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Epic of Caterpillar-Novel

Chapter 219: Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest 12/69; Fire Onis Resolve
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219 Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest 12/69; Fire Oni's Resolve




The Venomous Desert Tyrants rushed towards our position from all directions, their massive and scaled bodies created small thunderous sounds as they ran through the Dungeon floor, when various of them gathered in one single space, a massive earthquake was formed, making the whole floor tremble.

Leading one of the groups, twenty of these beasts pointed their tails at us as they began to bombard us with green-colored poisonous bullets, which were able to corrode and melt even the dungeon floor. I easily blocked any attack on my family with the Azure Gemstone barriers created by their tattoos.

However, the rain of acidic poison quickly overwhelmed us, making my children finally jump to action, Ailine, Vudia, and Aarae worked together and conjured a powerful Storm of Wind, Water, and Thunder, devastating most of their surrounding area and making the massive beasts fly through the ceilings, electrified by the thunder, sliced by the wind and frozen by the icy waters.

Ryo and Valentia began their devastating onslaught of physical techniques and skills, Ryo used his four gauntlets as he released strong punches and kicks enhanced with different elements. Meanwhile, he also used his advanced Shadow and Dark Magic to support his back, creating a thick aura of darkness that released countless dark tentacles, trapping the monsters that set foot inside, giving him an easy time while getting rid of them.

Valentia stood proudly as she used her incredible muscles on her massive shark tail to give powerful jumps, falling over the surprised scaled beasts, crushing them into meat paste, the ones who dared to come her way were greeted with colossal boulders and my daughter's own fists, which were enough to overwhelm the reptilian creatures.

Amiphossia used her giant body to her advantage and decided to practice her swordsmanship alongside her magic, releasing powerful magic slashes that completely sliced the monsters in half, killing almost instantly. She used Fire and Phantasmal Magic to enhance her blade, giving it a powerful phantasmal fire coating, that was able to easily slice through the monster's powerful scales and even split their small souls apart, killing them in agonizing pain. She even practiced her Phantasmal Possession as she released small ghosts that resembled her figure, which took over some of the beasts and ordered them to kill each other, beginning a small war between the monsters themselves.

Even with the protection of the Tattoos, they weren't completely protected and sometimes the strong and corrosive poison would melt through the Azure Gemstone Barriers and damage my children, thankfully with these sands that I could set into automatic mode, they would be healed almost instantly while getting their Gemstone Barriers automatically repaired as well with my own MP Pool.

After half an hour of battling half of the original beasts were taken but more spawned over the minutes, seeing some notable mental and spiritual fatigue in some of my children, I decided to join in with my wives as we teamed up in wonderful tandem techniques. Everyone had fought together for so long that we knew each other attacks and could work together flawlessly.

Just like in the previous times we fought these types of "monster waves", after several hours of slaughter, the Spawn Points ended up malfunctioning and exploding over overusing Dungeon Energy, exploding and stopping the spawning of monsters.

[Calculating EXP gained…]

[Kireina] gained 226.082.545 EXP] [Demonic Concubines] and [Chaos Bringer Children] Parties gained lots of EXP]

[LEVEL 037/250?EXP 286.845.478/430.000.0000 EXP]

[Kireina] gained a new Title]

[Slayer of Desert Tyrants]

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Happy with the results of this small workout, I glanced around the devastating scene and noticed Oga and the Fire Onis resting in the floor completely exhausted, they also put on some work and gained plenty of EXP.

"Haaah… Haaahhh… Its finally over… Incredible… Master Kireina's family strength is incredible…! To think that they can keep fighting a tremendous horde of deadly and giant beasts for hours and hours… If it wasn't for their support, we would all be dead by now… The Dungeon is really frightening!"

"You will have to get used to it, Oga, if you really are aiming to be my concubine and want to please my wives and my expectations, you will have to go through this every day in the Kingdom, training against an endless army of Undead Skeletons"

"Ooh?! If that's a challenge I accept! I won't back down, Kireina! I will make you mine one night and I will make sure that you leave a child inside of me! All your children are incredibly strong! I want one as well!"

"Hahaha, I like your enthusiasm, Oga. I invite you all to help me out in the cleaning and storing of the hundreds of corpses"

Oga although tired, infused her muscles with her own aura and tightened them, forcing herself to stand up once again. Glaring at her subordinates Fire Onis, she yelled;

"Ugh… Alright, everyone! Let's put in some more work for Master Kireina!"

The tired Onis did the same as Oga and stood up while stretching their muscles.

"Alright! Let's gooooo!!!"

"Uoooohhh! I am not going to back down!"

"Let's move those muscles!"

"Feel the pain, feel the heat on your muscles, brothers!"

They are really a unique and cheerful bunch, I like these Onis.

I was rather hungry and alongside my children and some of my most voracious wives, we began snacking on the corpses of the monsters. I only grilled them with some of my [Pirokinesis] on the go, and seasoned them with a little bit of salt and sauces, I took a big barrel of minty beer and shared several cups with my family while eating the monsters.

Their meat had a rather rough texture but the flavor was sweet and greasy. Eating them with their grilled skin and scales gave them a crunchier texture to it, and the poison was very citric but sweet, perhaps not recommended to those without Poison Immunity if you don't want your insides getting completely melted.

Their internal organs were nothing really extraordinary and these monsters' brain was very small but had a creamy and salty texture, very different than other brains I've eaten. The heart was juicy and the blood fine enough. After drinking it for a long time I unlocked these beast's bloodlines, which was immediately assimilated by my [Lineage] skill. These monsters seem to be related to Wyverns and Lesser Drakes.

When Oga and her group finished we decided to move to the last floor, the 46th floor, just before the Boss, so we could set our camp there. In the way we also came across plenty of different floors and various teleporting traps, even Vudia was trapped by one that one of my Slime Clones wasn't able to disarm in time.

Thankfully I was able to easily track her with the Slime Clones that I left on her clothes. I flew at max speed to rescue my daughter but found out that she had already massacred the entire floor of monsters before I could come to her help.

The monsters that ambushed Vudia were a species of Crabs named Six-Clawed Armored Horror of the Desert. These beasts had massive bodies of over six meters, incredibly sturdy shells made of iron, steel, and copper and six massive claws which they used to rip their prey to shreds. Vudia killed them all using her Gold Golems as protection while generating Floating Gold Weapons, ravaging the beasts into pieces while electrocuting them. I congratulated my cheerful daughter as we made our way back to the group.

Before reaching floor 46 we came across these same Crabs and some subspecies of Lesser Sand Wyverns, small versions of the Sand Wyvern Boss that could fly around and throw fireballs or summon boulders at will. The groups were small so it wasn't anything very interesting, we grabbed the corpses and patiently waited to cook them when we reached our desired location.

When we reached floor 45, we found a small open wall that connected to a massive black-colored mountain that seemed to be made of charcoal. When I inspected outside, I found a massive area filled with caves and lava rivers, alongside arid zones with barely any vegetation. The sky was just a ceiling made of hard gray stones filled with crystals, gemstones, and minerals of various colors. Which illuminated the whole place with bright lights. Oga ran towards the entrance and yelled;

"Here it is! This is the way we came from! Let's go! I want you to meet my Old Man!"

Although it was tempting to explore the Lower Realm and all of its mysterious places, I denied Oga's offer.

"Not yet, we will go down the natural way, descending through the stairs and reaching the last floor"

"W-What? B-But… Are you serious about conquering this dungeon, Master Kireina? This thing has been up for a millennium! No one on my Tribe and in all the Oni Tribes has ever been able to defeat the beast that lives on the last floor! It's pretty much death sentence!"

"Well Oga, if you are so scared to accompany us, you are free to go down through this path. You can wait for us near the entrance"

After hearing the word "scared", Oga's shiny red muscles suddenly tightened and bulged intensively as her ruby eyes shined in bright eerie light.

"Scared?! Oga, the daughter of the Red Fire Oni Tribe Chief and the one blessed by the Demi-God of Heat is scared?! I am not scared! I will fight alongside you, Master Kireina! I have already set my goals, and those are only fulfilled by your side!"

The scared Red Onis at her side also nodded while crossing their muscular arms.


"We are not going through there that road!"

"This is Master's trial; we must surpass it and break our limits!"

"The Fire Oni Tribe is not made of cowards, but of brave people!"

Oga closed her eyes as she nodded with a confident grin.

"Exactly! That's the spirit, everyone! Fire Onis have a blazing spirit that burns through all!"

Suddenly Oga began to pose with her powerful muscles, as her subordinates did the same, showing their determination in each tightening of their bulky physique.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Hahaha! You all are an amusing bunch, very well, as long as you keep going through my side, I can guarantee your life, everyone! But your growth depends completely on your own will to become stronger!"

As my words dropped, all the Onis had blazing eyes of determination, even their eyes released strong flames that could burn an entire forest.

"Uoooooohh!!! Master Kireina!"

"We will become stronger! The Fire Oni Tribe is going to get good!"

"No more backing down, let's keep going ahead, and never looking back!"

Oga suddenly hugged me tightly as she celebrated their new-found determination.

"Thanks, Master Kireina! We are not going to disappoint you!"

Oga's long and brown hair smelt like charcoal, while also having a strong salty scent from her own sweat and steam released from her muscles. It was a very manly scent, but at the same time very alluring.

Out of reflex, I patted her head, which she didn't expect at all.

"W-What…? M-Master Kireina, what are you d-d-doing?"

"Hm? Has no one ever patted your head before? You are rather adorable sometimes"

"Uuaaaah~! D-D-Don't do that! You put me in shame in front of my subordinates!"

When I glanced at the other Fire Onis, they were covering their mouths while trying not to laugh.

After clarifying that patting someone's head was a show of affection and not a way to ridicule someone as it was seen by the Fire Oni Tribe customs, we went through some small monster groups and finally reached the 46th floor without any problems. Everyone then promptly started to cook the myriad of new meats that we had obtained.

[Calculating EXP gained…] Follow current s on Noᴠelꜰire

[Kireina] gained 58.334.772 EXP] [Demonic Concubines] and [Chaos Bringer Children] Parties gained lots of EXP]

[LEVEL 037/250?EXP 345.180.250/430.000.0000 EXP]

I was sure that the Venomous Desert Tyrants would taste better if cooked properly, so I was looking forward to their flavors. I also wondered how tasty these new Six-Clawed Crabs and Lesser Flying Sand Wyverns were compared to the Sand Wyvern Boss, which meat had already been devoured completely by the voracious appetite of both mine and my family.


