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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chatper 610
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Chapter 610 The Death Of The Three Hall Leaders

“Something is off about that guy! Quick, attack and kill him together!” Edom shouted, clutching his

severed palm.

His cry snapped the two stunned hall leaders back to reality. Their gazes turned icy, and they launched

a simultaneous attack on Emrys.

“I’ll send all of you to hell!”

Emrys gave a chilling smile. His figure mysteriously disappeared. When he reappeared the next

second, he was already behind Haimon.

“The moment I first saw that sinister expression on your face, I felt extremely uncomfortable. So, you’re

up first!”

Emrys gripped Haimon’s neck with one hand, causing his delicate and feminine face to instantly pale.

Before he could react, his head suddenly tilted to one side.


His neck was broken.

“You’re next.”

After dealing with Haimon, Emrys blurred. In an instant, he reappeared before the short and chubby

man, who was none other than Sanguine. He struck his palm at the top of the man’s head.

Sanguine had attacked alongside Haimon earlier. Witnessing the sudden death of the latter, he was

momentarily stunned. By the time he gathered his senses, Emrys had already appeared before him.

His pupils quivered instantly.

What terrifying speed!

At that moment, he finally understood why Edom’s palm was severed. It was because the young man

before him was not someone they could afford to offend.


Sanguine retreated ahruntly no longer harboring any intention of fighting. His only


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Chapter 610 The Death Of The Three Hall Leaders



41% 16:00

thought was to dodge Emrys‘ impending strike.

But despite his impressive speed, Emrys‘ speed surpassed his.

Emrys‘ hand followed him like an arrow.

In the end, it landed precisely on the top of his head.


Sanguine fell dead.

Only Edom from Blood Purgatory Hall remained.

Upon witnessing Emrys‘ ferocity and his effortless dispatch of two Venerable Beings in the blink of an

eye, Edom was instantly terrified to the core.

“Mr. Hanson, please save-”

He didn’t have the courage to face Emrys, so he could only seek help from Hanson. But just as he

opened his mouth, a sudden sharp streak of light pierced his forehead.


He fell to the ground lifeless, a horrifying bloody hole suddenly appearing in the center of his forehead.

His eyes were wide open in disbelief.

Before his death, he finally understood why Emrys was so terrifying because he sensed. the aura of a

cultivator from that streak of light.

Since when did cultivators start meddling in the affairs of the martial arts field? Is he really that idle?

That question of his was destined to remain unanswered.

From the moment Emrys severed Edom’s wrist to killing the three men, it seemed like a long time had

passed. But in reality, it had only been a matter of seconds..

Every kill was accomplished in a heartbeat.

Hence, by the time Hanson gathered his wits about him, the three men were already dead.


Chapter 610 The Death Of The Three Hall Leaders

415 10:00

Jerome knew he was no match for Hanson. Therefore, he was fully focused when he fought, not daring

to be distracted in the least. Seeing Hanson freeze suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment.

As he followed Hanson’s gaze, his body promptly began to tremble violently.

Why did the Three Hall Leaders suddenly die? Could it be that this young man named Emrys killed


His complex gaze fell on Emrys. Although he couldn’t believe it, only that answer could explain the

bizarre phenomenon.

“You are quite elegant!”

As the two men were in a daze, Emrys‘ voice suddenly rang out. Immediately after, there was a crisp

smack as Hanson was sent flying away.

An artificial Divinity of Deity Slayer Alliance, Hanson was elegant and noble. His bespoke white suit that

was tailored to perfection only accentuated his aura.

However, at that moment, a slap out of nowhere landed hard on his arrogant and confident face from

several meters away.


The sound of a slap echoed through the room, breaking the silence. It was a sharp and sudden noise

that startled everyone present. The force of the slap left a red mark on the person’s cheek, a visible

sign of the impact.

The room fell into a tense silence as everyone turned their attention to the scene unfolding before

them. The person who had been slapped stood there, stunned and speechless, their hand instinctively

reaching up to touch their stinging cheek. The anger and hurt in their eyes were palpable.

The slapper, on the other hand, seemed unaffected by the consequences of their actions. They stood

tall, their expression cold and unapologetic. It was clear that this slap was not an accident or a

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momentary lapse of judgment. It was a deliberate act, fueled by anger and


The atmosphere in the room became charged with tension as the onlookers tried to make sense of

what had just happened. Whispers and murmurs filled the air as people. exchanged confused glances.

No one knew what had led to this violent outburst, but it was clear that something had gone terribly


In the aftermath of the slap, the room was filled with a mix of emotions. Shock, anger, and disbelief

hung heavy in the air. The person who had been slapped struggled to regain. their composure, their

face flushed with embarrassment and humiliation. They felt a mix. of emotions hurt, betrayal, and a

deep sense of injustice.

As the seconds ticked by, the tension in the room slowly dissipated, replaced by a heavy silence. The

impact of the slap lingered, leaving an indelible mark on the relationships and dynamics within the

room. It was a stark power of words and actions,

minder of the and the lasting effects they can have on individuals and communities.

The sound of the slap continued to reverberate in the minds of those present long after the physical

sting had faded. It served as a wake–up call, a reminder to treat each other with respect and kindness.

It was a painful lesson, but one that would not be forgotten. casily.

In the end, the slap served as a catalyst for change. It forced everyone in the room to confront their

own biases, prejudices, and unresolved conflicts. It was a painful and uncomfortable process, but one

that was necessary for growth and healing.

The room, once filled with tension and discord, slowly began to transform. Conversations were had,

apologies were made, and bridges were built. The slap became a turning point, a moment of reckoning

that led to a deeper understanding and empathy among those involved.

And so, the sound of the slap, though painful and jarring, ultimately became a catalyst for positive

change. It served as a reminder of the power of forgiveness, compassion, and the ability to learn from

our mistakes. It was a lesson that would not be forgotten, a lesson that would shape the future

interactions and relationships of those present.