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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 379: Morpheuss Life-Attribute Dungeon Conquest 24/?: God-Slaying Weapons
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379 Morpheus's Life-Attribute Dungeon Conquest 24/?: God-Slaying Weapons

Ramhet Megusan felt cold sweat dripping from her neck, seeing the giant figure of a metallic dragon blocking the artificial sun of the dungeon, and its intimidating presence that could make most weaklings faint instantaneously.

She gulped the saliva on her throat as she saw the harbinger of death herself, the one who killed the rest of her entire soul and ate it as if it were a snack before dinner…


Despite being a God, the fear for his life was an instinctive feeling that every living being possessed, even those above mortals could feel it, whenever they saw an enemy capable of annihilating their existence.

However, as a God, dying from its physical vessel was not possible, the only true death that awaited gods were the destruction of their soul, their entire existence would then fade, there wouldn't be reincarnation, not even turning into a ghost or become part of the energy of this world… it was the complete deletion from existence.

Ramhet Megusan had already experienced the excruciating pain of having her soul devoured twice, the fear for such a being as Kireina was deeply engraved on her very self. The hope that had ignited on its rotten heart was quickly dissipated, and there was already despair growing on her expression.

"Survive! I must survive!" thought Ramhet Megusan, as her new brain began to work at an incredible speed due to the power of his Soul, trying to find a way to get out of this alive.


Using all of MP and Divine Energy that it could fathom, Ramhet Megusan flew towards the underground, trying to run away by burying itself in the vast dunes.

"There is no way out!" roared Kireina, with a voice that made the entire dungeon tremble, her voice itself made Megusan's soul instinctively shake in complete fear for its life.


Suddenly, as Kireina roared, space itself distorted and the brilliant day became dark like the night, the sky became chaotic, showing all types of colors twisting around in spirals of madness.

Ramhet Megusan was stopped from its charge by the strange space that inhibited its movements, it couldn't get out.

"Ah Domain…?! T-Then!"

Using all of its intent to survive, Ramhet Megusan tried to use its leftover Divine Energy, Aura, and Divinity to create a hole in Kireina's domain with her Soul corrosion properties.

A cannon of Corrosion was fired against the walls of Kireina's domain, but such a powerful blast that would melt even diamonds was not capable of creating a hole in the domain.

The domain quickly showed new properties, the same powers as Ramhet Megusan, Corrosion!



Using the powers within her soul, Megusan enhanced her physical vessel's speed and managed to evade the attack, but before she could detect the origin of the attack, a powerful, transparent, and formless force pushed her away, breaking several of her ribs and two of her legs, mouthfuls of blood were vomited from within her innards.

"BUGEEH…! W-What is it now…?!"

"Behind you!"


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Before Megusan was capable of understanding the barrage of attacks that it was receiving, a shockwave in the form of a slice made out of thunder clashed over Megusan's back, creating a deep wound where blood gushed out, the pain of a mortal body was enough to make the Demon Demigod scream in pain.


Megusan was finally given a small second to assess its assaulters, a beautiful and dazzling young woman with light blue skin, a long royal-like blue dress, and rainbow-colored eyes with a hair resembling a river of multiple colors.

A fair-looking Japanese woman with crimson eyes and long pink hair, wearing a pink and red kimono, and at closer inspection, she had three eyes in her forehead, one in each hand, and several others in her chest and arms. This chapt????r is updat????d by nov????l(f)ire

And a virile get a charming woman with tight muscles in her belly, her lower half of a strong blue scaled shark, a long and sharp fin, sharp knife-like teeth, short red hair, and an aura exuding the power of Thunder and Water Attributes, there was also a strange yellow fluid covering her body like armor.

"You mortals! You dare come to finish me off?! Kireina, you coward! Fight me yourself!" roared Megusan, trying to build up time to conjure a Corrosion Spell enough to kill the mortals surrounding her.

"You are too weak for me, so I decided to leave the butchering to my beloved wives, they just evolved, so they want to get used to their new powers. Please, take good care of them" said Kireina, with a teasing tone.



The beautiful blue maiden… Rimuru, raised her two colorful swords as she released a series of consecutive slices enhanced with her Omni-Elemental Spiritual Magic, the magic attacks hit Megusan's weakened and dying body from her rear, slicing a piece of her flesh and leaving deep and bloody wounds.

"S-Shit! Corrosion Cannon!" shouted Megusan as if her lungs were to explode, releasing a powerful cannon of Corrosion Attribute enhanced with Divine Energy towards the floating Rimuru.

However, instead of blocking it, Rimuru received the attack and released her own powers. Her colorful and aquamarine Aura expanded widely as she enhanced her two swords with them.

"Spiritual Blade Dance!" she shouted, as she was surrounded in waves of multiple colors, dancing like a beautiful maiden, she sliced the powerful Corrosion attack with an Aura that was almost akin to Divine! The corrosion only managed to slip away as if avoiding her powerful presence. The bright light of multiple colors dissipated the corrosion cannon as if it were mere mist, while she used this opportunity to release powerful beams of concentrated magic towards the baffled Demon Demigod.

Flash! Flash!

Megusan was capable enough to evade things that came right in front of her, but as she did this, the delicate-looking Japanese-like woman with multiple eyes… Nanako grasped this opportunity to release a powerful wave of Psychic powers from within her multiple eyes, several jewels floated around her, her Phantasmal Relic, which enhanced her powers even further.

An Aura that condensed space itself was released in the form of a giant hand, punching Megusan's body with great force and momentum.

The God of Venomous and Long Critters had already coated her body with her own immortal Soul, and such an attack wouldn't have been capable of damaging her… yet, the powerful force broke out of his own soul, as if breaking glass, bits of purple-colored soul flew away, hitting Megusan's physical body, crushing her ribs and making her stomach explode.


"H-How is it possible?! She broke out my Soul with her Telekinetic attack?! She is a mortal, that??s impossible!" Megusan thought.

And as if reading her mind, Kireina answered Megusan's question.

"You're wondering why they can damage your soul even if they are mortals that don't possess Divine Energy, right?"

"Huh?! D-Did she read my mind?!"

"Its because I coated their weapons with Divinity Devouring! Any power released by using their weapons, or artifacts on Nanako's case, will slowly diminish your soul… by eating it!"

"W-What?! What kind of Divinity Devouring do you have?! It's impossible to coat its effect on things, is a Technique, not energy neither an effect…!"

"Technique…? This is a Skill, you ignorant maggot"

"Skill…?! SKILL!!! T-This damned System!!!"

"Don't lose focus!" said the muscular Mershark Lady… Gaby, as she flew through the sky like a flash of lightning, her blade, enhanced with Divinity Devouring, released powerful slices capable of damaging a God's soul, the thunder roared, and Megusan's soul, which coated her already unrecognizable body, received the full power of her attacks.

Crack! Crack!

As if breaking glass, the venomous soul of Megusan broke into purple pieces, instantly being eaten by Kireina's Domain, without wasting a tiny bit!


Megusan experienced once again the terrible pain of having one's soul being broke apart into pieces and then eaten, such impact made her already insane soul grow even more insane. The desire of survival was now futile, and malice grew within her heart.

"If I cannot win, I will make sure to take one with me! You will learn that having a family is a waste of time! The only important thing in this world is power! POWER! You are a hypocrite for having a family and nurturing them, it's all useless!"


Megusan enhanced its entire body with her Aura, like a purple meteor, she flew towards Rimuru, who was the closes to her. Her speed surpassed those of mortals, and Rimuru was not capable of moving away in time.

"Don't say such rude things to Masta, you horrible worm, guu!!! You probably never experienced the love of a family, senseless insect!"

Rimuru's words surprised Megusan's, as she didn't have any hint of fear for her life, without even trying to move, she enhanced her body with her Aura and braced herself with her two swords.


As Megusan was about to hit Rimuru and explode in a blast of Divine Energy and Corrosion, Rimuru intercepted it with her blades and Aura, as she released a powerful force of multiple magic elements and spiritual energy, her very soul was then put into action, infusing her Soul Energy into her Arts, Skills, and Spells.


A blinding light of aquamarine colors clashed against the purple and ominous soul of Megusan, his charge was easily stopped, the Demigod of Venomous and Long Critters felt weak… despair grew on her hear as she understood that not even her plan to kill herself alongside a beloved member of her enemy was possible… It was all useless.

"Guuuu!!! Gaby, Nanako!"

"On it!" shouted Gaby as she flew through the skies like a flash of lightning and released a powerful wave of oceans coated in thunder, which took the shape of twelve different white sharks, opening their jaws wide, they bit into Megusan's Soul voraciously.

"Please, 'God', receive this parting gift!" said Nanako, as she concentrated all of her Psychic Energy that she could fathom from within her eyes, enhanced by her artifacts and Divinity Devouring, she released a blast of formless force, hitting Megusan from his other side, his entire soul felt as if it was being pressed upon by an unfathomable weight.

"GUUUUU! God Piercing Blade!" shouted Rimuru, activating her newest Art that she obtained after evolving her Skills, a powerful light concentrated all of her energies into her blades and released a tremendous slicing force.



Just like before, Megusan soul was sliced in half by one of Rimuru's attacks, while the sliced pieces were vaporized by Gaby and Nanako's help…

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The God of Venomous and Long Critters, Megusan, saw her physical vessel turn into ashes and his soul, his very existence, fading away…

"Is this… death…? Just like before… I'm experiencing it again…! To think that such… a feeble mortal would defeat me… how low I've gone… Huh…? Is that…? So I still live… somewhere… Hehe… Bwahaha…!"

In its last moments, the piece of Megusan's soul felt the existence of the egg containing a small, tiny piece of his soul, perhaps it didn't contain a memory at all, but it still meant that his existence was somewhere.

The split soul dissipated and was eaten by Kireina's domain, while the physical vessel was vaporized, not even ashes remained.

"Phew…! We did it!" cheered Rimuru, with a bright smile.

"That wasn't as hard as I thought," said Gaby, cleaning the sweat off her forehead.

"It was very easy… well, he was nothing more than a piece of the original one" analyzed Nanako, like the eyes that covered her body closed.

Kireina's domain slowly disappeared as the light of the sun behind her leaked from the sides of her large shadow.

"That was fulfilling, although not really delicious…" Kireina muttered.

"How does the soul of a god taste like, mommy?" asked Vudia, who had spectated the whole scene with her glowing golden eye.

"It tastes like… well, very bitter and salty poison"

"Ugh… that's horrible!" she said. Ailine who was at her side took her tongue out as if showing her disgust as well.

"It is… but it was also somewhat fulfilling"

Rimuru, Gaby, and Nanako received a large number of Experience Points, and the amount was also shared with the rest of the family, even Kireina, as they all watched the fight not from so far away.

"Mother you were so awesome!" aid Valentia, grabbing her mother Gaby with her large dark claws, and hugging her tightly with her titan-like strength.

However, Gaby's own strength was similar to a titan as well, and her body was as hard as adamantine, so she received her giant daughter's hug happily.

Aarae jumped on it and cheered for her mother's triumph.

"You did very well, mother, you too Gubo!" he said.

"Gubo!" said Gubo, who came back to her original form, as she was in the shape of armor.

"Yes, good work to all my aunts!" said Vudia, with a cheerful smile. Her cute and tiny voice made everyone's heart melt.

Kireina congratulated everyone else as well and slowly flew through the skies, towards the Light Sphinx City, where its citizen saw the catastrophic battle that made the entire dungeon tremble from afar.

"They killed the demon who had taken our princess body…!"

"Our saviors!"

"Oh, giant Dragon Goddess!"

"She had saved our lives… but the royal family… it's all dead…"

"What will we do now…?"
