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Cherished By Seven Sisters by Melvin Houle

Chapter 562
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Chapter 562 Preventing Disease Before It Strikes

The stern man snorted and said coldly, “If you think I’m not teaching properly, why don’t you do it?”

Anyone who had been a student before would likely find this phrase very familiar.

Whenever the teacher was lecturing from the podium and someone below was disrupting the

classroom discipline, the teacher would always stop and say to that student, “Come on, since you’re so

good at talking, why don’t you come up to the podium?”

This was a sign that the teacher was about to lose his temper.

At that time, the stern-looking man was just like that. He didn’t care whether the students listened to the

class, slept, or played on their phones, as long as they didn’t disrupt the lesson.

After all, doing so was showing disrespect toward the teacher.

If Emrys could read his thoughts, he would certainly scoff.

Respect for teachers was paramount but only reserved for those who take responsibility, not for those

who merely recite from textbooks just to fulfill their teaching duties.

Emrys had already learned from Mathias that the doctors who were arranged to give lectures were not

volunteering. Instead, they were receiving a supplementary allowance where one portion was given by

the hospital and another by the school.

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Collecting two salaries while teaching with such an attitude, and still expecting respect? Does he think

this is easy money?

Emrys couldn’t be bothered to be polite with such people. He strode toward the podium and said, “If

you can’t teach, just sit quietly on the side and learn something.”

The man hadn’t expected the young Emrys to be so audacious. The latter had actually dared to take

the podium when asked to give a lecture, even insisting that the man himself learn a thing or two from

him. It was truly an overbearing display of arrogance.

I must remember to tell Desmond about this when I get a chance. He needs to look into it. How could

Jazona University have nurtured such a disobedient student? It’s a downright disgrace to the school’s

reputation. In fact, this kind of student should be expelled!

Of course, these were matters for later.


At this moment, the stern man didn’t fly into a rage as expected. Instead, he chose to stand by and

watch with a cold gaze.

He was rather curious to see how this rebellious student would lecture. If the latter were to stand on the

podium and not be able to utter a single word, the only one to be embarrassed would be himself.

However, what the stern man failed to notice was that the students in the class had completely

transformed from their previous state.

Everyone’s intense gaze was fixed on the podium, focused on Emrys.

Watching a handsome teacher give a lecture was indeed a pleasurable experience.

Emrys began to speak eloquently. “Since you were just discussing the idea of disease prevention, allow

me to elaborate on this concept. But before we delve into it, let’s first, listen to a short story. According

to the classics, there was once a king who sought advice from a renowned miracle doctor. He asked,

‘Among the three brothers in your family, all of whom are skilled in medicine, who is the most

proficient?’ The miracle doctor replied, ‘My eldest brother is the best, my second eldest brother is next

in line, and I am the least competent.’ Perplexed, the king asked, ‘Then why are you the most famous?’

The miracle doctor explained, ‘My elder brother often treats illnesses before they even manifest. At that

time, the patients were unaware of their own symptoms and were cured before they realized it.

Therefore, they were oblivious to my brother’s brilliance. When my second brother treats illnesses, he

often does so at the onset of the symptoms. As soon as the patient feels slightly unwell, he administers

medicine and the illness is cured. Therefore, the villagers believe that he is only adept at treating minor

ailments. As for me, I often treat illnesses at their most severe stages, when the patients are in extreme

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pain and their families are consumed by anxiety. Once the patients recover, they naturally sing my

praises more than my brothers, and thus, my fame spreads far and wide.’ This story revolves around

the concept of disease prevention.”

After taking a breath, Emrys continued, “The miracle doctor’s eldest and second brothers were both

experts in treating diseases before they fully manifested. Typically, upon observing a minor symptom in

a patient, they could predict the future progression of the disease. Addressing this minor ailment in

advance could prevent it from escalating into a more serious illness in the future. This is what we refer

to as prevention in modern medicine. An extremely competent doctor, upon seeing liver disease, can

immediately predict that the next stage will be the disease spreading to the spleen. Therefore, they will

always prioritize strengthening the spleen. An average doctor, upon diagnosing a liver disease, will only

focus on treating the liver, unaware of the need for early prevention of potential spleen disorders. This

is what they call preventing the disease before it strikes.”

Citing from the classics, Emrys spoke eloquently, not only explaining the concept of


preventative medicine but also emphasizing to his students that the more skilled a doctor is, the more

they prioritize disease prevention.

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