatever you think.”

There were more and more onlookers around.

Sharon did not want to stay any longer.

She looked down and quickly left.

Although Josh had messed around for a while, Jameson didn’t show up.

Sharon had left, and they called the police.

If he were really taken into the police station, it would be troublesome.

He said to the security guards aggressively, “Tell your president that I will come again in a few


After Josh left, the crowd dispersed.

Jacob walked into the building and said to the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window,

“Mr.Proctor, it’s settled.”

Jameson put one hand in his pocket, and the other held his mobile phone.

He emitted a cold aura.

His thin lips slightly opened, “Where’s Sharon?”

“She’s gone.”

Jameson sneered, “Gone?”

“Yes, and…” she was slapped.

Before Jacob could finish his sentence, Jameson said, “Postpone the meeting in the afternoon until


Jacob replied, “Yes.”

Jameson took out his phone and sent a message to Sharon without any expression.

“Three o’clock, Civil Affairs Bureau.”

Ten minutes later, he received a reply, “Alright.”

Sharon sat on a bench by the side of the street.

After replying to the message, she put her phone back into her bag, crossed her legs, and buried

her face in her knees.

If possible, she really wanted to go to a place where no one knew her and restart her life.

Without Josh, Jameson, and those extremely embarrassing insults.

After a long time, Sharon wiped away her tears and prepared to wait outside the Civil Affairs


However, when she stood up, she felt dizzy, as if the world began to spin around.

She fainted in a few seconds.

When she woke up, the smell of disinfectant filled the surroundings.

She was at the hospital.

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She rubbed her head, found her phone, and looked at the time.


She was done.

Just as Sharon was about to send a message to Jameson to explain, the curtain beside her was

pulled open.

The nurse smiled and said, “You’re awake.The doctor has already examined you.You’re a little

hypoglycemic, and you haven’t had breakfast in the morning, so there’s nothing serious with

you.You can leave after resting for a while.”

Sharon nodded, “Thank you.”

“By the way, you’re pregnant.Your health is not good, so you must be very careful, especially in the

first three months.In two days, when you are free, you’d better have your husband accompany you

to the hospital for a maternity examination.”

The nurse told her and left.

After hearing the first sentence, Sharon was shocked on the hospital bed.

The news came as a bolt from the blue, nothing less than the shock and bewilderment of knowing

that Josh owed a million usury the night she won the prize.

It was as if she had seen the light in front of her, and if she took another step, she would get rid of

the darkness.

However, someone suddenly built a high wall for her at the entrance.

No matter what, she couldn’t cross it.

Sharon lifted the blanket and made an appointment at the obstetrics department without giving

Jameson an explanation.