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Chapter 483 Soul Gates, 2
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Keng's body slammed into the bed, scaring himself awake. He frantically shot himself into a sitting position, looking around. The comforter was half off the bed and his pillow was on the other side of the room.

"What the hell happened?" Keng wondered. He let out a yawn, tugging at the comforter blanket. It began to pull as he pulled it over him and then felt a hard tug. "What did it get stuck on?"

He pushed the blanket into a clump as he swung his upper body down to look. To his surprise, the comforter blanket was underneath one of the bed legs.

"How did that get there?" Keng asked himself as he rolled off the bed, landing on his feet. His head ached as he spun around and lifted the bed off the blanket. He carefully set the bed down and began to get in bed. Three raps came on the door, turning his tired attention towards it. He let out a sigh as the door opened. Keng just wanted to sleep.

"Have you found a reason why he's been asleep so long?" Philip asked.

"No. He drank a lot with you and the others but Sir Gorrum said he just wouldn't wake up." Lily replied. Lily and Philip stepped into the room, a bowl of water and rag on Lily while Isaac carried some candles.

"He's been out for how many days?" Philip asked, closing the door. It seemed like Lily and Philip paid no attention to the awakened Keng. He awkwardly sat at the edge of his bed, a half-formed clump of the blanket in him.

"Three days." Lily turned to look at him, completely not seeing Keng.

"Hmm. Strange. I didn't even spike his drinks." Philip moved further into the room, stumbling on the pillow. "What's this doing here?" He spun to look at Lily but his eyes glanced towards Keng, registering he was awake. Lily began to turn, almost running into him.

"What do you mean– Hey, what the heck?" Lily asked, catching her balance so the bowl of water didn't splash all over her. Philip and Keng stared at each other for a while. "What're you doing?" Lily rounded Philip and noticed Keng was awake.

"I guess he's awake now." Philip pointed. Keng rubbed his eyes. He was shirtless and casually looking between the two Wang siblings.

"Huh?" Keng let out. "I've been asleep for days? Not a single day?" Lily quickly wandered around, setting the bowl on the ground as she took a seat.

"You were out for a couple of days." Lily confirmed. "You wouldn't wake up. I thought Isaac or one of my brothers pulled a prank on you while you and Isaac were having some dumb drinking contest."

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"Which, I think you won by the way." Philip sat on the other chair. He threw the pillow onto the bed as Keng racked his brain.

"I should tell the Elder and the others you're fine. Elder Jyu'so brought many healers to check up on you." Lily stood up and stared out the room.

"What?" Keng looked at Philip. Philip sighed and shrugged.

"You were asleep so long, Elder Jyu'so finally worried something happened to you. He checked on you and apparently you were in an odd state. Your energy was acting weird." Philip explained.

"Huh? I thought I feel hungover…" Keng yawned. Philip shook his head. He opened his mouth to say something when the door opened.

"He's right there." Lily pointed, stepping into the room. Elder Jyu'so and Sir Gorrum followed in afterwards, staring at Keng a bit worried. Jyu'so and Gorrum hurried over to Keng, the Elder putting a hand on Keng's leg as Gorrum hovered over Jyu'so.

"How are you feeling, Keng?" Jyu'so asked.

"Ugh, fine, I guess?" Keng scooted backwards.

"His gates aren't acting up anymore." Gorrum pointed out. Keng gave Gorrum a confused look as Jyu'so poked at Lee Seng's stomach.

"They're stable." Jyu'so nodded. Keng didn't know whether or not to pull away or ask more questions. Jyu'so and Gorrum moved away, looking at each other like they were continuing their conversation through telepathy.

"What are they talking about?" Keng looked at Lily.

"Well, your soul gates opened randomly while you were out." Lily replied.

"Soul gates?"

Lily nodded and moved next to Philip.

"Mmm. There's energy gates and then there's soul gates. The energy gates are what we usually train to harness our own energy better and create more energy." Lily explained.

"I… I think I know that one. I… I remember something about their being a lot of those gates. But I'm unfamiliar with soul gates." Keng confusingly nodded along to his thoughts.

"There are seven points. Starting from your pelvis area and going all the way up to your head." Lily created a straight line as she roughly pointed out the points. "The first three gates are relatively easy to open. The time between opening gates is longer and it gets heaviest starting at your heart and going up."

"The hardest one is your head." Philip tapped. "It's only five minutes compared to the heart and throat area. It's a very painful experience and if what Elder Jyu'so and Sir Gorrum are saying is right, your gates are open now."

"We have to check for ourselves." Gorrum spoke. His eyes went to Keng, drawing the attention of the three younger Foxes talking. "Opening your soul gates is normally not a thing that just… happens. Someone has to open them for you. Someone who's skilled and won't kill you."

"Wait, kill me? I could've died in my sleep?" Keng asked.

"Yes, but whoever did it managed to keep you alive. You thrashed, screamed, and flew everywhere."

"Almost sent the whole building down with your tremors." Jyu'so added.

"Huh?" Keng looked around. He could see the many cracks in the building.

"Luckily this building is reinforced to take heavy damage. I've been trying to find a way to repair it but everything with the Tomb involves access from the Leader and, well, you were out cold." Jyu'so motioned.

"If nobody opened his soul gates, who did then?" Lily looked at Jyu'so and Gorrum.

"Who knows?" Gorrum shrugged.

"Two bodies, one soul…" Keng muttered, folding his arms together. "Maybe Lee Seng opened our soul gates?"

"Ah!" Gorrum pointed at Keng. "That must be it! Aren't Lee Seng and Keng linked together by one soul?"

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"It's true they're linked… But I'm still wondering how Keng's still here when he's been in his spiritual form this whole time." Jyu'so poked Keng's thighs. "It feels so lifelike. Spiritual bodies aren't like this, normally."

"Well, I did get a bunch of skill upgrades fairly recently." Keng reminded them. "Two Bodies, One Soul. It gave me and Lee Seng a bunch of abilities but one of the skills, in particular, gave me a physical body."

"That explains the body part but his soul, Elder." Gorrum brought up the next question. "Why is his soul like that? Is it because they share one soul?"

"It was radiating a lot of energy the whole time." Jyu'so nodded. He turned his attention to Keng and raised his hand. "It's heavier than before, too."

"Soooo what?" Philip asked. "Does Keng and his partner have too much spiritual energy?"

"It would explain why Lee Seng stayed the same and Keng was born. Lee Seng must've either had a lot of spiritual energy to begin with or when the God King put Keng into his soul, it ignited something deep within Lee Seng." Jyu'so theorized. A knock came at the door and a couple of familiar faces popped in.

"Oh, what're you doing here?" Philip turned and asked the guests.

"There's loads of healers here." Bright pointed out.

"We were sent here to find you two." Win answered Philip.

"I see Keng's awake." Jacob motioned. Philip and Lily watched as Isaac started to spin around and walk out when Jacob grabbed their oldest brother and pulled him int othe room.

"We didn't meant to interrupt if you guys were doing something." Bright apologized to Elder Jyu'so and sir Gorrum. The two older Foxes turned and shook their heads.

"We're just theorizing." Gorrum told them.

"We'll step out for a second and let the healers know we don't need their help anymore." Jyu'so pointed.

"Shouldn't we have someone look at him first?" Gorrum looked down at his master. "There's a spiritual healer here. She came all the way from Pea'ir just to help you, Elder. You should get her to look at him. It'll kill two birds with one stone."

"You're right. Let's do that. We'll excuse ourselves for now. Make yourself at home, you lot." Jyu'so waved for them to have the space. Jyu'so and Gorrum started exiting the room when Jyu'so backed up and looked at them. "And don't start anything funny. I know you two were drunk when you made that bet, but the last thing we need is for Keng to have something horrible happen to him. Got it, Isaac? Keng?"

"I…" Isaac stuttered, looking at the Elder. "I wasn't going to do anything of the sort." Jyu'so looked over at Keng.

"I did what?" Keng asked.

"Good. We'll be back." Jyu'so waved.