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And The Daddy Is… The Infertile Guy?!

Chapter 145
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Chapter 145 That night.

In the elite circles of Bayridge City, a sensational tumor was making the rounds at the upscale gentlemen's club Mr. Peterson, the talk of the town, had conquered a bevy of beauties in one night A resurgence of vinlity The ladies who had the pleasure of his company sang his praises, each more enthralled than the last Even the high-society playboys couldn't resist verifying the tales themselves, eagerly sharing their testimonials on Instagram.

Snapchat stories and Instagmm videos were abuzz, confirming that Valor had indeed shed his former, less flattering reputation. His impotence was a thing of the past, and now he was even more formidable than the average man Such juicy gossip spread like wildfire Valor lay sprawled on the king-sized bed of his luxury hotel suite, deftly unwrapping yet another condorn with practiced ease.

He was like a treless workhorse, plowing through the arduous task at hand. His soul had soared to the heavens, leaving only instinct to guide his performance He pondered, just how many were "the more the merrier in the words of Howard? He hadn't stopped all night, and dawn was breaking.

"Mr. Peterson, you're such a stud," cooed the voluptuous lady beneath him, lavishing him with adoration.

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With a vigorous thrust, Valor flipped over, gasping for air, and asked, "Which number are you?" I'm lucky number seven You've had all the prettiest girls at the club tonight." וויו Valor waved her off dismissively and reached into the nightstand, pulling out a designer clutch and handing it to her. "You're free to go Remember to post about it, with pictures.

"Mr. Peterson, you're so naughty, asking for such photos. Everyone knows about your The woman grabbed the clutch, quickly dressed, and sashayed out the door.

Valor catapulted himself upright and gulped down a pitcher of ice water This was backbreaking work, tougher than hauling bricks on a construction site.

valor now" At this rate, his supply of "Happy Wife" wouldn't last eight years, a month, and ten days.

This night's labor wasn't for mere mortals. Not only did he have to keep up the strenuous efforts, but he also had to field calls from his friends, letting them overhear the women's screams to coroborate his full recovery.

No sooner had he quenched his thirst than his phone rang again.

"Hello? It was the playboys again, fishing for the secret to his vitality.

"Valor. What's the magic pill you took to conquer seven in one night? Spill it, man.” Men always competed, especially when it cto virility.

Valor responded with icy arrogance, "I found a miracle doctor" "A miracle doctor? Don't tellit's Enoch?" Valor scoffed, "If you wanna know, keep an eye on Bayridge Hospital's press conference. Don't say I didn't tip you off" He hung up with smug satisfaction He needed to recharge properly today. Tonight, the campaign continued.

Howard had given him quite the hefty mission.

Two days later, at 10 am The press conference at Bayridge Hospital was underway, The affair was grand, the atmosphere charged with seriousness.

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The media invited were reputable national outlets. The conferencen room was arranged with orderly chairs and tables, microphones, and live-stream equipment at the ready. Each long table had bottled water and ncards, neatly sectioned off.


The reporters, dressed in formal attire, were in place. Sfamiliar faces were present too, Dr. Yates and Sandra, as well as the Health Association's Vice President Ferdinand. Ferdinand had made it clear on television Interviews that there was no room for quacks like Gwendolyn, vowing to purge the medical community of such "bad apples." Now, he sat with disdain, eager to see Gwendolyn's last-ditch struggle.

Today, he was determined to see Gwendolyn who had cut into his profits behind bars.

There was half an hour to go before the press conference was set to officially start.

The media outlets began their live streams, warming up the audience.

Many netizens who had been following the "Gwendolyn practicing without a license" saga a were tuned into the live broadcast.

According to the notices from Bayridge Hospital, this press conference was to make a formal make announcement fegarding "The matter of Gwendolyn." It implied that the hospital had uncovered the truth, and there were even police cars stationed outside Two officers stood at the hospital entrance, ready to act on their orders.