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Contract With Alpha Logan

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Kyl!e POV For a long time, I didn't speak !n the car as I thought about Graham and his blind love and support for Zoe. How could he not see her dece!t? Why was it that every tI tried to open his eyes, he would get even more !rr!tated? I sighed as I looked out of the window towards the mounta!ns and valleys and p!nes and 'f!rs that I had grown attached to. Along with Graham, I used to run !n th!s forest !n our wolf forms. T!mes when Zoe wasn't there. At least that's what I assumed. But she was there, watch!ng us all the time, strateg!z!ng her next move while I was so oblivious to her ev!l !ntent!ons, while I was committed to my pack's well-being.

I trusted Graham with all my heart, and he broke my heart with all his might.

"Kyl!e?" Logan's vo!ce pulledout of my rever!e.

I snapped my head to look at h!m and forced a sm!le. Only when he w!ped my cheeks, I realized I was cry!ng. "What are you think!ng about?" he asked.

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I shook my head. In a vo!ce choked with emot!ons, I sa!d, "I want to go to the temple of the Moon Goddess and offer my prayers to her once we are in the Nord pack." H!s brows scrunched. "Sure, but why?" "Because I want to thank her for g!v!nga second-chance mate." He stared atIntensely and pulledclose to h!m. Wrapp!ng his brawny arm around me, he said, "In that case, I have to go with you, because I have been luck!er !n this department." I giggled. "I love you, Alpha Logan." He kissed the crown of my head. "And I love you more." Inhal!ng his scent, I settled my head on his chest as we drove to the Nord pack. I wanted to th!nk of my next step, but all I did was sleep. When we reached our pack, he carr!ed!n his arms all the way to our bedroom and settledon the bed. After he helpedstr!p my clothes, he str!pped h!s, and spoonedfrom behind. How could I not revel !n h!s warm embrace? I woke up !n the middle of the night with a wet dream and a popp!ng sound. “Uhhh...?” I looked down !n confus!on, only to find Logan suck!ng my breast. H!s hand had disappeared between my thighs and one finger was in my pussy. Oh God! My Logan had the ab!l!ty to makewet, even !n my dreams. His very hard shaft was ly!ng aga!nst my thighs, brand!ng my sk!n with !ts heat.

"Logan!" started pump!ng them.

My body had !ts own mind when I was around Logan. I arched my back as heat pooled !n my belly. "Ah!” I cin two seconds, cry!ng h!s nas the heat !n my body unco!led at the speed of an asp.

He removed his fingers and sucked them, star!ng at!ntensely.

I cupped his face and se!zed h!s l*ps, k!ss!ng h!m hard. He groaned and wrapped!n h!s arms, crush!nghard against his chest. His tongue sl!d aga!nst mine as he cupped my face and pressed his we!ght on my body, pushing!nto the mattress. H!s I*ps left my mouth, and he tra!led down to the slope of my throat. When he scraped his teeth and n!pped my sk!n, I moaned. He l!cked my mark, and des!re flooded my ve!ns. My core throbbed with a new ache as I arched against h!m, need!ng more, need!ng h!m to fill me.

He gripped my wrists with one hand and p!nned them above my hand. His heated kisses down my neck, my breasts and navel sent a shudder down my body. His fangs grazed my sk!n, mak!ngyelp. Logan left, k!ss!ngand propped onto his elbows, I!ft!ng his upper body while still p!nn!ng my h!ps down.

And then he looked atl!ke I was someth!ng prec!ous, someth!ng so stunn!ng that..... “I want to worsh!p your body," he said, mak!ng my breath lodge !n my throat. "You will be my death and I can't ever get enough of you." He stud!edfor what seemed like an etern!ty, mak!ngsqu!rm beneath him.

He flicked my nipples with his fingers. My head fell back when he p!nched them hard and released them; send!ng blood, draw!ngtowards a del!r!ous madness. He started suck!ng them aga!n, and I cupped the back of his head, moan!ng his name.

He released my n!pple with a pop sound and then went down to where he spread my legs. "I want to taste you was all the warn!ng he gavebefore he latched his mouth onto my core. His tongue was s!nful. The way he suckedhard, push!ng his tongue !ns!de my core like he wanted to f*ckw!th !t, I couldn't help but grab the pillow for the love of life. I thrashed my head aga!nst the p!llow as he cont!nued to suck me. “Cfor me, baby," he growled and grazed his fangs !nto my pussy.

With a scream, I call over his tongue and he sucked my ju!ces as the orgasm h!t!n waves after waves. I was so spent that my eyes almost closed, but he was relentless. Logan spread my legs and pos!t!oned his c*ck at my entrance. In one sw!ft movement, he pushed !t !ns!de me. "F*ck!" he groaned.

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"You are so wet for me." My head fell back as he started pump!ng !ns!dewith the feroc!ty of a flerce wolf. "Oh, God!" I rasped.

"Say, you're m!ne," he growled as he stared at me, his eyes flash!ng golden.

"Yours. I'm yours!"

He quickened his pace. I sensed a shudder !n his thigh. He was close. His knot swelled !nand I felt the fam!l!ar pressure, only th!s t!me, It didn't hurt. Tipping his head up, he N roared as he came, coating!ns!de with his hot and wet cum. And I call over again, clenching h!s c*ck, m!lk!ng h!m. He didn't move out unt!! he empt!ed his last seed !ns!de me. When his knot subs!ded, he slowly pulled out ofand slumped bes!de me. We were both breathless but far from sat!ety. "Do you know when I fell in love with you?" he sa!d between his breaths? "When?" "When I first saw you !n college. If I hadn't returned, I would have made you m!ne."

I turned to him and cupped h!s beautiful face. With a ragged breath, I ке salon"! Wish you had done that." Truth be told, I'd been fall!ng for Alpha Logan ever since I saw h!m !n the Lunar pack for the first time.

"I wish I had done that, but all's well that ends well, right?"

I nodded past the knot !n my throat and curled up against him. He pulledover his chest. snuggled in his chest and closed my eyes, t!red and sat!ated. X