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Becoming Strangers Again by Lily

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 I don't think I can ignore this anymore. The constant tiredness, oversleeping, and inability to keep food down. Although I started feeling nauseous two days ago, the tiredness and oversleeping started over a month ago. Rolling to the side, I ran my hand over Ryan's side of the bed, and as expected, it was cold. I was hoping last night would be different, but he didn't sleep in as usual. Ryan spends most of his nights at the office now. I understand the fact that he is working on a new project, but I'd like to see mor of my husband. The soft knock on the door pulledout of my thoughts, Rolling out of the bed, I grabbed my robe before answering the door. Bella, the cook stood at the other end of the door. "Good morning, ma'am. Breakfast is ready. Would you like to have it in your bedroom or the dining room!" The thought of breakfast made my stomach churn. "I won't be having breakfast today" I informed her, "Sorry for the inconvenience. She nodded. "What about Mr. Williams, will he be having breakfast?" Ryan hasn't been hin one week; well at least he hasn't been hwhen I'm around. "Yes, he won't be having breakfast too." It's better than telling her that my husband hasn't been coming home. Bella gavea short bow before walking away. Closing the door, I walked into the shower, took a quick bath, and changed into something suitable for the day before leaving to meet up with my doctor. Becky has always been a friend, we met during my wedding preparation, and ever since, we've clicked, and the fact that she's a doctor is a plus. Picking up the p picture frof her family on her desk, I smiled at her cute son. Jayden has always been a sweetheart. The door opened and Becky sashayed in. "I'm sorry for keeping youwaiting Lily." She apologized as she took a seat. "Did you wait for long?" I returned the picture to its initial position. "It's fine, I haven't been waiting for long." I jerked my head at the nuts on the table, "this keptcompany by the way." Chuckling, she leaned back and stared atscrutinizingly. "You look sick. Are you okay?" 1 shook my head in response to her question "1 look sick because I feel sick." I'm the type that hardly falls sick. "I've been feeling tired these days, I fall asleep at any given opportunity and I've been throwing up and feeling nauseous at the mention of food." "Any fever!" She asked and 1 shook my head. "When was the last tyou got your period Lily?" My period! I glanced at the calendar on her wall I was supposed to get my period last week. "I'm a week late," I replied, trying not to get over- excited. Many times, I've gotten my hopes high, and many times it was crushed. "Did you get your period last month?" She asked again. My brows furrowed into deep concentration as I tried to remember if I got it last month "I don't think so, Becky." My hand went to my stomach. "You think I'm..." She smiled. “Let's not jump to a conclusion until we have confirmed it through test." Becky encouraged. Getting off her seat, she grabbed my hand and ledtowards the lab where my blood was taken for the test Although Ryan toldthat I wouldn't be going to the event. I went ahead to shop for a dress, just in case he changed his mind. Walking into the store, I respectfully rejected the assistance of the salesgirl, opting to walk around myself and pick out something I liked. An hour later, I ended up with three dresses which I liked, and since I wasn't low on cash in any way, I decided to go for the three dresses. Tonight. I will wear them before Ryan and maybe he will change his mind aboutnot going to the gala. as sinile when I was about to walk into the fitting room when my phone vibrated in any purse. Fishing it out, my lips stretched into a saw Becky's non the scrECTL young lady who walked in withto help with the dress. All alone. I Swiping to the receive soon, I walked into the fitting room and dismissed the your Inally gave Hecky my undivided attention. Is the result out?" 11:28 AM Chapter 2 "Yes," her cheerful tone toldto expect sgood news. "You are pregnant Lily," she blurted out, "the result cout positive." At first, I was frozen, unable to scream or shout, because I was still in disbelief that I was finally carrying my child. "I am going to have to call you back Hecky," I need to speak with Ryan. I need to share this news with him. "Thank you so much for this great news, Becky, you don't know how happy I am right now," Disconnecting the call, I hastily walked out of the dressing room. "Ma'am," the young lady called out, "are you ready to fit the dresses?" Fit what dresses? I have more important things to do. "Package the three dresses and have them sent to my house; I will pay via your website." I ar a regular, so my address isn't a problem, and they know that I do not owe them for any reason. If peradventure I'm low on cash. I do not bother buying Strutting out of the store. I got into my car and dialed Ryan's number to find out if he was still at the office, but my call went unanswered. I called his secretary instead who picked up instantly. "R&W Constructions. How may we help you?" "It's Mrs. William on the line." I said, "I just wanted to know if Ryan is in the office." "Good day, ma'am. I apologize for not recognizing your voice, and no, Mr. Williams isn't in his office. He closed for the day early today." He left already? My eyes went to the dashboard our of reflex and I frowned at the time. It is just two in the afternoon. "Thank you, Martha." Disconnecting the call, I opted to drive hinstead. There is every probability that he isn't home, but since he isn't picking up my calls, I can as well go hand check if he is there. Pulling over in the parking lot, I noticed an unfamiliar car parked next to Ryan's car. Curious to know who was hwith him, I turned off my engine and quickly made my way into the house. Do not getwrong, I do not think he is cheating on me, that is something Ryan wouldn't do, but then he isn't the type to have visitors, which only makesmore curious. Stepping into the living room, I found it empty. I was about to go upstairs to search for him in his office when his familiar voice called out tofrom the dining room. I changed directions instantly. On entering the dining room, I halted at the sight of the guest; what is Stephanie doing in my house? Trying not to let my thoughts show, I stopped right beside my husband. "I called your secretary and she toldthat you already left for the day. Is everything alright?" Ryan doesn't leave the office early even if he is sick. Uttering no word in response to my question, he dropped a big brown envelope before me. I glanced at the envelope with furrowed brows, wondering what was going on. "Open it." He instructed with the tone he takes with his secretary anytshe is getting on his nerves. Unable to keep the worry from my eyes, I picked up the envelope and opened it. Dipping my hand into it. I pulled our documents from within. The other content of the documents didn't matter toat the moment, not when the heading was glaring at me. "What's going on Ryan" whispered. for a divorce. He shook his Slowly turning to facewhilst still scared, he crossed his hand. "What does it look like Lily!" he rasped, "I am asking fo hear, "Scrap that, I am demanding a divorce." 11:28 AM Chapter 3