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Beyond the Timescape

Chapter 348: Supreme Arbiter Life Lamp
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Chapter 348: Supreme Arbiter Life Lamp

Hearing the Captain’s words, Xu Qing looked off toward the distant, hazy horizon.

“Little Ah Qing, the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar is actually the weapon of the South Tor Ghost Emperor. A lot of people in Emperor-Receiving Prefecture know that, but based on the intelligence reports I saw in the coalition, the truth is that many years back, the Ghost Emperor actually threw that weapon there of his own volition before he died.

“According to the legends, the Ghost Emperor put the weapon there to suppress something very mysterious.

“In recent years, the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar has been stirring, and some people have theorized that it’s being caused by whatever the pillar is suppressing. Others speculate that it’s actually because the Ghost Emperor is about to awaken. Given that the Swordsage Court attacked the Three-Spirits Dao-Suppressing Mountain, I guess we’ll find out the truth soon enough.”

Xu Qing thought about it for a moment. “Eldest Brother, did Emperor-Receiving Prefecture’s Swordsage Court choose that spot for their headquarters because of that suppression situation?”

“That’s the big question. After all, the Ghost Emperor... is just too strong. The Swordsage Court can’t even compare. Of course, that doesn’t really matter to us personally. Our main concern is how to become a swordsage.” The Captain’s face was full of anticipation. “The swordsage’s recruitment event is coming up soon, and I already asked around to get the details. Basically, anyone can participate as long as they’re human and under the age of twenty-six. There’s no requirement or limitation in terms of cultivation base.

“Once we reach the borders of the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar, we won’t need to disguise ourselves. The Swordsage Court prohibits nonhumans from entering the city. Also, humans are forbidden from killing each other in the area surrounding the pillar, although fighting is permitted.

“I found a file in the coalition that describes the recruitment test process, so I basically know how the whole thing goes. This year, the recruits will be tested in two phases. The first phase involves simply getting a spot as a potential swordsage recruit. Normally speaking, only ten percent of the participants get a spot, so the competition is very fierce. The second phase is the actual recruitment test. Normally speaking, ten people at the most pass that test, and sometimes it’s as few as three to five. The end result is that each and every swordsage is an extraordinary individual.”

“That few?” Xu Qing said in surprise. Back at the Three-Spirits Dao-Suppressing Mountain, he had seen a large number of swordsages, and as it turned out, all of them had gone through that testing process.

The Captain could tell what Xu Qing was thinking. “Most swordsages in a prefecture are actually from other prefectures. Only a handful are locals. That’s one of the rules they have.

“If we do well in the test and become swordsages, then we’ll probably be assigned to another prefecture. But that will actually happen a lot later. New swordsages are always sent to the Swordsage Palace in Sea-Sealing County to learn swordsage secret magics and legacies.

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“Later we’ll be given official assignments based on the current state of affairs. Once you’re a swordsage, you have the right to travel on the human ferries. The seven counties inhabited by humans are so huge that ordinary people could never travel through all of them, unless they’re an almighty cultivator. Otherwise, the only way to get from place to place is to take one of those ferries. Disciples from the sects rarely get that chance.”

As Xu Qing listened attentively, he realized that becoming a swordsage would be instrumental in being able to travel the outside world.

Yanyan also listened very carefully. She also wanted to become a swordsage now, as that meant she would be able to be with her Big Bro Xu Qing.

A month passed.

The dharmaship shot through the air northward, getting closer and closer to the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar.

During the month that passed, Xu Qing finally gained a clear understanding of the powers Patriarch Golden Vajra Warrior and the shadow had gained from their respective breakthroughs.

Given what the patriarch was capable of, he was roughly equivalent to a Gold Core cultivator with a single heavenly palace. Because the breakthrough wasn’t complete, Xu Qing got the sense that after he became a full soul automaton, he would be stronger and have more abilities. That said, the patriarch had greater control of lightning. Unlike before, he could tap into lightning to increase his speed to a limit that far surpassed anything from before.

He had another trump card as well, and that was the red tribulation lightning. That specific lightning contained a will of destruction that was absolutely frightening. When unleashed, it could surpass the strength of a heavenly palace, and would have the potential to kill an enemy with a single strike.

With the patriarch interpreting, Xu Qing got a good understanding of what the shadow was capable of now. It now had the secret magic to fuse with Xu Qing and boost his body cultivation power. It also had all its old abilities. However, it could now consume someone else’s shadow much more quickly. In addition to that, its shadow eyes now had a new ability.

It was the ability of extermination.

The truth was that the shadow had always had that ability, except it was too weak, so Xu Qing had never paid much attention to it. But after its recent breakthrough, the extermination magic became almost ridiculously strong. When the shadow used multiple eyes together, the power of extermination it could unleash was enough that Xu Qing now took it seriously.

All things considered, Xu Qing’s current battle prowess was as different from his previous battle prowess as heaven was from earth. He also had more tools at his disposal when fighting. With a host of strategies available to him, it would make it a lot easier to deal with complicated situations and cunning enemies.

Without my poisons and the Shadow Fusion Secret Magic, I can definitely kill anyone under the five-palace level! With the Shadow Fusion Secret Magic, I can crush anyone under the six-palace level. Add in poison... and I should be able to fight a six-palace enemy. Although the differences between palaces in Gold Core is vast, and I would probably end up seriously injured, I should be able to kill such an opponent! If I use all of my secrets together....

He hoped that he never had to try that, because if he did, it would mean he was fighting an incomparably powerful enemy.


Eventually, the heavy snowfall ceased, and the winds died down. Things became clear again, and they could see the countless stars glittering in the dome of heaven. Surrounding them were endless fields of ice and towering, snowy mountains. There were tiny black spots on the mountains, which were scattered boulders sticking up.

The wind was so frigid that when Xu Qing stuck his hand out into it, it felt like his flesh would freeze in a matter of moments. There were no mortal kingdoms here. The climate was so horrible that they literally couldn’t survive. Only cultivators could handle the cold.

“This feels amazing!” cried the Captain from the front of the dharmaship.

Xu Qing looked in his direction.

The Captain stood at the prow, outside of the defensive shield. He faced the wind, his arms outstretched, his face a mask of contentment. Apparently, he didn’t think anything of the frigid cold. After all, his magical techniques created intense coldness, and in an environment like this, that effect would be enhanced.

“I’ve been thinking about coming here for a long time, little Ah Qing. This place is much more comfortable than the sect.”

The Captain laughed heartily. But then, his expression of contentment changed, and his eyes narrowed as he turned to look off into the distance.

Xu Qing noticed the same thing, and also turned to look.

Yanyan had not noticed what they had, but seeing their reaction, she also turned. Her eyes were not sharp enough to spot what was on the horizon. However, Xu Qing and the Captain could see that, far off in the distance was a group of dozens of flying ships, whizzing in their general direction.

The ships looked like elongated willow leaves, with the prow and the stern curved upward. Even more unique, they were made from crystal or spirit stone. When the sunlight struck them, they dazzled with blinding light. The ships came in all sizes, but as they neared, it became obvious that there was one main ship being guarded by all the other ships. The main ship was a different color than the other ships, being deep blue. It had long banners attached to it that snapped in the wind. Embroidered on those banners were the characters Supreme Arbiter.

Xu Qing and the Captain had seen ships like this before back on the Everlasting Immortal Profundity River. They belonged to the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society. [1]

Standing atop the various ships were disciples in white robes. There were both men and women, and they all seemed profound and unearthly. What was more, the mist that swirled around the ships made them seem like immortals.

Standing on the blue ship was a young man who was dressed differently than his fellow disciples. His robe was blue, and the way it flowed down his lean frame made him seem like a lone pine tree. He had skin as fair as jade, sword-like eyebrows, and a generally majestic appearance. His hands were clasped behind his back as he stood at the prow, his expression tranquil and indifferent, as though he were so noble that he existed at the ultimate peak of all humanity. There were few things in this world that could surprise him. [2]

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As the convoy approached Xu Qing’s dharmaship, it didn’t slow down an iota.

They represented the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society, and forgetting the Swordsage Court, the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society was considered the top human sect in Emperor-Receiving Prefecture. When the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society traveled, it was only natural that people from all the other sects would make way for them.

The ships created airwaves as they passed which hit Xu Qing’s dharmaship and caused it to wobble backward.

Xu Qing and the Captain looked on with eyes narrowed.

Not one disciple on any of the flying ships turned their heads to look at them. Their cold indifference was palpable as they sped off into the distance.

Obviously, they were also heading toward the Supreme Beginning Netherflight Pillar.

“Now that’s impressive!” the Captain said, his eyebrows dancing up and down as he watched the ships disappearing over the horizon. “Once we’re back in the sect, I’ll have to check the intelligence reports to see what good stuff the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society has.”

“That one guy was obviously really strong,” Xu Qing said, referring to the young man in blue. From the young man’s fluctuations, Xu Qing could tell that he had a life lamp. This was the only person he had ever encountered who had a life lamp, other than Master Shengyun. historical

“That’s the dao child of the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society, Zhang Siyun. For years, he managed to outdo Master Shengyun here in Emperor-Receiving Prefecture. He’s basically considered the top chosen in the current generation of disciples. [3]

“He surpassed Master Shengyun even in Foundation Establishment, and when he reached Gold Core, he left Master Shengyun in the dust. I heard he has a life lamp and an imperial-class technique. What’s more, he has nine Supreme Vastness Solitary Sabers, which makes it an imperial-class seed. According to the coalition intelligence reports, Zhang Siyun only has four heavenly palaces, but has battle prowess equivalent to six palaces. In fact, it might even be higher.

“Say, little Ah Qing, don’t tell me you were eying his life lamp? Should we find an opportunity to ‘meet’ him?”

Xu Qing shook his head.

The Captain blinked a few times and then chuckled darkly. “He’s not like Master Shengyun. If he dies, the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society would be enraged, and I doubt even the old man could smooth things out for us.”

1. We saw the Supreme Arbiter Immortal Society ships in ????

2. The pine tree is significant in Chinese culture and art. You’ve probably seen Chinese paintings like this one that feature the pine tree. I found an article on the Chinese web which describes pine trees. Here’s a rough translation of a key section: “The green pine symbolizes a tenacious and indomitable spirit. It implies a positive attitude towards life, and a lack of fear of hardships. The pine tree, plum tree, and bamboo are known as the ‘three friends of winter.’ Their tall and straight posture in the severe cold provides encouragement.” ????

3. Zhang Siyun: Zhang is #3 on the list of the 100 most common Chinese surnames. It’s the same surname as Zhang San. Si is a very common character that has many meanings. In this case, it’s the same character that I’m translating as “arbiter” in the name of the sect. Yun means “fortune, luck, fate.” Madam Deathblade says this name sounds like “an old-school government official.” ????